It may well be that heart problems and cancer - though devastating consequences of the push to vaccinate the world - were not the main purpose behind it all. Maybe it was this. One in six people affected by infertility globally, says WHO
I know it is easy to happen. I've noticed myself saying things I'd just picked up without thinking...but I guess I'm super sensitive to how the world has been trying to change language recently. I think there is a great power in the words we hear and say; they can slowly change our thinking. Another example is "human" vs. "person." Has anyone noticed the strange overuse of the word human lately over person? Like that new phrase, "Be a good human." A slow robbing us of our personhood? Personhood is sacred. Another subtle change over the last few years: "Educate" instead of "teach/learn." Everyone says this now: "Educate yourself about ...." Or "Please get educated about..." No one says teach anymore. Have y'all noticed this? I looked up the definitions for the two, and here's the subtle difference. To teach means to hand on knowledge, to pass down truths. To educate means to train and change someone's way of thinking through knowledge. The key difference here is TRAIN. So without realizing it probably, everyone now is telling everyone else to get trained, rather than to learn truths. There are many things like this. I've been paying attention for a few years now.
It has always been about depopulation, like the 60+ million aborted American babies, and more than 2 Billion babies aborted globally...
Right PF, they want to reduce us to mere "commodity" that can easily be replaced. No more dignity that we are made in the image and likeness of God...
The anti life elites are the modern day Herod's. They will all have to give account for their heinous crimes against humanity on the day of judgement. Their father is satan the father of lies.