Very well explained. I would say in the beginning stages of prayer, it can often consist of many devotions and this is well and good. But as our graces in prayer grow over the years, there’s a time when several of these devotions are set aside. For example, a rosary may have taken 15 minutes to do, now a mystery may lead you into a deeper stillness and meditation. This happens gradually over years. The point of vocal prayers is to open yourself up to deeper infused contemplation, which is a grace .When it begins to happen, I wouldn’t leave it and start babbling to God more vocal prayers. There are so many good books on this transition and St. John of the Cross speaks best regarding the three signs to look for when contemplation is beginning. I could go on and on with this topic, but truly the great Carmelite doctors speak on the topic with better eloquence. Prayer begins to become more simplistic as contemplative graces grow. There’s more quietude and resting in His loving gaze.
I stumbled upon the seven sorrows rosary as i was converting some years ago, along with a few other less well known devotion. I think, if for no other reason, than that the place where i purchased my first rosary also stocked these other chaplets. Having gone back and forth the the chaplet throughout the years, i happened to ask my friend if she was aware of the seven sorrows devotion and chaplet, and she affirmed that she did. Being the month of Our Sorrowful Mother, she suggested we pray it over whatsapp on Friday evenings. Over time, a few more people have joined and, frankly, when introduced to it, most participants have been astonished by it. It's a very cinematic devotion, with a great emphasis on the meditating upon what Our Lady went through, along with Our Lord. It's gladdening to see this devotion becoming more widely known. I purchased the book by Immaculee a few weeks before this thread but haven't got round to reading it (currently on the Revelations on by Xavier Reyes Ayral), but my crew on whatsapp are eager to see what i think of it. I heartily recommend Immaculee's other books, especially Left To Tell, and also her book on the rosary. She's the real deal.
I think we can be too regimented in our prayer discipline. I have attend Life in The Spirit Seminars where Our Lady is kept outside the door. I even remember I used to get a ride on a bus to a seminar and we used to say the rosary on the way. We were told we couldn't do that as it interfered with our focus on the Holy Spirit. That finished me with the seminars. I have also noticed at Lectio Devina sessions that there can be a certain superiority towards devotions. Some of the great saints were devoted to the rosary so I say each to his own.
There’s nothing wrong with the rosary. Many have been elevated to great heights of sanctity through that means. Padre Pio being one of them.
Our Lady is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. That's where charismatic renewal can go wrong they ignore the important role of our Lady as Mediatrix of all graces.
Sadly many Catholic charismatics ended up leaving the Church for pentecostal churches and some prominent priests in the movement left the priesthood. It is so sad to think of leaving the riches of the one true Church for the fool's gold of protestantism.
This is maybe off target for this thread but Jesse Romero said recently that he is in touch with Fr Corapi and has been for years. He says Fr Corapi lives a monastic life of constant prayer and penance--praying for priests and for the Church and making reparation. He and Fr C have been friends for a long time.I was very glad to hear this.
Thank you. I’ve been wondering about Father Corapi for some time now. I miss the power of his sermons. I know he went through a crisis but had always hoped he’d have a public ministry again. God bless him!
How can the Handmaiden of the Lord be at odds with the Holy Spirit? Especially when praying the 3rd decade of the Glorious Mysteries. Acts 1:12 Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk from the city. 13 When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers... 2:2 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Let's see...the Immaculate Conception was present in the Upper Room. She was with those gathered in constant prayer. She, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, our Holy Mother, receives the gift of tongues along with all the rest. And so the Seminars which prepare one to experience the Holy Spirit in a personal way, ask the participants to leave Our Lady and her Holy Rosary outside the door. At least the bus you all rode on was blessed with Mary's presence. I would suspect that is no longer the case with Life in the Spirit seminars.
I will include all of the above in prayer at. adoration . My husband Gerald will be halving a biopsy and pet scan in about 3 weeks. First scan showed calcium around lining or edge of the lung. We await more results. After the above. Thank you all for including him. I will remember you all also.
They say Padre Pio used to say 50 rosaries a day, so much so that the Friars in his Friary commented that his rosary beads almost seemed to part of his hand , it seemed to be just stuck there, which is very beautiful. Padre Pio was of course in the very highest stages of Contemplative prayer so it is very,very clear that these Devotions did not distract him from Contemplative prayer. As to the saints..well it is difficult to find a saint who did not say the rosary, the same with the Popes, they pretty well all did and of course these were people of the deepest contemplative prayer. I would compare it to saying playing the guitar and singing. At the moment I learning of a song by Bill Withers called, 'Lean on me'. At the moment I am no so much playing the guitar but getting the singing down pat. In a day or tow I will play the guitar and sing at the same time. This is the end run, the aim. This is the aim with Contemplative prayer and Devotions to blend the two together. It may be at times I only play the guitar. It may be at times I only sing. But best of all when the tow things go together because the compliment each other.Like coffee and cream. The same with Devotions and Contemplative Prayer. Coffee and cream. Musical instrument and song.
What a great choice - you have great taste in music -I love Bill Withers Ain't no sunshine one of my favourites