I think the younger priests now are much stronger. Many countries are reporting that the majority of Seminarians come from exposure to Medugorje. So their spirituality is very,very Marian. I would say a Marian priest would make a very good exorcist. Fr Rippergers order is dedicated,I think to Our Lady of Sorrows.
There is a very,very good, very,very old French film which documents St John Vianneys battle with the devil. I have watched it several times. 'The Wizard of Heaven' (English subtitles)
I would guess what is going on in Haiti at the moment is as an end result of Satanism. Devil worship and witchcraft is endemic in Haiti as it has been for centuries.
My own brother heard his call in Medjugorje. He's actually about to return there for the first time as an adult in less than 2 weeks, along with my non-practicing Catholic father! I'm so excited for them!