Will I be banned for the Truth?

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SteveD, May 11, 2014.

  1. Miriam

    Miriam Archangels

    Jul 15, 2011
  2. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

    Aug 10, 2013
    Same here with my husband........he is a believing Catholic, and a very good, moral man, but on the liberal side. Sometimes it is very difficult for me, because our values and way of doing things aren't always the same. This thread gives me a lot of hope. He grew up in a liberal family......very nice people, just misguided and poorly catechized. Of course none of them believe me because I am "only a convert" and they are all cradle Catholics. His uncle is a liberal priest, and of course they believe what he says over what I do :-(
  3. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013
    I usually just say something like "Oh Immaculate Conception, Mediatrix of all graces, Daughter of the Father, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mother of the Son; You who are ever immersed in the life of the Holy Trinity, I today renew the consecration of myself, along with the consecration of my wife, my daughter XXXXX and my daughter XXXXXX (I also add whoever I am praying for) to your Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart that is forever fully in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I entrust all to you and I thank you for always leading us deeper and deeper into a complete conversion of heart so that we may become ever more faithful disciples of your son. I ask that you intercede on our behalf that your Spouse the Holy Spirit may open our minds and hearts to know and love God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ever more profoundly each day. Please intercede on our behalf that we may be freed from all our blindness and self righteousness and be moved to a truly deep humility of heart that we may always and everywhere join you in the constant fiat you offered the Father through the Ark Angel Gabriel: "Let it be done onto me according to Thy word".
    Miriam and RoryRory like this.
  4. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013
    Miriam likes this.
  5. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    What a beautiful prayer!!! I'm sure it delights our Mother. How could she resist getting it answered for you?:)
    RoryRory likes this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    These taps on the shoulder give us such wings to fly. When I started out I used t think being regarded as a religious nut hurtful and cause for soul searching, now I take it as a great compliment. :)

    One of the many benefits I find of getting older is the thick skin of a greater perspective.

    I love dreams, Scripture is chock full of them. We live such busy lives , often it is the only way God has to tap us on the shoulder. So few quiet times for God to speak. When I wake us in the morning two large white dogs are usually staring down at me eager for a walk, a nice morning welcome. But yesterday I felt the strong presence of the Lord standing by my bed laughing down at me. I had been praying very hard for someone for a couple of days and I prayerfully heard the Lord say, laughing, shaking His head,

    'When you want something you certainly don't let go'.

    I love these moments in dreams or prayer when God breaks through.
    RoryRory likes this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    You have a wonderful grace of understanding of vocation. Marvellous in a time of deep confusion and twilight. For if we don't know where we are headed, how will we ever get there?:)
    RoryRory likes this.
  8. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013

    We have a great calling in being in these difficult relationships. It is similar to what our Blessed Mother said to the girls at Garabandal regarding that they themselves will have to go through a period of doubt and confusion to mimic how the world is. We are being called to be Jesus to our Spouses and also experience what he experiences with so many souls in the world that are not turning to him.

    The reality is, we all know that the world is in a grave state of being that is worst than that of the time of Noah and we are in personal situations where we experience this first hand. We are experiencing personally in the micro what the world is before God in the macro. But it is truly a gift to be in these situations (though it often does not feel this way when we have to deal with so many difficult moments with our spouses). We are being given the intimate gift to join Jesus in his Agony in the Garden when he saw and experienced all of these to an unimaginable degree (I don't know about you, but I have yet to sweat blood :) so even though this burden seems personally overwhelming at times - like it was this weekend for me - it is only a small taste of what Jesus actually went through). It is truly a gift to be able to join Jesus in his Agony and offer it up with him to the Father and give him some consolation (we actually do in our present time give him consolation that actually took place back 2,000 years ago when he was actually suffering in the garden - what a profound mystery!!!).

    My wife is a Muslim by culture (she does not believe or practice the Muslim religion) who is a very liberal, feminist minded person (who believes in abortion on demand, Gay marriage, birth control, etc.) who thinks all organized religion is man made and causes the problems of the world. She is a "spiritualist" (an often unfortunately watches Oprah's show on spirituality) in that she does believe in God and does from time to time pray and she does have a good heart. Just like so many in the world today she is blinded by the way she was raised and schooled and can't see what will bring her true happiness. However our prayers and sacrifices, Rosary's and Divine Mercies on our spouse's behalf in union with the passion of Jesus, will bring about their salvation.

    The beauty of how God works, is that our suffering and having to deal with these difficulties is also the way in which Jesus is bringing us more intimately closer to him as well. The world and the fallen angels/demons want to suck us into it's black hole of separation away from God, so having to deal with these difficulties is one way in which Jesus and our Blessed Mother keeps this from happening and keeps us intimately close to them.

    One thing I would highly recommend besides praying many Rosaries and Divine Mercies, is to spend as much time as you can before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and receive him as often as you can. The strength you will receive through this, will be everything you need to be able to endure anything that happens within your family.
    RoryRory and Heidi like this.
  9. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013
    Thank you Padraig - I had studied to be a priest with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary back in 1986-1992 and left after 1 year of taking temporary vows (a great experience that created the deep well of faith within my heart). When I left, instead of staying strong in my prayer life, I went in the opposite direction and went through a period of extremely sinful behavior. I met my wife 2 years later while still in this state.

    Slowly our Lord brought me back to him and over the last 4 years has brought me full circle back into a deep intimate life with him. Because I rebelled against my vocation, I will always have to deal with this wound in my heart - I know I was called to be a priest and when you are not able to fulfill what you were called to, it is very hard on the heart. However, God is so good to us, and the situation I am in now is the exact situation I need to be in (what a beautiful mystery!). Thanks to his grace I belong to him, and only want to do what he wants of me. I pray for priests and seminarians every day that they may receive the graces to stay faithful to their vocation.

    I consecrated myself to Mary back in 1985 and she has always watched over me and never let me stay departed from our Lord. All my experiences have given me an empathy and humility that I know I needed in order to be prepared for what is coming in the next few years. Praised be Jesus for his Mercy and Love!!!!
    Jeanne, RoryRory, Heidi and 1 other person like this.
  10. Allyd

    Allyd Principalities

    Jul 20, 2009
    I pray this consecration prayer to Our Lady for my family daily:

    My Queen, my Mother
    I offer myself and my entire family of (and here I give names)
    entirely to thee.
    And to show thee our devotion, we offer thee this day
    our eyes, ours ears, our hearts and our whole beings without reserve.
    Wherefore thou art our good Mother as we are thine own
    keep us, guard us as thy property and possession.
    Jeanne likes this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I always wanted to be a priest since I was about five or six years old; it never worked out. Sometimes I kind of day dream about saying my first mass and how I would die of happiness at that very moment.:)

    But you know a priest asked me one time if I was not bitter I had never become one and I said, 'If God had wanted me t be a priest no one in the world could have stopped it' and if God had not wanted me to be a priest no one in the world could have made me one'.

    Looking back I simply was not ready, enough , not mature enough , not holy enough . Neither I suspect were you, we would not have been holy priests and there is nothing worse in the whole world than a priest who is not holy.

    Do I have any regrets? No . Things have worked out just the way God wants them, for me as for you; for as Paul says in Romans , all things works unto the good of those who love him.

    I read from time to time people on the forum of folks whose spouses are either not Catholic or following God. I always think to myself how strange and wonderful that must be in many ways, But a sitting target for Evangelization.

    I have been asking myself the strangest question all day. Was Jesus ever embarrassed.? The priests in the monastery have discovered I reported them to Rome for breach of Canon Law to Archbishop Mueller. The priest I chiefly pointed the finger at today walked into the Sacristy to confront me.


    I do Eucharistic Minister there every day, there will probably be a posse of priests waiting to hang me there tomorrow. I feel so embarrassed about the whole thing I think I could crawl under the table and Die.

    But I am not sorry I reported them. They were doing wrong.

    But I can't help wondering if Jesus ever got a red face and stutterred? :cool: I have been praying to Him all day asking Him to fix things, I can't imagine what but He's God He'll think of something,like maybe giving me a bit of back bone. :)

    You're never too old to get a red face. Must get my answers ready for the priests in the morning.They are gonna come a gunning.
    RoryRory likes this.
  12. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    I had a similar experience this week-end. Personally, I would rather eat a bug than confront anyone; it's just not my nature. But I confronted my husband about his disobedience to Church teaching. He accused me of hitting him with the "religion stick", and is not speaking to me.

    I believed what he said about me - that I was being self-righteous, judgmental, etc. I went to the Lord in prayer for forgiveness, and heard that there was nothing to forgive. I acted under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

    The lesson, I think, is that we have to lose our fear of man, and fear God alone.
    Jeanne, RoryRory, Andy3 and 1 other person like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Well Kathy I have faced bomb, bullet, imprisonment and fear of death but I have to say I would rather any of these than face a passe of angry priests on their own turf. Not that I would not have answers for them, not that like you I think I have done anything wrong...but it makes me want to head for the hills. Anyway I have a strategy ,I will abandon being Eucharistic Minister and sitting in the front seat in front of the shrine of Our Lady and sneak in the back door and take the backest seat in darkest nook and hope no one notices me cringing and hiding away down there.:rolleyes:

    I have done my little bit and complained to Rome but there is no moral compulsion for a big scene in front of the whole Church. If God really wanted me to face them down I would face them down, though I would rather be boiled in oil .Thankfully this is not a requirement.

    You were brave to speak the truth Kathy, it is not easy.

    At work a while back the conversation came up about a New York taxi driver who found a large sum of money which he found back to its owner. A gentleman laughed at this and said how foolish this man was. I said I would have done the same and was laughed at. I insisted I would that not to do so was very dishonest. I got an incredulous stare. I have to say my opinion of this gentleman suck to sixty degrees below zero.. no moral compass whatsoever. It is not a matter f being judgemental just knowing simple clear right from simple clear wrong. If people cannot even tell the difference then they are living on another moral planet and that is that.

    They cannot see the ten commandments through a radio telescope they are so far away from their life.

    kathy k likes this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    :DGot a sermon aimed at myself (I supect) all about the virtues Ecumenism. I felt like Martin Luther , crouched behing a pillar.
  15. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    The enemy hates you ferociously. Take this persecution as a badge of honor.
  16. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013

    You nailed it when you said "I was not ready...we would not have been holy priests..." That is what was my main motivation for leaving - I did not want to be a scandal and as much as I wanted to continue, I knew I needed to leave and God was working through this process. God blessed me with a tender heart that often had moments of intimacy with him and that always deeply knew his mercy (even as a young boy), but my will was weak and I did not have control over my senses at that time. I give all to God and trust in him - if he wants me to be a priest than he will bring it about. In my heart I still strongly feel the calling, and also have discerned that at some time in the future my calling will be fulfilled. We recently had a priest at daily mass who was ordained in his late 60's. I am 47 now. God flooded me with consolation when the priest told us this. Either way I am happy to simply continue daily to say with our Blessed Mother "let it be done onto me according to your word..."
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Well I have no doubt that heaven at least will fulfill all our hopes and dreams. :)

    God will never sell us short, as is written the only true failure in life was never to have been a saint. ..and with God's grace we can:) all be saints.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Jul 30, 2013
    Blue Horizon, hi,
    This is why each messenger's messages are a bit different. God speaks in the manner of their way of speaking and thinking and still states what He wishes. God can do this.

    Here's another link to God Speaks Will You Listen messages. I like it because you can do a word search. For quite a few years, I have posted GSWYL messages on discussion forums for doubters and for non-Catholic Christians because of all the Scripture reference explaining the end times.

  19. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Jul 30, 2013
    Blue Horizon, :) oh my,

    I thought I was looking at the latest page in this thread. Your comments were from the 2nd page. My previous reply about the prophets messages are all different in style because they are given in each person's way of speaking and writing.

    I remember a message given Lec of the Philippines. Lec received His messages directly after morning Mass, having received the Holy Eucharist.

    + + +

    What I Heard
    November 21, 2008
    6:50 AM
    From the Still, Small, Inner Voice
    Son, receive my anointing for you to hear and write in my behalf. Yes, you are hearing your own thoughts but since your thoughts are in accord with what I want to convey, then I say again I anoint you and bless you for that. You are correct in saying that I direct your thoughts because you have surrendered your will to me. I use your own words, your writing style to transmit the thoughts I put into your mind. Therefore, do not fear that you are saying things I did not say. Do not fear that you will be held accountable for what you many times think I did not say but you write anyway. I look into your heart and see your sincere desire to serve me since your joy comes out of serving me. Do not worry on what people say against you. That is to be expected. You know how much opposition my Son Jesus encountered on His short stay on earth. You very well know the prophets of old and the latter day saints had to endure to serve me and my son (Jesus). As long as my anointing rests on you, be brave, face the world and persevere. You very well know the rewards for those who serve me.
    Jeanne and kathy k like this.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Jul 30, 2013
    I was thinking today of the Warning and the Gospel verses about Our Lord being lifted up and we will see who we have pierced. Verses spoken of in God Speaks Will You Listen.

    ...How few were truly prepared for my first coming. The situation in your world today is similar to the pagan world of my day. Once again mankind needs a redeemer. The redeemer has already come and redemption has been won. But Satan has deceived the majority of mankind not to believe in me or even know I exist. My church is my light and presence on this earth. Now, many in my church are not spreading my gospel of salvation. As a result, many souls are in danger of hell fire. The time is soon when the head of the church will reveal himself to all mankind. Read John 12:32. And I,if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. Read John 3:14,15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting. Apocalypse1:7. Behold he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. My son, I was lifted up on the cross and suffered, died, and was buried to atone for the sins of all my children. My son, I am lifted up again during the Holy mass at the consecration of the bread and wine. My son, I will be lifted up again, during the warning or the illumination of conscience. During the warning, all of mankind will know I exist and that I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:54. When I died the centurion remarked: Indeed this was the Son of God. At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering. This event will take place soon in your measurement of time. I do not give exact dates to my people. If my people knew the date, many would become lazy, lukewarm, and continue to live in sin, until that day. My word says in II Corinthians6:2. Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation. Do not wait until that day. You have no guarantee you will live until that time. ...

    picadillo likes this.

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