Very cool! And it was reported this morning that the Russians are getting a far tougher battle than they anticipated! They aren’t just surrendering to Putin. Five soldiers stationed at a island off Ukraine took a bullet rather than surrender to the Russia ship that threatened them with death if they didn’t willing surrender. God bless them and their sorrowful families.
Hi all. Just a bump reminder that we will be praying our virtual Rosary around the MOG forum starting in 10 minutes. For those that may like some “company” this link may be helpful. and if you can’t do it now, definitely do it later. The Rosary is our weapon of Choice. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Putin ... isn't coming out of this like he had planned. I sure he thought it would be a cake walk... he was just going to stroll into Ukraine and take over...NOT!!! Even his own people are protesting the war and are being thrown in jail!! Soon the world will turn on him ...everybody can see in real time the horrors that he has needlessly inflicted on innocent people...not to mention on his own military!! AND..IF he foolishly kills Zelensky.... He will become "the most hated man in the world" and Zelensky will be a a SUPER STAR who died for his country!! Wheres my Sling Shot!!
Hi all just a bump and reminder that our Lenten Friday Rosary for peace in Ukraine and the world is tomorrow at 3pm EST. If you can join at that time it would be wonderful. But, if you cannot at that time, please do your best at some point tomorrow. Prayer…in particular the Rosary is truly the only weapon we need. peace