3rd secret content?

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mac, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
    Eamonn, Julia and Joe Crozier like this.
  2. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    70 years ago today.

    "We believe that we survived because we were living the message of Fatima."

    gracia, little me, Beth B and 3 others like this.
  3. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    little me, Eamonn and Beth B like this.
  4. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Wow....I never knew....
    Thank you Mac!
    Mac likes this.
  5. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    A warning from Jacinta...
    The breakdown of morals and customs

    During Jacinta's stay at the orphanage of Our Lady of Miracles in Lisbon in 1920, Our Lady told her, “The sins that lead more souls to hell are the sins of the flesh.” There were other prophecies She revealed to the little girl: “Styles will come that will offend Our Lord very much. Persons who serve God should not follow the styles. The Church does not have styles. Our Lord is always the same.” She said that the sins of impurity would be so great there would be almost no virgin souls. She said that many marriages are not good, that they do not please Our Lord and are not of God. Finally, Jacinta repeated Priests should be pure, very pure!”
    gracia, Shae, little me and 3 others like this.
  6. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I do find it interesting that Jacinta tells us that ''Many marriages are not good''
    While there are some in the Synod asking us to ''Find the good'' in these bad marriages.
    Or even find the good in the same sex folk.
    Was Jacinta a little bit of a Pharisee?
    Shae and little me like this.
  7. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Do the warnings from this little incorrupt seem too rigid to todays problems ?

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    gracia, little me and garabandal like this.
  8. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    So there is more, a missing text.....
    I also agree with Mr. Symond’s conclusion:

    This was truly a revelation because for years it was debated whether or not there were words of Our Lady that explained the vision (which was published in the year 2000). Having the confirmation in Sr. Lúcia’s own handwriting that an interpretation did, in fact, exist — but which was not intended by Our Lady in 1944 for public consumption — was as valuable as it was remarkable. As remarkable as it is, the effort from two-text theorists has been rejuvenated.

    gracia and (deleted member) like this.
  9. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    Pope John Paul II in Fulda, Germany (1980)
    The October 1981 issue of the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens reported on a discussion that Pope John Paul II had with a select group of German Catholics, in November of 1980. The following is a verbatim report of the discussion: Text of the Published Report The Holy Father was asked, "What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published by 1960?" Pope John Paul II replied: "Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. "On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired." The Pope continued: "Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil." At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God." The Holy Father was then asked: "What is going to happen to the Church?" He answered: "We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ & With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary."
  10. Waiting by the window

    Waiting by the window Powers

    Jan 11, 2018
    At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God." The Holy Father was then asked: "What is going to happen to the Church?" He answered: "We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ & With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it.

    I also wanted to point out Revelation 17:9 9And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings: the footnote reads [17:9] Here is a clue: literally, “Here a mind that has wisdom.” Seven hills: of Rome.

    If this chastisement is one of the secrets of Medjugorje, the person or Pope holding the parchment at the time will have three days to announce it to ready the world.
  11. The priest chosen to release the secrets of Medjugorje has already been chosen by Mirjana.

    “When Our Lady entrusted me with the tenth secret, she asked me to choose a priest who will reveal the secrets at the appropriate time. I chose Fr Petar Ljubic. I am supposed to tell him 10 days in advance what will happen and where. We are supposed to spend seven days in prayer and fasting, and then three days before what is to happen he is supposed to reveal the secret to the world. He doesn’t have the right to choose whether to reveal it or not.”

    “When Our Lady entrusted me with the tenth secret, she asked me to choose a priest who will reveal the secrets at the appropriate time. I chose Fr Petar Ljubic. I am supposed to tell him 10 days in advance what will happen and where. We are supposed to spend seven days in prayer and fasting, and then three days before what is to happen he is supposed to reveal the secret to the world. He doesn’t have the right to choose whether to reveal it or not.”

    “Convert quickly,” said Our Lady (Gospa), and do not wait for the sign which has been announced. For the nonbelievers, it will be too late to be converted.” In Her messages, The Holy Virgin puts particular emphasis on daily prayer, Mass as often as possible, penance, fasting, conversion (Sacrament of Reconciliation,) Bible reading and Holy Eucharist. These are the ways to prepare for the coming events which the faithful call “Warning Signs and Chastisements.”

    The secrets will be revealed to the world. Seer Mirjana is the keeper of the secrets. Our Lady "Queen of Peace" has given Mirjana the secrets written on a parchment. Mirjana says she could leave the parchment anywhere and not worry about someone reading it because the writings are an unknown language. Even so, Mirjana says she has no problem read(ing) the parchment. Rumor and speculation caused many to claim the parchment has been tested and is made of an unknown material. Medjugorje USA personally had a friend (who lives in Medjugorje) ask Mirjana about this test. Mirjana said, the parchment has never been tested and is kept in a safe place.

    In a letter sent to Pope John Paul II (now deceased), Mirjana says: “Before the visible sign is shown to humanity, three warnings will be given to the world. These warnings will refer to events which will take place on earth. Mirjana will be witness to these events. The testimony of Mirjana will be a confirmation and will be an incentive to the world conversion.” After the admonitions, the visible sign will be given for humanity on the sight of the Hill of Apparitions. The sign will be given as evidence the Medjugorje apparitions are real and also a call to faith and great conversion.

    The 9th and 10th secrets are very serious. They are punishments for the sins of the world. The 9th and 10th secrets are unavoidable because we cannot expect the conversion of the whole world. Prayers and penance of the faithful can alleviate some punishments. According to Mirjana, the 7th secret which was announcing a threat for the world is mitigated because of faithful prayer and fasting.

    After some 35 years (June 1981-2016) of apparitions, the first warning sign is long in coming. After the first admonition, the others will follow in a relatively short period of time. This extended time we are given now is a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign, humanity will have but a brief period remaining, for conversion.
    Shae and Sam like this.
  12. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    First of all, I want to thank the mods that the old bans are lifted. And to apologize for any misunderstood or wrong views I might have had. Although at the time I acted in bona fide, as I continue to do so...

    On the topic: what could be the secret part of the secret, something that has Not been told in Neues Europa version? (that was approved by cardinal Ottaviani, prefect of CDF). Malachi Martin was categorical that the core element was missing from that version. And we all know there are present the words about cardinal vs cardinal and devil sitting among them...so that is not the Secret secret, although it is a part of the secret.

    Also it cannot be anymore Secret that an asteroid or comet may fall upon us. There were so many films about that.

    So is with the nuclear war. It can happen, it will be terrible, it may be a part of the third secret. But it is not the core element. Neues Europa mentions the world war, and Martin said the core element is still missing.

    I'm thinking of only one major issue that still is kept officially secret by governments and Church, although leaked online by credible enough people. The extraterrestrials... If we assume Our Lady had spoken of them in Fatima, did She speak of good or bad ETs? Or may be of both groups? In relation to Russia, or to more countries?

    Indeed, for all who want to examine impartially the technological boom in the second part of 20th century, it is clear such big advances in so many areas cannot just happen by natural process of reasoning of a group of scientists, no matter how great they were. The jump to the microprocessor from the old TVs is absurd. And we are opening now the gate to the 3D nano printing that is yet another unimaginable jump. In a sense, the nuclear bomb and the satellites are not that difficult to achieve, although difficult if compared to pre-WW2 level. The conclusion is one: somebody helped the human race from outside to build all of that, in a precisely chosen historical moment.

    If that is so, let not be fast to demonize anyone, neither Russia nor any other state that might have been in contact with ETs, until we know clearly who is who among them...

    The time is fast approaching, long after 1960 when both the science knowledge and the elaborated sci fi literature were at the level to provide the necessary understanding...

    I do not say all that to antagonize anyone here who might have different view of what is secret in Fatima. And indeed, all of the several options (satan's influence, WW3, asteroid/comet) could well be inside the secret. But I think it is the time the prayer warriors to open their minds for the larger world created by God, and not to be caught by surprise tomorrow, when we will have maybe tens of different ET groups speaking via internet on each computer, phone, TV screen...Your discernment at that time will be very much needed, dear prayer warriors! And when I say ETs, I don't mean necessarily the little green men...there are also the so called Nordics, indistinguishable from the people in Scandinavia...And many others, according to too many credible witnesses to be disregarded all as forgery...Ex-president Medvedev himself confirmed the presence of extraterrestrial individuals on the Russian territory, under disguise of a "joke" on TV (available on youtube in English).

    It is a pity the Vatican loses precious time! Let they retire at once all evildoers in the Church, no matter how higher in hierarchy those are...Doesn't the pope have the right to do it? And let start explaining what they know as the bigger picture of the truth, communicated by Heaven via "secrets" in Hundreds of Apparitions for CENTURIES if not for all the 1985 years...

    Sorry again if someone feels offended. But let start thinking on that most important matter! Failures of morality have always been in the Church, ref. St Paul. It is a Diversion to make us incapable of thinking of anything else! Tomorrow all will say "Great Deception" without even understanding what is that deception, demonizing blindly angels, with the equal level of risk to follow devils who will look like angels...It is inexcusable for the Vatican to keep silence anymore, when internet is full of stories how the Jesuits and even the Vatican of Pius XII knew and were informed directly of secret meetings...
  13. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    I am thankful to that forum that it published words of Our Lady in Medjugorje and especially in Garabandal, about questions of extraterrestrials. It says it all...
  14. Sorry again if someone feels offended. But let start thinking on that most important matter! Failures of morality have always been in the Church, ref. St Paul. It is a Diversion to make us incapable of thinking of anything else! Tomorrow all will say "Great Deception" without even understanding what is that deception, demonizing blindly angels, with the equal level of risk to follow devils who will look like angels...It is inexcusable for the Vatican to keep silence anymore, when internet is full of stories how the Jesuits and even the Vatican of Pius XII knew and were informed directly of secret meetings...[/QUOTE]
    It's pretty well known that the most powerful telescopes controlled by the Vatican or the astronomers appointed to use them...some at least of whom are, well, again, Jesuits, make no excuses for openly looking for ETs! Then again, Malachi Martin also mentioned that incoming system whose history involved the Nephilim/Annunaki. Can't copy the text on this site which explains
    What the Vatican Has Known about Nibiru for Quite Some Time

    including the interview w/Malachi Martin....."those at the highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics know...what's going on in space, and what's approaching us, could be of great import in the next five, ten years."


    And the possibilities of those other intelligent beings of creation which, btw, have been viewed in certain near death experiences like Howard Storm's:

    Other Life in The Universe

    “I asked them if there were other worlds. And they said, yes, the universe is full of other worlds — and there are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are full of other worlds.”


    But all of this has been out there for quite some time as far as the Vatican's interest and "experience" w/ the ETs. What I believe has been so desperately hidden from the faithful within the 3rd Secret is the prediction of the possibility of Satan's infiltration up to the highest point of the hierarchy, completing itself with the predictions of Akita as the extension of Fatima within the Church unless there was change and certain actions taken as dictated by the Mother of God....and that is what is taking place in full light/or exposure in our time....but still for the purpose of purification and renewal of the Church intended by the Divine Will. And since the Church herself has not complied the Mother Herself will take over to save her children!
  15. The Vatican & ETs

    As you can imagine, the topic of extraterrestrial life dives into various sub-topics, and one of them is the religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, and there are many.

    The first step, however, seems to be to have religious people accept the fact that ‘ET’ doesn’t have to contradict what they believe in.

    For the past few years, the world’s largest church has played a major role in the alien debate.

    For example, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a longtime friend of Pope John Paul II and the Vatican’s leading exorcist, is one of multiple people from within the Vatican who has been very outspoken about extraterrestrials.

    On multiple occasions, he has stated that contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already happened.

  16. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    I am of the firm belief these “extraterrestrials” are angels or demons. The spate of alien “abductions” are demonic. Call them by any terms you wish but they are a deception. Fr Wolfe on sensus fidellium makes a strong case for what I just said. Jesus prepared us in scripture for what we need to know. He is Truth. He never spoke of creatures from outer space but He certainly told us about demons. What a horrifying deception. Years in the making I suspect. With what we know of the deep state/Illuminati perhaps a master plan.
    HeavenlyHosts, Sam, gracia and 3 others like this.
  17. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015

    Yes, they are demonic. From an article from Spirit Daily:

    t’s very exotic stuff, quite popular in movies and on TV, and the accounts are surprisingly consistent. Some say the government is covering up the truth. The problem, says Jordan — now Christian, previously agnostic, an official investigator for an international UFO monitoring and reporting program called MUFON — is that the “ETs” are actually demons.

    Joe came to that belief back in 1993, when, as a secular researcher he listened to an abduction testimony in which the “abductee” recounted how the aliens had disappeared — stopped the abduction — when he invoked the Name of Jesus.

    Why — if they are simply from another planet, or dimension, wondered Jordan — would they flee at the mention of a religious figure?

    “The more I dug deeply,” says Jordan, who had believed it such cases were extraterrestrial, “the more my view changed.”

    It was supposed to be the case that abductees could not resist the aliens: once an abduction started, the victim was powerless.

    But suddenly Jordan was seeing the opposite when the Name of Jesus was invoked.

    The UFO investigator began collecting other examples of aliens dispelled in this manner and at last count had five hundred of them.

    Joe Jordan: Exposing ‘Aliens’
    Carol55, Don_D, Agnes rose and 5 others like this.
  18. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Very demonic
    gracia and Mary's child like this.
  19. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    I agree that we have leaked evidence to say some /many aliens are evil, like the Grey (or little green men popularly known) who abduct people, or the race quoted by most researchers as negative, the fearful Draconians. (the constellation Draco named since the ancient time, is believed to host their home star Alpha Draconis).

    At the same time, demonizing All ET races, only because they come not from earth and we lack understanding of all that, without distinguishing between the so much diverse races and agendas, is as dangerous as to think they all are good. Practically it is to demonize the angels together with the devils...and how then the faithful will accept the help sent from God? The Old Testament is full of examples how such angelic help happens. Will we recognize Raphael today as Tobias did? Gabriel, as Daniel did? I am afraid we will fail, as in many other areas in life, more than previous generations failed.

    To quote one study of someone who might be right for his cases, but does not have all possible cases studied, and based on that to generalize for all cases, is quite a biased approach, or one sided at best.

    I'd offer a better study of Dr Michael Salla, who is quite friendly to the Catholic Church (don't know whether he is Catholic or not). A "Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with humanity".

    Back to the original question: I believe That issue, and not "Satan in the Vatican", is inside the hidden part of Fatima third secret. Because "Satan among cardinals" has already been said in Neues Europa text. And Malachi Martin said categorically that Neues Europa version, however terrifying it might sound, does not contain the core element of the secret. Coupled of other of his words, it is clear what he is talking about.

    Medvedev said it even simpler, ET personages reside on Russian territory...Reagan said it from the UN podium that an alien invasion would have united the earth. Let alone Mgr Corrado Balducci and many others.

    We should accept the truth. As back then the debate whether the Earth is round. And start building the picture further whit the grace given to us, including Garabandal revelation that other worlds also need redemption of Jesus Christ i.e. there are those ET who are neither demons nor angels.

    Some supporting videos

    Medvedev about ET

    Norway spiral on Dec 12, 2009, seen frm Northern Norway but actually originated from Russian territory of the White Sea and stretching 400 km into space (ISS orbits there)

    Kremlin pyramid, video appeared the next night on Dec 13, 2009 after the Norway spiral and Obama peace prize in Oslo. However, the video is filmed before 2006 because the massive rectangular building on the background Hotel Rossiya was demolished after that year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rossiya_Hotel Perhaps the video is filmed even in the Communist time. If the massive pyramid would have appeared over Kremlin more recently, many more amateur videos would have been posted.

    The evidence is clear. ET are here. The question remains to identify who is who and with what purpose.

    And...the Vatican is well inside into the know. I don't have the time to post all leaked information online...

    So when we talk of secrets, better think of the bigger picture that is hidden from us on purpose. Satan in the Vatican, well...and then put the name of pope Francis who will resign anyway within a few years. Then what, put the name of the next pope? And the next?

    Or look for the truth instead. The truth that is still secret. That alone gives the right answer. Nothing else is still secret, not even satan in the church spoken of by Paul VI, except that most controversial topic of extraterrestrial presence.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2018
  20. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Mac, I have mediated on this for a long time, some years ago, before all of this LGBT stuff was fashionable, and what it brought to mind for me was the fact that for decades, most marriages that took place in Catholic Churches were / are contraceptive unions. The Bride and Groom are sleeping together before the ceremony and they are using some form of contraception. They go to the altar and it looks all well and good but the fact is they are entering in to a defective consent.

    I believe that is what was meant by the statement that "many marriages are not good."

    And how can such marriages be "of God"?

    Even back in the days of Jacinta, there was a decadence that had been planted and was growing in society. That is why Our Lady said that one of the village girls who had died, Amelia, would be in Purgatory till the end of the world. Even a 16 year old girl living in an obscure village in Portugal in 1917 could be devoid of her innocence.

    This decadence got worse and worse as the populace turned to mechanical means of contraception, backed up by back street abortions. Margaret Sanger was spreading her influence even in to these villages where life had been simple and pastoral for centuries.

    And then came the sexual revolution fomented by the advent of The Pill - so from the 1960's on, the situation (not excluding Catholic marriage and the family) just got worse and worse and it became the exception to have a mariage that was open to life

    Pat and Patty Crowley founded the grassroots nominally Catholic movement " CFM " and many Catholic families joined that movement, not realising Pat and Patty were actually dissenters of the Church teachings on marriage and the family. They been on the mission of trying to influence the Pope Paul's opinion prior to the promulgation of Humane Vitae. In other words, trying to further destroy Christian marriage. Yet they were in charge of the worldwide CFM. Something rotten is coming out of Chicago. I guess it is and has always been the headquarters of Communism in the USA. Russia will spread her errors.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2018
    AED and HeavenlyHosts like this.

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