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Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The mass is a Mystery. In human terms nothing seems to be happening at all. As indeed in all forms of prayer. As the hymn says, 'Hearing, seeing touching is in thee decieved. I have often thought how very,very important it is for a priest to maintain a very active prayer life in order to maintain Faith. Far more important than a lay person because of the fact that his life revolves around the mass. The mass which is Mystery and which requires so much Faith to pierce into the beyond.

    I heard a story about a young priest a few years back who was sent to a city in England to serve. Everyday for five years he used to say mass in the same Church. During week days he always had a Congregation of just one person, an old lady who came to Mass regular as clockwork everyday. But then the old lady died and when the young priest showed up for mass he no longer had any Congregation at all and so he retunred to Ireland.

    Mass is so much an approach to God in Faith an in Faith as a community. Every persons Faith helping to reinforce the others. I notice this at the moment as I go to mass every day at noon in the little hospital Chapel. There is a regular congreation of only five. Tiny really, but because there are so few I am much more concious of us as pillars holding each other up in Faith.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
    bflocatholic and Beth B like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    When his Bishop first sent Saint Vianney to the little village of Ars he siad to him, 'There is little love there , but you wil lbring it love'

    So when we go to mass we must bring the loving gaze of love of Faith to Church with us so we may see. The Mass is not a, 'Self-starter'. Without the gaze of a prayer filed life it will seem dead. with an active prayer life it comes alive. Rather as looking at the sun through a stained glass window as compared to an ordinary one. So to love we carry the luggage of love in order to stir love up.

    In this sense then the mass is not, 'Magic' .It requires giving in our prat as well as recieving. If Faith is to survive it needs to be nourished.

    But too often we judge our Spiritual Life by how we, 'Feel', or the extraordinary. In fact true love is about giving without counting the cost. But I think there comes a time when we kind of breach the wall between this world and the next and this is when we hunger for the Mass, for the Eucharist. When if we do not get to mass it is as though there were some huge emptiness of lack in our Daily Life.

    I think it is at this point whenw e change over from going to Mass as a kind of duty to going to mass out of pure loving need. As St Augustine said, ' Love and do what thou will'. Love impells us to go to mass, we go on feet of love rather than purely on feet of duty.

    View attachment 3777

    The Cure of Ars.
    bflocatholic and Beth B like this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    It occurs to me that Daily Mass in this is a bit like Marriage. It requires constant everyday commitment, giving, a sense of duty. But a path of love too.So that after many years of giving something truly beautiful may be built...and the sma ething may be said of prayer in general.

    View attachment 3778

  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I was the same Barry. When I got out of prison after my conversion I was a different person, as St Paul says, 'A new creation'.

    2 Corinthians 5:17
    17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
    I thought I had kept my conversion and my intention ot enter the monastery private . But apparetnly the whole area was gossiping about it and it was causing quite a stir. THe only one who didn't know this was myself.

    I was having a drink in a club with my brothers and a large group of friends when suddenly one of them asked out of the blue,
    'Is it true, Padraig that you are entering a monastery?'
    All heads swivelled to me and every pair of eyes seemed tos et on me like vultures'

    'Yes I said, 'I love Jesus Christ and I am going into a monastery. Now I am going into the toilets and you can all have a good laugh at me!'

    They all fell silent.

    Then the one who had question stood up, holding up his fists,

    'Anyone who lughs at you wil lahve to answer to me!'

    More silence.

    But it was good of me kind of to have to come out of the Holy Closet, but it was not easy, I lived in a very hard working class area and was know to be the very hardest of the hard.

    I have to say I never got anything but great respect for my Faith. Great respect.


    Barry likes this.
  5. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Because I only get to Mass on Sundays when I get Holy Communion it becomes my Viacticum to sustain me during the week.

    And it does - simply incredible.

    In other circumstances I would be a regular if not daily communicant. But God understands my circumstances and his generosity knows no bounds.

    The Rosary has also become like a 'dry Mass' giving me the strength to keep going. At times this life is like walking through treacle - obstacle after obstacle.

    Our society has become so satiated with unbelief that it is like a dry desert sucking the life out of us - all around is unbelief. But interiorly (although recently I have been going through inner barren experience), the light of faith continues to flicker and glow until I receive Jesus again in the Holy Sacrament of the Mass on Sunday.

    When I read the lives of the saints I am simply amazed at the profound mystical experiences they go through and just how intimate they are with the Lord and how he manifests Himself through them - they are walking miracles.

    Faith for me has been a bit like trusting in the dark, putting my hand out and feeling my way around. I have fallen 77 x 7 and often felt like giving up. I have often lost faith in myself. And I have often wondered why does God bother at all with me. But He has never lost faith in me, and He has been more than patient and generous with his graces.

    But it is horses for courses. We all can't be mystical giants. I am content that I will be a little daisy amidst the roses and lilies of heaven.

    But I was granted a most beautiful and consoling dream last night.

    I found myself alone with Jesus but it was as if he were suspended on an invisible cross so I could only see his knees and legs. So I wrapped my arms around his legs and held tight, told Him how much I loved Him and told Him I never wanted to let go that I was sorry for all my sins, faults and failings. My soul was lifted and as I awoke the consolation of this experience was still with me.

    Deep down I really only want to become a prisoner of love. But sometimes I break free from the pen to do my own thing. And therein is the truth of God's love. He never forces or coerces us to love Him. We are free, transient beings but I pray that I will in due course learn to always cling to the crucified saviour and conform my wayward will to His. May we all be granted the grace to hold tight to Christ and never let go.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I feel very restless this morning, like a little bird that wants to fly in a hurry off somewhere but is not quite sure where.:) I think Advent and Christmas can do this for us, knock us out of our normal spiritual routines and that this is no bad thing at all.

    Last night I lay in bed thinking of part of pslam 113 before I went to sleep and through the night.

    Psalm 131:1

    I have Stilled My Soul
    1A Song of Ascents, of David. O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, Or in things too difficult for me. 2Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me.…

    Barry and bflocatholic like this.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I was thinking how Marian this was and how well it could be applied to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I picture her walking through life in great humilty with her eyes constantly downcast.

    Then at The Assumption being carried to heaven on the shoulders of the angels now her eyes raised upwards to heaven. It always blows my mind that Mary was Assumed Body and soul into heaven. Can you imagine being carried bodily into heaven? Incredible.

    Barry and bflocatholic like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Then at the Gates of Heaven, of course being greeted by her Son Jesus Christ. But not only by her Son but by the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity , Father ,Son and Holy Spirit competing as it were to do her honour. Then throwing their Crowns at her feet in tribute to herself as Co-Remptrix. This then naturally leading on to the Coranation of Mary as Queen of Heaven.

    Funny when I think of the Coronation of Mary I always think of the actual Crown itself and how beautiful it must be.

    Barry and bflocatholic like this.
  10. bflocatholic

    bflocatholic Powers

    Feb 16, 2009
    Buffalo, NY
    Bravo, Padraig! You're on a roll! :)

    Hail Mary!!

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