if the Holy Mass is the bloodless renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary, then its suppression can increase the cases of demonic possession in the world; I know that the rite of exorcism is something different from the eucharistic celebration, but can it lose its effectiveness without the redemptive power that emanates from every eucharist that is validly celebrated?
Well as Jesus said, Perhaps the Russians will close the Vatican down before then. What a terrible thing for a Catholic to have to hope. That foreign troops might close the Vatican before it does the Church grave harm. Strange, strange times indeed.
There was one case when St Padre Pio was disobedient and rightfully so.. His superiors in the Capuchin Order had blown all their dough in very unwise Financial speculation. They were broke and desperate. At the time Padre Pio had control of millions for the hospital next door to his monastery. The top Capuchins came to Padre Pio and ordered him to hand over all his money. Padre Pio chased them and told them that taking money that had been donated for the hospital was theft and he would have nothing to do with it. Apparently he was very angry and they fled in great hurry. In this the old saint reminds us that we not morally bound to comply with orders that are sinful. In fact we are morally bound not to follow them. They were ordering him to steal. Something to remember.
Definitely! Everyone who watches this Salza interview, in charity and justice, must watch this also to see the other side: I do not attend the SSPX but I despise all these current attacks against them from Voris, Salza et al. It perfectly coincides with this Vatican regime’s attacks on the TLM - outlaw it, corral all lovers of the TLM into the SSPX, then trump up false charges against the SSPX and declare them schismatic and anyone who attends their chapels excommunicated. Am I implying Voris, Salza et al are “in on this”? Not at all. But the devil is orchestrating it, even if his marionettes don’t think they’re being played.
Yes I watched this documentary, it is the life of a saint. No one could watch this without being moved. I would be slow to rush to judgement on this Bishop, especially since he is dead and can no longer defend himself. I recall what my mother used to warn about speaking ill of the dead. Also one of the priests, the SPPX priests who used to say Mass in our house, an Englishman was, I think a Saint, also I had a very high opinion of a certain seminarian. My parents severed links with the SPPX ,which was fine, over the question of obedience, but there was never any hard feelings on either side. You know I think Pope Benedict had a certain respect for them; he knew the history, he lived through it.