Charlie Johnston.

Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. JAA

    JAA New Member

    Mar 11, 2015
    Yes, let's get back to welcoming Charlie. He's going to be in my area in a few weeks and I look forward to hearing what he has to say and meeting new friends. We may all be considering each other great blessings in the near future. We should all be considering each other great blessings now and behaving accordingly.
    Booklady likes this.
  2. Little Me's Big Brother

    Little Me's Big Brother 1.21 jigawatts

    May 7, 2015
    Michigan, United States
    Ok... Now I have an opinion. This is coming from a guy who has fought in two services (Navy and Army) and fought in two wars... I thing Israel should quit being so nice and obliterate their enemies. War is fought to be won, not to be right. I don't think there should be "maimed children" there should be dead children. So they can't grow up to mount an attack against their original enemies. I know this sounds harsh but it's the only way to win a war and win it definitively. I think the people of "palestine" should find a new home, especially if they don't want to die. Anyone who is still living in the Gaza Strip with the terrorists are terrorists or soon-to-be terrorists against the Israeli state. And yes, the "kill em all" approach does work. How much more secure would Israel be if they just killed all of the palestinians?! That's the problem with war these days; nobody ever finishes the job.

    The commandment is "thou shalt not murder" which, of course I agree with. "Murder" and "killing", although similar, are very different. Murder is the act of taking ones life maliciously. Killing is the act of taking ones life. For instance, I will kill anyone who threatens my families lives (and I'd hope you'd do the same). By murdering someone, I unlawfully took someone life.

    I understand that this crap-hole we call earth would be a better place if there were no wars and was no murder but from the dawn of man, the first son engaged in murder. It is one of fallacies of human nature.

    You complaining about Israel as they respond to aggression. I don't hear you predominately condemning the aggressor (palestine), who has put their people in harms way and complain when they get a just response to their transgressions.
    I stand with Israel. I stand for their right to be a state, I stand for their ability to try and live in peace and I stand by their right to function as the people of God the best way they know how.

    You can call these things wrong all you want but people like me make it safe for people like you to sleep at night. We all have a role to play. Mine is to defend my family, neighbors and country from aggressors. Yours may be to complain about what my role is but unless you're willing to stand as a human shield in these places of war, you're just running your mouth.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  3. Malachi

    Malachi Archangels

    Oct 22, 2014
    The brits had the same idea as you on the streets of Belfast friendo. I would have had no hesitation putting a bullet in your head had you been walking those same streets then.
  4. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016

    Im genuinely starting to get scared now. This is a Christian website, am I right...? Can someone confirm this while I check, for the third time, that I definitely locked the back door...

    I'm withdrawing myself from further involvement in this discussion. Not because I don't have an opinion or because of time constraints or because i dislike the site. But because I'm horrified at the many comments advocating we kill anyone that opposes or has a different view to us.

    Im going to drink some tea in a little bakery I know, and relax. I hope the fact that I'm a tea drinker doesn't offend anyone on this Christian website; causing them to bring their gun and kill me and my family. I think I'll sit by the window just in case, so I can see who's coming...

    May God bless all his children
    Lily likes this.
  5. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    I said I was leaving this discussion behind me but I feel I must answer this silly, somewhat pathetic comment.

    Please go back and read my posts. I explained that it is my belief that ALL children should live in peace, not just Palestinian. Why must there be degrees of innocence?

    Many of you people ratchet-up the language and hysterics when met with pacificism.

    Justice - real justice, would be a good starting place. The arming of the Jews by certain countries (and the arming of the Palestinians by certain other countries) is not helpful. Real, genuine, Christian, social, mediation-led justice would be a great starting place.

    Instead of spending money on arms, spend it bringing employment, a good standard of living and promoting social welfare of both Palestinian and Jew....

    I'm no genius but id say that'd be a good starting place!

    Now, ask yourself Dolours, which do you think Jesus Christ would opt for?
    1. The gun (killing, slaughter etc)
    2. Justice (fairness, equality etc)

    ...take your time's not actually that difficult when you think on it... HINT: remember Jesus? Well, he's the one that said turn the other cheek, love your neighbour, treat everyone equally....that type of thing. He was after all though, a radical. Maybe he's a bit too radical for you!
    Lily likes this.
  6. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    More of the same...easy to say. No answers, I had a dream. It's not reality.

    Good luck
  7. CrewDog

    CrewDog Guest

    I'm looking forward to living in the World that Jackokay seems to think exists now ... some Utopian DreamWorld! A Godly Utopia that does not exist now or has .... since The Garden of Eden. It will not come again until Christ's return with The Heavenly Host and the Final Confrontation with Evil. Evil Exists and imperfect Humanity exists. We can and do yearn-n-strive for that Godly Utopia but must live in the Real World of Sin & Evil. Israel is the worst country in the Middle East except for all the other countries there. Something similar can be said for the USA. It's sadly funny to me that much of the Anti-USA sentiments come from countries where their Freedoms and Prosperity can directly/indirectly be attributed to the Blood, Treasure and Nuclear Umbrella of that awful USA ...... likewise recent Immigrants to the USA seem to have anti-USA views as attested to by the ongoing Islamic Terror Attacks! The Golden Goose known as the USA is dying ... likewise old Christendom! GET READY!! ... Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition!!

  8. Little Me's Big Brother

    Little Me's Big Brother 1.21 jigawatts

    May 7, 2015
    Michigan, United States
    See... you understand it. Wars are fought to be won.
  9. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    So you have no solution other than expecting everyone to sing Kumbaya. You don't say who will be the first to lay down their arms trusting the other side will follow suit.

    Yes, I agree that Jesus would want justice over killing, but I'm not expecting people who don't believe in Christ's divinity to lay down their arms and turn the other cheek. Meanwhile, in the real world, what's your solution? Nothing concrete in any of your comments on this thread. Looks like you don't have a solution and have chosen to bad mouth everyone who isn't convinced that the Palestinians' version of justice means something short of Israel meeting all their demands. Good luck with that. Get back to me when you grow up.
    DeGaulle likes this.
  10. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Jan 11, 2015
    I cannot agree with your comments about deliberately killing children. Children may get killed as 'collateral damage' (horrible euphemism), but must not be deliberately targeted. The same applies to any genuine non-combatant. Your "kill 'em all" approach is simply genocide.
    Jeanne likes this.
  11. CrewDog

    CrewDog Guest

    Speaking of living in a DreamWorld! The below article is a Perfect Example of how the Liberal Left addresses the Islamic Terror Threat! ".... authorities have few answers to terror motive..."
    Are they *$%^&#$ Kidding me!?? NO MOTIVE!!?? How about The Koran, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and the Message of Jihad and Submit ... or Die!! ... Oh! .. just your everyday "Lone Wolf" Attack perpetrated by a misguided "Religion of Peace" Guy who got his "wires-crossed"! Right!? ...Hello!!! ...???

    "Suspect apprehended quickly, but authorities have few answers to terror motive"


    PS: This does Tie-In with Charlie as in his revelation/vision we are going to have a Big-Fight with Islam ... emerge victorious ...... then get slammed by China & Friends thus producing the darkest days of The Storm. :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2016
  12. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Jan 11, 2015
    So, my examples of just war, according to you, are 'satanic'. You have said that to resist satan, defeat Hitler and fight communism are all 'satanic'. This is a Catholic site, but your views are neither Catholic nor even broadly Christian. You question if I'm blind, but yourself have failed to see that I'm Irish, not American. Anyway, my first impression that you were trolling seems to have been right, so I'm going to war with you no more. Over and out.
    Dolours likes this.
  13. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    That's not the point! The point is that just war theory doesn't apply in these more modern conflicts!!
    So you're Irish; not American- big deal! So what....jeez
  14. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    But that's exactly what drones, terrorist rockets, tanks, bombs and suchlike do...these things 'kill em all'.
    Which is precisely why war, modern warfare techniques, cannot be expected to win a peace!
  15. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    Lol se
    Seriously, this is your view of the United our great protector? Lol. As much as I love America, and believe me I honestly do. Your country is vast and beautiful and the people so fascinating. Unfortunately your leaders have let you down. And led you on paths that you shouldn't have trodden; causing countless deaths to your youth - not to mention destruction to other nations.

    ....your country has been exploitative in the extreme.
    In the beginning it butchered it's indigenous peoples mercilessly. It has attacked countless other countries since....and bullied and robbed them. God knows why it's poking around the Middle East? Probably oil related. And wars make Americas munitions companies rich! Still, your young people die and countries get destroyed at your hand.

    Your leaders have convinced us that some despot could drop a nuke bomb at any minute....yet the only country ever to drop nukes (twice) on human beings has been.....guess who?!!

    Your federal reserve and rich bankers have robbed and conned your people. Your oil companies have pillaged whole countries.

    America has exported the errors of Russia throughout the western world (Google this and see for yourself).

    American propaganda is a lie. And there is much of it. You're spied upon by your own government for Gods sake.

    Your minorities are under attack from the very people that are supposed to protect them.

    And abortion, oh God. Abortion. The poor babies.

    I could go on, but these are just highlights, off the top of my head...

    It might surprise you to learn that there are many people worldwide who don't have the same cherished views of America as you.

    Thing is, you're actually probably surprised!!
  16. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    But it is reality....
    Spend money on social welfare instead of weapons...real, meaningful, genuine mediation.

    Isn't that real???
  17. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    But perhaps it's worth a try Dolours?! Meaningful, genuine mediation would help both sides lay down their arms. It would certainly be better than people ON ALL SIDES dying.

    I'm losing my hope in humanity, particularly when Christians advocate for war over peace.
  18. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition".

    What kind of statement is that for a Christian to make, Crewdog??? Can't you see the contradiction in it??!

    You know what, I'm so, so disappointed. My hope in humanity has been dented this day.
  19. CrewDog

    CrewDog Guest

    You may be as disappointed as you like Jack ... and can ignore the History of the USA, Christendom and Christian Warriors for the past two thousand years but Like It or No as George Orwell pointed out:

    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

    ... and Yes! I have come to the sad conclusion that YOU are a TROLL and doing your best to upset and confuse people here and at a time when Dark Clouds are rolling in :mad:

    DeGaulle likes this.
  20. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    These terrorists are a travesty Crewdog. An absolute travesty visited upon innocent people in your country, in France, in England etc.

    But attempts at stopping them don't seem to be successful. These incidents are, sadly and unfortunately, on the increase.

    I am asking you, is there another way? Can't our leaders seek out the sources of discontent; talk with their leaders, commit to genuine diplomacy ...and see where we get to. These people didn't wake up one day and think; 'hey, I want to be a baker; I want to be a fireman; oh, and I want to be a terrorist...' No. There must be underlying reasons as to why they make these awful choices. There simply has to be!!!

    Our leaders have let us down in that regard. And we as people of the 'free' west haven't pressed them on it...
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