Yes, the resentment of Peter toward Matthew's tax assessments early on in the series finally came to a head, and we see forgiveness win out. A lesson in the need to let go and extend mercy. Also, it's interesting how they play that out about the same time that Jesus appoints Peter as the Rock.
I went to see it with a friend Saturday night. It was good overall. I did not like how the betrothal of Thomas played out. Too Hollyweird, too much playing liberty with the canon. In this case the literal canon of scripture. If something like that had happened, it would have been recorded.
Yes, that was a little too much. But since we know Thomas went eastward after the birth of the Church and ended up in India, I doubt he was bringing a family along.
Yes, that was always in the back of my mind during their long courtship. I knew it had to be drawn to a close but didn’t expect this ham handed way of doing so.
I think there is something more than theatrics in that last scene with Thomas. Much like the Peter-Matthew relationship which played out over 2 season, I think this scene sets up something about Thomas that will be revealed in later season. Perhaps it gets to the heart of his doubting. it certainly also speaks to the heart of suffering and the question we all have …. Lord why did you not step in ? Why did you not do what I thought was best? I guess we will see.
If it had been a truly Christ centered depiction, Jesus would have explained to them that Peter was married prior to being called, but they were not, and that He needed them to devote their lives wholly to Him. And that marriage would hold back Thomas from what He had in store for him. The doubts Thomas held could still be explained based on this difficult advice from Jesus. But this just further illustrates that unfortunately, this is not an orthodox Catholic production and it has real shortcomings. Playing on one’s emotions, no matter how well done, is not a substitute for what we know to be the whole Truth.
I can't warm to this series. When I watched the earlier episodes I was upset by the depiction of Our Lady. Some people find it helpful but I don't trust the theology. It could go easily astray.
Another important note. Peter made numerous references in the series about “wanting to start a family” or being ready to do so. That’s utter nonsense. Jewish families just accepted children as the Lord provides. They most certainly did not decide to “start a family.” That would imply they were actively delaying starting a family. That’s a contraceptive mentality that’s only been around religious communities for about a century and a half. It was unheard of among the Jewish communities at the time. It’s a completely modernist Protestant / secular humanist concept being imposed upon the biblical narrative, one I find grossly inappropriate and insulting, even blasphemous.
I watch it for entertainment. I know it’s not biblical. I like it. Have a great night. It will be my last post on it. Peace
Please don’t misunderstand me, I wasn’t trying to argue. I was just pointing out some aspects that really stuck out for me. I realize many watch it for decent entertainment purposes and it does fulfill that need far better than almost all other options.
I still watch it even if I disagree with parts of it. What I enjoy most are learning the Jewish traditions and customs. Seeing the clothing, housing, the way they lived etc. The history parts of it. The lighting, posing, etc. But I am an artist and I actually critique those things, knowing it is not the way it really was. Someday after we die we will get to see the real thing. Who knows, maybe this will prepare us a little more . . .please keep discussing, I enjoy it. I actually thought the filming was better in season two than three. In three there were too many lens flares that I felt were distracting.