World Peace

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by padraig, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Thank you!!!!
    heyshepard likes this.
  2. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Jan 12, 2015
    Well, I know some of you don't want to talk about Charlie Johnson, but I am now wondering if he wasn't right? He said to expect civil chaos which we are now experiencing and have been for quite some time. I think what upset the apple cart was when Trump was elected, but is he really running the country? I see so many signs of a shadow govt., and I don't think Trump is allowed to run the country, therefore I concede Charlie was right. Maybe not in the way we expected . . .just sayin'.
    Byron and CrewDog like this.
  3. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Hi Katfalls, I think that what Charlie's message got across was right in some ways, praying and trusting in Our Lord and each one of us taking the next right step in our daily lives. Personally I took this to mean pray the rosary daily and abandon myself and my family to Our Blessed Mother. Trusting in her Son. This was a message of hope.

    However anybody paying attention can see the state our Church, nation and the world is in and has been for decades now. I really liked Charlie's message until he came out and said that Obama would not leave office. This was where he lost me and I am sure many others completely. Unless people in the US have been living under a rock for decades it's been plain to see that the US government has had it's own agenda. The media and election process made this even more clear. Now we have sponsored civil chaos. This has been happening all over the world. Sponsored by men and women who seek to remake things in mans image.

    So, I guess one could come to the conclusion that he was right but in that case so are a whole slew of people who are not visionaries or even religious for that matter and can simply see the times we are in.
  4. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    One did not have to be a prophet to see that chaos was already well in motion in this country. The least bit of political attention could see a great division taking place in the US for decades now. Charlie was a politician at heart, which he admits. It is also no secret that this division could not have taken place without a willing media dominated by socialists/communists, which make up the larger part of the democratic party leadership now. Trump is running the country, but is having to fight for every inch of his progress. He has brought back stability in the armed services and has brought some strong tough characters into his cabinet. I am much more comfortable with our military leadership than I have been for decades. America like so many other countries are going to eventually fall, as so much prophecy attests to. North Korea will make sure of this, even if it is started with its neighboring country of South Korea. The diabolic plan is well underway.
    heyshepard likes this.
  5. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    Donald Trump may be president and may sit in the Oval Office but perhaps Obama and co are still calling the shots and orchestrating things on a large scale. One can be in office but not in power. So although Trump is now president in name, maybe Obama never really stepped down in any real sense.
    Byron, Katfalls and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  6. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    I think the intense prayer that went up last year from every Christian sector mitigated the chastisement. Clearly in the eyes of the NWO trump was not meant to win and they are in full battle mode trying to oust him. We need to Pray and Intercede with might and main for our country here in US. We have a bit more time--/ but we must pray prayers of protection against these dark forces. In the subject of Mr Johnston I am sure he was sincere but he made some claims that as a Catholic I have to pull back and say anyone can say anything and without discernement from qualified priests and his Bishop we must stay well away from his pronouncements that he claims come from heaven/ his angel etc.rspecially now when there is such a glut of "seers" out there. A lot of truth intermixed with hidden falsehoods can be deadly and destructive. I speak in a general way not about him specifically. I just think we are walking through minefields. Stick with church approved Mystics and study the approved appearances of our Blessed Mother in this century. Stay clear of the others claimants. That is my guide anyway. Just my two cents.
  7. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    It's called the Shadow Government, and yes, you have said quite a bit of truth, David.
    Byron and Mario like this.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    AED, yes we need to pray prayers of protection for our leaders. I have just begun to do that.
    AED and Harper like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
    AED likes this.
  10. Harper

    Harper Guest

    Charlie Johnston said:

    "I only have eight public prophecies that I insist on. Only the visible, miraculous Rescue by Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception in late 2017, is time sensitive. Five things must happen between now and the Rescue, but can happen at any time during that period. They are:

    – The continued toppling of governments throughout the world, including that of the U.S. The toppling of a government does not mean the nation shall fall.

    – The confrontation with and fall of political Islam.

    – The mass conversion of most Muslims

    – The confrontation between the Judeo-Christian world and the current government of China.

    – The alliance between Russia and the U.S. to lead the Judeo-Christian world to endure the confrontation with China.

    -Then, after the 5 things above comes the miraculous "Rescue" through the Immaculate Heart of Mary sometime in late 2017.

    Then there are two prophecies that happen shortly after the Rescue. They are the unification of the faithful into one flock under one shepherd and the building and location of the Shrine of thanksgiving for the Rescue on Mount Meeker in Colorado.
  11. Harper

    Harper Guest

    Charlie Johnston, who used to post here at MOG, said this . Yet he is still posting on his blog, insisting he misinterpreted the prophecy. He's even launched a podcast series to attract new followers:

    "An absolute key, something not subject to interpretation on mine or anyone else's part, is whether or not the next national leader in the US comes from outside the political system and Obama does not finish his term. If that failed, then you would not need to view me with more skepticism. I would take early retirement after wishing you all well and still encouraging you to acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope. But the large sweep of what I have been told all my life, have told my Priests for 21 years, and written publicly about for three years has been true. I promised, beginning when I was a boy, to speak in His name if these things came to pass. I would be a miserable worm if I did not keep my promise.
  12. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    In a sense Obama has not finished his term. President Trump, whatever one thinks of him, is the lawful and legitimate, democratically elected President of the USA. He is president but he is being mercilessly obstructed and vilified and is not being allowed to govern. Whose is the hidden hand behind all of the protests against President Trump? It seems profoundly anti-democratic forces are at work to derail the Trump presidency and drive him from office.

    This whole drive to obliterate monuments reminds me of what happens under communist tyranny. All traces of the past must be erased and history rewritten to create a sort of year zero like Cambodia under Pol Pot.

    Our Lady did say in one of Her apparitions " when communism comes again".
  13. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    I foresee severe and dramatic civil conflict in the USA in the near to medium term. American society seems bitterly divided and the hatred and bitterness seems to be endless. Civil war is the logical outcome where a society is so polarised. It would not take much it seems to spark a civil war now in the USA. The Soviet Union exported communism to the West and implanted the ideology of communism deep into key important institutions in the West including but not limited to the media, schools, universities, the Church, lobby groups, political parties, industry, civic society groups and the voluntary sector. The fruits of this implantation are now being seen. Should these new communists ever come to power in the USA, or Britain I expect that in time the Church would begin to experience persecution, soft at first but eventually like that under atheistic communism in the Soviet Union.
    Mary's child, AED and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  14. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    People wonder how can Our Lady speak of "when communism comes again" as they believe it was defeated at the end of the Cold War in 1989/1990. With hindsight I believe Communism only appeared to have been defeated. It may have fallen in Russia but by then it had been successfully transplanted to the West. When communism comes again, this time it will be in the West.
  15. Harper

    Harper Guest


    Earlier this year, the archbishop of Denver felt it necessary to instruct Catholics not to condone Johnston's failed visions (plural) or attempt to reinterpret them to make them correct. The first warning came in 2016, when Archbishop Aquila announced Johnston was banned as a speaker in the Denver archdiocese, and urged extreme caution in dealing with his messages.

    Denver, Colo., Feb 16, 2017 / 02:14 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- New claims that messages from alleged visionary Charlie Johnston have been approved by the Church are false, the Archdiocese of Denver clarified on Wednesday.

    Mrs. Beckie Hesse, who posts on Johnston’s blog under the name “Beckita,” seemed to claim in a Feb, 7, 2017 blog post that Johnston’s alleged visions “have been fully approved by the Church.”

    “In order to ensure that the faithful are correctly informed, it is necessary to publicly state that Mrs. Hesse’s claim is false,” the Archdiocese said in a statement in response to the post.

    “The events of 2016/17 have shown that Mr. Johnston’s alleged visions were not accurate and the Archdiocese urges the faithful not to condone or support further attempts to reinterpret them as valid,” the statement concluded.

    Charlie Johnston is a blogger who claims to have received visions and messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angel Gabriel and other saints for most of his life. He has blogged about his visions and predictions since 2014 on a Wordpress site entitled “The Next Right Step.”

    His predictions include warnings of a worldwide civil war, as well as many political predictions, including that President Barack Obama would not finish his second term and the toppling of the U.S. government. He has also written about how to survive if the U.S. government were to start rounding up conservative Christians into detention camps.

    Since 1998, Johnston has warned about “The Storm”, a period of major political upheaval, which he claims the world is in the midst of right now. He has predicted a rescue from “The Storm” at the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary by October 2017. As his many of his predictions regarding the election and other events proved inaccurate, Johnston announced after Inauguration Day that he was stepping aside from the public scene. Hesse has been posting from his blog this month.

    Johnston has said his followers should not focus on his predictions, but instead on doing the will of God in the moment, hence the title of the blog.

    But those same predictions garnered enough attention and followers that Archbishop Samuel Aquila with the Archdiocese of Denver launched an investigation into his writings and speeches. A special commission composed of two theologians and a canonist reviewed material from his blog, videos of presentations from various parts of the country, and an archive of his writings from as far back as 1998.

    The findings of the commission, which were released in a statement in March 2016, urged extreme caution among the faithful when it came to Johnston’s messages, and also announced that Johnston would not be approved as a speaker for the Archdiocese.

    “After reviewing the commission’s findings and in keeping with his pastoral office, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver has decided to strongly advise the faithful to exercise prudence and caution in regards to Mr. Charlie Johnston’s alleged divine visions and messages. As has been demonstrated with other alleged apparitions, the danger exists of people placing greater faith in a prediction than in Christ’s words and promises,” the Archdiocese announced in a statement last year.

    “For those who are disappointed by this finding, the archdiocese encourages them to seek their security in Jesus Christ, the sacraments, and the Scriptures. The faithful should also remember Christ’s words: ‘But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father’ (Mt. 24:36).”

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2017
    AED, HeavenlyHosts and Don_D like this.
  16. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    Hi Harper. Just to make it clear I neither endorse nor condemn Charlie Johnston - I have no view on him or his writings and of course defer to the judgement of the Church authorities. His prophecies are not my concern. My comments are about my observations of what is happening in the USA and the West more generally. The prophecy where Our Lady spoke of communism coming again has nothing to do with Charlie Johnston. It comes I believe from a Church approved apparition.
    Don_D and Harper like this.
  17. Harper

    Harper Guest

    Not a problem, David. Charlie was the subject of pretty heated debate on MOG up until the Inauguration. I just posted that information for the record.
    David Healy likes this.
  18. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    Hi Harper. In my view the task for all of us remains what it has always been: to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. For me this consists of frequent Mass, daily Rosary and other prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, spiritual and corporal works of mercy and regular confession. I am a simple man of simple faith.

    Prophecy, while interesting is tangential not central. Ours should be a faith of trust and confidence and joy and most definitely not fear.
    Mary's child, Don_D, BrianK and 4 others like this.
  19. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Jan 12, 2015
    I stand corrected . . .sorry I mentioned it :-(
  20. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    "It will begin in Venezuela." Communism is coming to America like a thief in the night. Obama never really left. Charlie was right. I pray for Trump. He has been so courageous in this fight.

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