Russia is converting and is currently the only superpower with a leader not afraid to practice and defend Christianity in public. Compare this with the leader of the once-Christian West, Barack Obama (or whatever his name really is ), who is publicly attacking Christians at home and killing Christians abroad (particularly in Syria) and who is infected by the spirit of the antichrist. The sharp contrast between the former Soviet Union and the once-Christian West is disturbing and explicit.......and demands a supernatural explanation. I 'll let the signs of the times speak for themself: Russia continues to convert while the West continues to rebel and defy God to His face in public.
Tough to argue with those facts, and they are stubborn things. BO represents the powers that be (NWO), Putin has kicked them out of his country. Russia may end up nuking several countries, but currently, it is the US/West/Zionists who are fomenting wars and persecutions against believing Christians.
David, have you watched them? If not it is you would are making allegations, innuendo and slander towards those who are speaking the truth and defending our Lady of Fatima's specific request. If you have watched them I would be very interested in having you defend your position against any of their specific points. At least then one could see that you are objective and not rejecting them based on your presumption that clergy can not lie or mislead from their own prejudices. Perhaps you could convince others of your position if you could articulate against their specific statements in the video's.
picadilio, could you please tell us what wars and persecutions the US is fomenting and waging against Christians currently? Please be specific, because while I know the US government is not good currently, but waging wars????
David, you are loosing credibility fast. I admit I don't watch much TV, so you will have to educate me. BO is killing Christians in Syria? When? Please defend this statement with facts not rhetoric. Last I heard, Bo worked out a deal with Putin that Syria would destroy all their WMD's.... so BO decided not to wage war there. Please update me! Don't give me this crap that the US supplies the rebels their guns so it is like killing them their selves. That is like saying Remington is responsible for killing people because they made the guns. David, would you say that Russia is converted totally when???> When they only kill, through abortion, 40% of babies conceived instead of the 60% now? Or when sky rocketing prostitution and alcoholism there is down to what percentage? When atheism is down to what percentage there? You seem to believe they are converted by comparing them to other countries who are worse in you own mind and not by God's idea of total conversion. Or is it that you think their conversion process is what... 50 years... 75 years... 100 years in the making?? To many of us, the real conversion of Russia will not be a process of 'we are better than other countires. No, it will be a recognizable miracle by God who will give all credit to His Mother Mary and the whole world will know of their conversion immediately when it takes place, not a prolonged process.
Started under George W Bush. Iraq, kiss all the Iraqi catholics goodbye (used to be 10% catholic). Supporting the Israeli building on Palestinian land, kiss those Christians goodbye. Drone killing in Pakistan, resulting in killing of Christians there. Killing of Moammar Qadaffi in what was the most prosperous African country. Supporting the muslim brotherhood everywhere but especially in Egypt, Christians getting slaughtered there. Syria under BO, just open your eyes. We even were behind the Georgian (not the US state) uprising trying to get a base there in Russia's backyard. How about Kenya, Nigeria with the muslim brotherhood? Waging wars, depends on your definition of waging war is , but our hand is everywhere.
93 Comments Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Thursday continued his outreach to Christian conservatives, telling a gathering of them that the United States is effectively funding wars on Christianity by sending money to nations like Egypt and Syria. "It's clear that American taxpayer dollars are being used in a war against Christianity," Paul said at a luncheon hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition to kick off the three-day Faith and Freedom Conference. Paul said the U.S. war in Iraq led Christians to flee a secular country that had otherwise been "a relatively safe place for Christians," and that Christians are now being hunted in nearby nations. "These countries are not our allies, and no amount of money is going to make them so," Paul said. "It makes no sense. Should we be sending F-16s and tanks to Egypt when (President Mohammed) Morsi says Jews are descendants of apes and pigs?"
Father Fox deceptively conceals the fact that a dubious typewritten document is his evidence. In his article, Russia will be Converted, appearing in the October ’99 issue of Lay Witness, Father Fox claims, "Sr. Lucy told me that God had accepted the collegial consecration of March 25, 1984, and that the Lord would keep His word." Told him? Really? Well, not exactly. Father Fox was not physically in the presence of Sr. Lucy uttering these words. What is most curious about all these computer-generated and typewritten documents purportedly signed by Sr. Lucy that have been appearing since 1989, is that they all contradict what Sr. Lucy has consistently stated on the topic of the Consecration of Russia during all the previous sixty years. The explanations given to uphold the validity of the March 1984 consecration do not reflect Sr. Lucy’s mind, but rather concisely restate the old, discredited arguments that appeared in the magazine articles of John Haffert during the mid-eighties. This curious fact should shed light on the real origin of all these typewritten documents that have been attributed to Sister Lucy. All of these typewritten documents manifest a mind-set that is utterly opposed to the clear and lucid ideas that Sister Lucy has expressed in her published documents, written in her own hand, and manifested in her official statement to the representative of the Holy See — while, on the other hand they very clearly reflect the mind-set of Bishop Cosme do Amaral (who says that "John Haffert is one of the greatest experts on the Fatima messages"), and Mons. Luciano Guerra (the rector of the Fatima shrine, and faithful servant of Cosme do Amaral). In a brief meeting with Father Gruner, in the presence of Father Clarke Moore, Father Fox held up the post card as though it constituted conclusive proof that the Consecration has been accomplished in fulfillment of Our Lady’s request. His position can be summed up as: "Sister Lucy says that it’s done. End of discussion." When Father Gruner began to object that it is not so simple, and there are many relevant questions that need clarification, Father Fox abruptly ended the conversation claiming that Father Gruner was just being obstinate. Such is the hypocritical judgmentalism of Father Robert J. Fox, that a friendly and reasonable debate with him is impossible, because anyone who disagrees with Father Fox is judged to be "obstinate". Carolina, Sister Lucy's older sister, with Father Paul Kramer (left) and Father Martial Berube. Carolina told us that Sister Lucy does not type or write letters on a computer. This important fact demonstrates those letters allegedly from Sister Lucy that claim the consecration is done are indeed fakes.
Sister Lucy said the rosary/prayer can change anything. All I am saying is, perhaps the results of all the consecrations, rosaries, first Saturdays, have altered events. From everything that is visible, perhaps events have changed even though said consecration was not done "by the book."
I've been reading through the comments this morning and on page 3, I love the Fatima Chronology, all the in red really helps explain. Thank you ms7. I am going to copy it and save it.
Read what I wrote on the thread, "What does our Lady say about Priests who do not follow the Pope" You did Good Fatima! I'm glad you had the energy to take him on...I wrote out this thing today chronologically starting with all the apparitions in the 19th Century onward with quotes from Pope Leo XIII and freemasonry and everything and clicked one button and BINGO---it was gone. NADA. I laughed out loud. Stan DID NOT want me to print that sucker... I KNOW better than to write something long on here. I either time out and lose everything or push a button and lose everything...! UGGG. I almost always copy it on a word doc first. Oh well...
Your right of course Pic, All the consecration efforts have made a massive difference to how things would of unfolded if they had not been done. Pope Pius XII effort shortened the 2nd world war.Just left wondering if were gonna see some annihilation of nations before its finally done properly.And a Pope gunned down as in the vision.
One last country US has attacked and persecuted Christians, Serbia. Under Clinton US bombed Serbia on the Orthodox Easter in support of the muslim population. Clinton declared war on the Serbian Orhodox Christians.
Maybe this has been over discussed lately so I hope I don't get in trouble for briging it up. BUT could this be leading to the triumph.