How do I have someone discern my article on john-Sevant of God

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by John Martinez Jr, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus Archangels

    Nov 8, 2012
    East of Ireland
    I have absolutely no appetite for suffering, pain, discomfort, conflict... I want to know I'll have milk for my breakfast and a warm dry bed to sleep in - and the same for my family.
    But like Toma posted somewhere else, for years now there's been this niggle that all I currently enjoy will end, that I shouldn't rely on any comfort for my peace.
    If it was just me, I would say that at this stage I pretty much expect to be nailed to the Church door - and martyrdom might get me out of some uncomfortable conversations at the pearly gates!:oops:
    But I've got family...
    Charlie Johnson has some encouraging words on this matter and I was glad to read them this morning... even if some morning the milk for my breakfast will be sour!
    Pray, trust, don't worry...
    Jeanne likes this.
  2. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    From what I read on his site, the only thing he said so far was to designate a meet-up place for family and friends.

    There were some comments on timing:
    3/8/2014: "The storm began in May of 2009, when North Korea ran another round of nuclear tests. I did not recognize it for what it was at the time. It was not until June of that year when Gabriel came and corrected me when I spoke of the storm breaking sometime in the future. He explained that N. Korea had not just tested nuclear weapons; it had invited observers from rogue Middle Eastern regimes to witness the test, in a bid to act as nuclear arms merchant and technical consultants to those regimes. This, he said, was the breaking of the storm. In the last year and a half, American intelligence services have repeated what Gabriel told me then; that representatives of Iran and Syria were present for those tests."

    In January 2014 he said:

    "At Thanksgiving I received a brief visitation from Our Lord. In the time since then I have been alternately sick and contemplating the meaning of His message. On several occasions I have started to write something here and then pulled back.

    We have now celebrated the last traditional Christmas of the old era. People worry that America is passing away. It is not – it already has. The question is no longer whether or not the patient can be saved, but whether resurrection is possible.

    The period of rumblings is over, the period when events would serve to unmask the ugly realities behind the state’s assault on the throne of God. If you don’t see it for what it is now, you will not see it without the fullness of the storm, so there is no one left to be rescued by delaying the onset.

    Next year the world enters its passion, the time when the old order fully passes away. We have three Christmas seasons of deep and desperate strife ahead of us. And then, if the Son of Man finds a few who still have faith on earth, the Christmas after that, in 2017, will be a joyful celebration of resurrection – joy that what seemed the end was actually prelude to a new beginning. Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you. If you set your jaw and do this things with faithful resolve, even when you don’t feel it, during the great crisis that now is upon us, your children and grandchildren will call you blessed."

    That is his advice: Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you. Excellent!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2014
    little me likes this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think he mentioned China quite a bit too. So too did Maria Esperanza.
  4. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Interestingly enough, all of these points made above can also be made in the reading of Verne Dagenais messages: "God Speaks Will You Listen"
    padraig and kathy k like this.
  5. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    When I think of the prophets who ring true to me, it's interesting to notice how different their voices are.

    Verne's strikes me as a manly message. Mark Mallett's message is clothed with reinforcement from the Saints and the teaching of the Church. Pelianito is scriptural. John is a down-to-earth story teller. Charlie is an intellectual story teller.

    It seems to me that the Lord is sending messages tailored for different audiences, but the message is the same. And now Charlie has given us simple marching orders: Trust God, do the next right thing, and be sign of hope to those around you.

    We have such a good God!!!
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Verne strikes me as true too. It is wonderful to see the convergence.

    Someone sent me word yesterday about another area of the USA which is a refuge, though they asked me not to reveal it. I was looking at pictures of the area and its history, very old and historic on the East Coast. It occurred to me some of these places at least will be very beautiful to live in. It reminds me so much of the HBO films of the Revolutionary War.

    I note people are already moving into these areas, which is interesting.

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