I was looking around the Fatima Crusader website and I found this interesting link https://fatima.org/about/the-third-secret/
Today is Our Lady of La Salette...what is the connection to Fatima? Are we in the days of the Antichrist being already born? What do you think? I have the notion that much has been fulfilled somehow without being manifested publicly or without realizing it. And many will be greatly surprised by the Day or Mercy followed by the Day of Judgment...(ref.Divine Mercy) From the secret to Melanie: " ‘The seasons will be changed, the earth will produce only bad fruits, the stars will lose their regular movements, the moon will reflect only a feeble reddish light; water and fire will give to the globe of the earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes which will cause to be engulfed mountains, cities [etc.].’ " Planetary cataclysms worse than what we have for now with the Global warming. That brings to mind the published book of the Carmelite nuns in Coimbria where they quote another vision of Sr Lucia of de facto a Pole shift. " ‘The demons of the air with the antichrist will perform great wonders on the earth and in the air, ..." some sort of alien invasion, of the bad ones that I talked already about "‘Behold the time; the abyss opens. Behold the king of kings of darkness. Behold the beast with his subjects, calling himself the savior of the world. He will raise himself up with pride into the air in order to go even up to heaven; he will be smothered by the breath of the holy Archangel Michael. He will fall, and the earth which for three days will be in continual evolutions, will open its bosom full of fire; he will be plunged for ever with all his own into the eternal chasms of hell. ..." Is that literal Apocalypse of John? Anyway. To me it sounds as a gateway to infernal dimension will be opened, may be thru CERN... Frankly I do not want to be on earth at that time!!! And here comes to mind the little known prediction of Jacinta of Fatima, written in the letter of Mother Godinho to pope Pius XII “There is a secret of Heaven and another of the earth, and the latter is frightening, it already seems like the end of the world and in this cataclysm everything will be isolated from Heaven, which will become white as snow.” The only thing that comes to mind about the secret of the earth, is some terrible experiment involving black holes and event horizons to isolate earth from the rest of the Universe. If that happens, time flows very slowly inside the event horizon. There could be 3 years or 3 months inside, and millennia outside...Yes God will break it finally, with the armies of Archangel Michael...
Does anyone have any good links for Mother Godinho? I looked a bit online but the only links I could find were connected with the condemned Bayside apparitions.
in the past I found a Portuguese blog that posted the letter in Portuguese. I don't have the link. Divine Mercy was also banned once. And it seems to me the strange silence of the popes on Fatima is intended not to hide "satan in the vatican" because Paul VI said it already and one does not need to be a prophet to see the affairs inside the vatican are pretty evil. Pope Francis should either reveal the full secret and stop playing grotesque theater, or he (and others) is collaborator of the evil forces...are they evil aliens I don't know. We are not idiots as he apparently treats his subjects who need to only repent and keep silence. He wants to baptize green martians...good! St padre Pio said there are extraterrestrials who didn't sin as we did, therefore no need of such kind of baptism. Seems the pope prefers the ones who sinned, the green martians with long noses and ears, as he showed... and not the angelic looking ones, or should we say the angels of the human type (remember the 4 creatures of Ezekiel and John). May be therefore only Malachi's prophecy will cleanse Rome and papacy