Just as we cannot support Biden in his killings and other evils, we cannot support Putin either in his killings and other evils imo. For me, it's a no-brainer that a De Santis who happily signed a 6 week Heartbeat Abortion Bill is a better Candidate than Thug Biden, and an Alexey Navalny who condemned Putin's Unjust Invasion of Ukraine from the beginning and suffered for it is a better Candidate than Thug Putin.
Alexei Navalny? Careful , careful. He would turn Russia into a Sodom and Gomorrah Kingdom, since he wants to legalize Same-sex Marriage, and demands that gay pride parades in Russia are human rights.
It is difficult for me to judge Nawalny as a person. I read negative things about him once (corruption, nationalism), but that was a long time ago, and as a non-Russian I don't trust myself to make an assessment. What is pretty certain, however, is that the Russian majority thinks much less of him than the West. As a president who wages war, Putin will have to justify himself before God for the suffering he has caused many times over. But this war did not come out of nowhere. Many experts have foreseen the situation exactly. A German professor has listed 22 of them. Some examples (edit: the quotes may differ from the exact wording because they are back-translated from german.): Henry Kissinger said in 2014 that "Ukraine can never be merely 'foreign' from the Russian point of view". The West should therefore choose a line aimed at "reconciliation". Moreover, "Ukraine should not join NATO." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...dad868-a496-11e3-8466-d34c451760b9_story.html John Mearsheimer stated in 2015: "The West is luring Ukraine down a blind alley, at the end of which disaster lurks for it. [...] What we are doing de facto is promoting that outcome." Noam Chomsky 2015: "the idea of Ukraine joining a Western military alliance would be unacceptable to any Russian president". Ukraine's aspirations would not protect it, but rather endanger it. Stephen Cohen, a renowned Russia scholar, warned in 2014: "If we move NATO forces closer to Russia's border [...] we will clearly militarise the situation. Russia will not back down on this." CIA Director Bill Burns 2008: "Ukraine joining NATO is the shrillest of red lines for Russia. I don't know anyone who sees it as anything other than an imminent threat to Russian interests." https://twitter.com/laurenibsolm/status/1498499439031459846 Sir Roderic Lyne, former British ambassador to Russia, warned in 2021 that "it is foolish in every sense to [push] Ukraine into NATO. If you want to start a war with Russia, this is the best way to do it." https://twitter.com/SamScottish5/status/1498541911854174209
This is what this war is reducing to...one between Russia and Western Sodo-Gomorrhic colonialism. It is obvious that Biden and his cohorts don't give two hoots about the Ukraine-their continuing actions are merely causing a genocide of this nation. Their real aim is to inflict perversity on a country that has stoutly opposed it. I wonder how much sponsorship Navalny is receiving from the West? I recently read of the current actions of a pervert organisation in Germany, ironically calling themselves 'Pro-familia', which with the co-operation of some German bureaucrats, is implementing school programmes of 'naked encounter' and 'sexual experimentation'...for kindergarten children. This is what the West is becoming. We have people on here lauding our freedoms, but when the majority of people in free societies abandon strict morality, this is where your freedom will take you. It's getting to the stage that the children of North Korea and Iran are safer than those in the 'free' West.
You make some good points, Steve. But alas the free west is no more. Julian Assange, David Daliden and others are examples of this. There are people here in Ireland who when speak out; have their bank accounts closed. They often get arrested on trumped-up charges too. I get banned constantly on social media for saying anything contrary to the narrative. As do many of the people I follow online. We are not allowed to pray outside of abortion clinics; or we face arrest. The news is propaganda. They are introducing 'hate speech' laws here; whence we can be arrested for saying the wrong thing. The wrong thing = catholic teaching. The radio plays nothing but souped-up dance music, even at breakfast time. Voting in elections is, in my opinion, pointless. They usually have all the candidates in their pockets, pushing their agenda. And when they don't; they cheat. Cheating the greatest election of them all, when they stole it from Donald Trump, was a message that they control everything and can do whatever they want. Cancelling a sitting American president, when they took Trump off social media, was a similar message: they can shut down anyone! We are also forced into accepting an invasion from unvetted, fighting age foreign males. We pay to house them in hotels whence they get 'free everything' and complain. And in turn everything we need, has exploded in price. They rape our women and we worry about our children. Where will these people be living in one year? In three years? ....the Irish government is talking about taking private property off its citizens! I strongly disagree with your assessment of life in the West.
These things are true. Almost common sense true. The Russians couldn't have the Americans on their border no more than America could have the Russians on their border. This was a redline. NATO (America) deliberately crossed it knowing full well the sequence of events that would follow. Putin may be a thug, he may be this or that... but he did not wake up one day and decide to invade Ukraine. There was deliberate provocation. The thing I don't understand is why? Why would NATO (the West, America) do this? What is to be gained by risking world war 3!!?!
I was away on holidays for three weeks and read the five volumes of Rite of Sodomy by Randy Engel. It describes the takeover of the Catholic Church in the United States by homosexuals, one which has been replicated in Ireland, I strongly suspect, and in other jurisdictions. It leads to complete corruption. A very sobering read. It's not unlikely that similar infiltration has occurred in other institutions, particularly civil services and corporate management structures. By this means, society is completely subverted, by people so nihilistic they reject even their genetic destiny. A Gotterdammerung of a nuclear war might very well appeal to these devotees of death.
I could only laugh at your reference to the constant 'souped-up' dance music, because it's so true, and on every station. And it's nearly all women or men who sound like women-a testosterone-free zone!
In the city where I live in Ireland they have LGBTQ rainbow coloured crossings instead of zebra crossings at the traffic lights. It's insanity.
Yes. The shimmers want to change the law. They want 'a right to housing' law to replace 'the right private property'. Subtle, but massive, massive difference...
Aye.. and from what I've read Our Lady very much dislikes that music. Personally, I can't stand it. So I've given up listening to the radio altogether....
Well said. They are intentionally flooding us with illegals, many are criminals, and yes, the vast majority are young men, not families. I live in the" sanctuary " state of Massachusetts where our woke, lesbian Governor, Maura Healy has created a housing crisis by welcoming in hundreds of illegals. It costs Massachusetts a staggering $46 million per month to provide free housing, food, education and medical to illegals while many local residents work three jobs to provide for their families. Not to mention illegals are issued free cell phones, and Massachusetts drivers licenses so they can vote in our elections. Ugh.