The only thing crumbling is the pathway to Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics who refuse to live as brother and sister: "Dr. Sandro Magister, the well-respected Vatican expert, has just today published an excellent overview of the current discussion concerning Amoris Laetitia and the subsequent dubia published by the Four Cardinals. He points out that, among the eighteen bishops and cardinals who have made public statements concerning this matter, only seven have defended Pope Francis’ position. Magister says: “There are eighteen cardinals and bishops so far who have spoken on the issue. And of these not more than seven have taken the pope’s side in lashing out against the four authors of the dubia.” On 21 December, however, an eighth cardinal has now come to the rescue of Pope Francis, with some stunningly contradictory comments..." Also, correction will initially be private out of respect for the Petrine Office and will follow the Biblical formula: "But if thy brother shall offend against thee, go, and reprove him between thee and him alone. If he shall hear thee, thou shalt gain thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand. And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican." - Matthew 18:15-17 Even though the correction will initially be private, Cardinal Brandmüller indicated that he still expects an answer from Pope Francis to the dubia. “We cardinals expect a response,” he said, “as a lack of a response would be seen by many within the Church as a rejection of a clear and articulate adherence to the clearly defined doctrine.”
Fallen Saint, again this is just needlessly hurtful of you to post. I am a traditionalist and have a very vibrant spiritual life. This is not just untrue but extremely offensive and rude for no reason but to cause angst. I don't think you are usually purposefully hurtful like this.
A spiritualist is one who consults demons. Not a good choice of adjectives.
Have you been on this forum before under a different name? No semantics. A plain Yes or No answer will suffice!
Picadillo, You know the irony is that those whos say they are traditional dont actually accept tradition -only their own false understanding of what it is. I have shown today very clearly how the pre vatican II Church was dealing with such issues. It is the same as today. You cant handle that otherwise you would say "ok, maybe Ive got this wrong . Maybe the wisdom of the Church has always been discern and seek exactly the state of a soul presenting themselves at confession" Tradition is alive today as before. Nothing has changed only the circumstances of catholics who live in apostasy and times of great trial. the word pastoral has a bad name -i'll give you that, but in its essence and authetic meaning it is the ability to place doctrine correctly in the concrete situation of peoples lives not so that its a burden they cannot come to terms with, but n a way that illuminates the way forward. remeber Benedict XVI said homosexual prostitutes could maybe use condoms as a first step in recognizing responsibility. But condoms are banned right? Yes, but the Pope's theology told him that it could open a chink of light that may lead to a path of repentance.
Yes you all know I am Joe right? What is up with you. Have I once questioned who you lot are. What is your problem??? Why is it so important?
Semantics used. You have been on this forum before under a different name otherwise you would have given me a straight answer in the negative.
He didn't say the male homosexual was in a state of grace did he? No - the said male was still involved in abominable actions that make even the demons embarrassed!
The issue wasnt wether they were in mortal sin, but the fact he sacntioned condom use even though they are banned!
I did not know he mocked and scorned 'traditional" catholics while at the same time heaping praise on atheistic abortionists. Or made this current proposal. Or wrote that committing climate change, what a joke, is a sin. Saying that building walls is not Christian while living in a walled enclave with a security force. Must be nice I wish we all had that. Or says he doesn't get involved in politice while at the same time saying it is not Christian to build walls whenever he is asked about Donald Trump. I am not as sophisticated as you and please spare me your catholic bs but that is what I call a lie. This pope is a bully to trads, you may use your sophistry to say he has the same whatever as Pope Benedict, but I sure can't see it.
I didnt ask for a sermon on Pope Francis, I asked simply: do you accept that on this particular issue that has possibly caused Paidrig to excommunicate himself, that Ratzinger was suggesting a pathway was possible for remarried catholics to recieve Holy Communion?