How do I have someone discern my article on john-Sevant of God

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by John Martinez Jr, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I had a dream last night that bears on this. I saw two young men in beautiful white togas standing at the entrance of a porticoed building . One of the who faced with his back to me carried a large unsheathed sword 9The Sword of Justice and of Truth) the other faced towards me carrying an unusual instrument an wooden stick and chain with what looked like iron squares on top ,which was I think a flail for separating wheat.

    A flail is an agricultural tool used for threshing to separate grains from their husks.

    It is usually made from two or more large sticks attached by a short chain; one stick is held and swung, causing the other (the swipple) to strike a pile of grain, loosening the husks. The precise dimensions and shape of flails were determined by generations of farmers to suit the particular grain they were harvesting. For example, flails used by farmers in Quebec to process wheat were generally made from two pieces of wood, the handle being about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long by 3 cm (1.2 in) in diameter, and the second stick being about 1 m (3.3 ft) long by about 3 cm (1.2 in) in diameter, with a slight taper towards the end. Flails for other grains, such as rice or spelt, would have had different dimensions.

    So the flail represents separating the Wheat of Truth from the Husk of fiction.

    I took this as a blessing.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Today's first reading at mass:

    First readingProverbs 2:1-9 ©
    My son, if you take my words to heart,
    if you set store by my commandments,
    tuning your ear to wisdom,
    and applying your heart to truth:
    yes, if your plea is for clear perception,
    if you cry out for discernment,
    if you look for it as if it were silver,
    and search for it as for buried treasure,
    you will then understand what the fear of the Lord is,
    and discover the knowledge of God.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Jul 30, 2013
    I thought for sure I had read the underlined in past private revelation for God is going to protect all the faithful. Today, reading John Martinez, Jr., his testimony in Article 7 at

    Wow, this makes spiritual sense, God can do anything and fits Revelation 12:14. Then, the faithful will all be together.

    "Before the time of the calamity takes place, the Refuges will be ready. For those that are not able to travel, angels will carry them into the Refuges. I saw angels carrying Holy Shrines, Basilicas, even homes into the Refuge. All of us need to try to be and to remain in spiritual order with Our Lord through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is the boss and in charge! I know this personally as She is the one that has been praying for me for many years."

    Apocalypse (Revelation) 12:14
    And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The exact same piece of Scripture has been coming to me , right from the start.

    But I do not want to preempt the Discernment, I am honestly open minded. If I wasn't I wouldn't pretend to do it, having made up my mind already.

    I would say Discernment is one of those occasions where the head must rule the heart. Very much so.
    Jackie likes this.
  5. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    kathy k likes this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  7. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    Thanks for the link. Mark Mallet's newest post was just what I needed tonight. It led me to a gold mine - the writings of Charlie Johnston:

    This from 4/21/2014:

    "When Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation I was shaken. I told one of the priests who has guided me for several decades that I had expected Benedict to endure the Storm. My priest responded, “He might very well endure it – just not as pope.” After Pope Francis had settled in I enthused to the same priest that, much as I admired Benedict, Francis acted like the pope I had seen guiding us through the Storm. I was even more enthused when so many of the false prophets began to wail that Francis was an anti-pope or the anti-Christ. I always draw comfort from the wailing rants of devils. Whenever they are enraged, it means new multitudes are at the porch of redemption."
  8. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    Here's another snippet from Charlie Johnston on 4/27/14:

    "The second thing was an incredibly extravagant promise of a great privilege. I was told that if I accepted and kept faith until the end, not one person I loved would be allowed to perish. All would join me in heaven, through often extraordinary graces. After I did accept, thinking I was a clever fellow, I decided to meet as many people as I could and love them all – even if I didn’t much like them. I thought that was pretty clever until the Lord visited me and told me that was what He had expected me to do – and I would not have been the right guy if I had done otherwise. I felt a little guilty that it was not pure love of God that had tilted me over the edge – until He chuckled and told me genuine love of neighbor is the purest form of love for God we are capable of in this life. He instructed me that those who ignore their neighbor thinking their love is reserved for God alone deceive themselves and are easy prey for the devil."

    I hesitate to share this, and only do so after asking permission. I was made this same promise years ago, and the Lord reminds me of it from time to time. He told me the promise is to keep me from fretting about the salvation of people I love, so I can be peaceful, joyful and generous (qualities lacking in the fretful!), which is my assignment in the dark days ahead. But I never made the connection before that loving the unlikeable extends this privilege to them!

    Reading Charlie's reflection made me weep. I told a friend the other day that it seems like the whole world is made up of irresponsible teenagers who have no idea that they are in grave danger. I feel like one of the few grown-ups, along with the members of this forum. While the teenagers are having a bang-up time at the party, all I care about is getting them home safe. All of them. Whatever it takes.

    I'm sharing this because I suspect this promise applies to everyone who is whole-heartedly seeking God's will in this hour. Ask Him in prayer.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am very much looking forward to reading Charlies writings. I can't help wondering if it is an accident that both Charlie and John have been brought forward at this time? I always thought it was a bit odd that a huge Nation like the USA did seem to have have Prophets brought forward at this time( Mark Mallett is of course Canadian).

    If it is indeed now in process it points to the extreme urgency of the times...
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    So I am reading and will rereading and rereading Johns writings. My initial impression is to thank the God God that they are not boring. :)

    This is the great mistake that many people make, which is to mistake the voice they hear in prayer as messages for the world. These messages tend to be sacharinne sweet and consist basically of, 'I love you', 'Do you love me?. A kind of Spiritual publication of prayer pillow talk which would drive you comatose with boredom in milliseconds. Of course the root of publishing these kind of 'Messages' lies in pride. When the good Lord tells them He loves them they subborn God's grace to mean that God loves them more than any else kind of this, that they are in fact special in the sense of more important, wonderful, holy etc and it through the snores in reading their stuff this comes across quite clearly.

    This does not happen with John's writing. To me he seems to be a very humble man. He is not out for self praise, I think. There is a simplicity and directness to what he writes a find appealing.

    But as I mentioned I am delighted that this so , the thought of reading through a lot of pink emotive sludge over the next week was depressing.

    You know another thing strikes me is that these are not really a series of messages but rather a Spiritual affirmation with a series of commentaries thereon.

    I am tempted to make things easier by limiting discernment to a few simple passages. The rest while interesting and illuminating are not really mystical messages or phenomena as such. In as far as they are they mostly just concern himself.

    I think I might subtract these and just left the central core. as this will hasten things along. I mean the fact that he has been in Vietnam is interesting of course but does not hasten along Discernment.

    I think I will do this tomorrow and reproduce just the relevant sections.. to make things easier.
    kathy k likes this.
  11. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus Archangels

    Nov 8, 2012
    East of Ireland
    i second that emotion!
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The prophetic message John is making can be boiled down to a few brief points (I mean of general interest rather than particular) :

    1. That Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit are preparing . 'Refuges', places of safety in the Hill country of Texas and throughout the world.

    2 . 'It would be a place where no sin would exist, and that his Holy Presence would be our protection.'

    3. That the world is covered with the blackness of sin and that the world is to be cleansed before the coming of her Son.

    4. That we are to enter a, 'New Era of Peace'.

    5. That we need to take certain steps in preparation for events to come: 'The first thing we need to do is to pray to God and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We need to ask Jesus to baptize us in the Holy Spirit, to open up our eyes and our hearts so that He can show us what He wants from each of us. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us to other brothers and sisters that have the same sense of urgency. The greatest gift we can give to each other is our true Christian fellowship and love.'

    6. That there is to be both a Warning and a Chastisement. 'The Lord and Our Lady are reaching out to many Christians to be part of the preparation for Chastisement. A warning will take place first'

    7. That different pasts of the United States would, '..cease to exist'.

    8. That each Refuge will be specially protected; '...... each Refuge would be protected by the Grace and Glory of God'.

    9. That the Refuges will be, 'The Refuge will be a place of holiness and the love of God will be present. There will be many repentant sinners, but no sin will be able to exist in God’s presence.'

    10. That there will be; '.....horrific fighting and chaos outside the Refuges'

    11. That there will be several nuclear explosions in the Continental United States , apparently aimed at cities.

    12. That there will be Signs in the heavens, 'Watch the sun and moon and the stars, when they appear unduly disturbed and restless, know that the day is not far away.'

    13. That we are entering a period of tremendous , direct conflict between good and evil.

    14. Many believers will be locked up, tortured and killed.


  13. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus Archangels

    Nov 8, 2012
    East of Ireland
    I believe, but i don't like - could you get a new 'button' for this reaction to posts?
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    You know I have to say I don't find any of what John says contradicts either Holy Scripture or the teachings of the Church. On the contrary I believe it conforms with but is actually supported by both them and contemporary Catholic Prophecy. More than that if confirms much of what I myself have seen in prayer.

    So in the first place I would say that'

    'I honestly and sincerely affirm that these messages given to John Martinez are worthy of belief and are not contrary to either Scripture or the teachings of the Church.'

    More than that in my own humble, personal opinion they are of and from God.

    May God and His Blessed Mother continue to bless and support John in his most difficult and important mission.

    (By the way I asked John to pray to Our Lady to reveal to him a Marian Secret I know of. This is because I am endlessly nosey about such things and not really for discernment. Though if indeed she does clue him in it would be the icing on the cake). :);):D

    So that's that. Its nice to get a true one coming through after all the chaff. I must go now and read Charlie Johnston's stuff.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I curious ,is it because we are facing such dark days, Bart? I can understand that myself.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I sometimes suspect that the reason why some folks find it hard to swallow stuff coming from people like John is that it is pretty much too awful to contemplate. But the fact that something is really, really awful does not in itself mean it is untrue.

    I think it is the same process of when people are told they have cancer. Their poor doctors have to tell them the news over and over before it sinks in. A process of denial. I personally don't find it so hard as I have know of these things for many, many years...
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I have to say the great outstanding proof of the authenticity of these messages is the humility of John himself.

    These messages are extraordinary but then again these are very extraordinary times. I recommend he pass them on to Spirit Daily for publication. It makes me so sad that none of the mainstream Catholic media would touch any of this with a very long barge pole. Them nor the Catholic Hierarchy.

    How sad. But then they did the same thing with Jesus.
  18. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Charlie Johnston is a fabulous writer - his blog is a must and he writes with great wisdom & humour. He came from a deep south protestant denomination, his Dad is a preacher. Charlie is a Catholic convert & receives visits from angels.

    Charlie Johnston is a former newspaper editor, radio talk show host and political consultant. From Feb. 11, 2011 to Aug. 21, 2012, he walked 3,200 miles across the country, sleeping in the woods, meeting people and praying as he went. He has received prophetic visitation all his life, which he has vetted through a trio of priests over the last 20 years, and now speaks publicly about on this site.

    I'm off to read more - really fascinating stuff.
    kathy k, Miriam and andree like this.
  19. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    I appreciate these insights and thoughts as it confirms for me what I too sensed when reading Mark's blog post and the links he had. I too was especially drawn to the posts of Charlie Johnston. The sense of urgency he conveyed is really very palpable. I am still trying to better understand what he means by preparing- he seems to say find a physical place to go, but is that it?
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I wonder if he has another site online where he lays things out more systematically. ?

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