Ireland 'waking' up?

Discussion in 'Spirit of Ireland' started by sparrow, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

  2. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    On the hopeful side, my impression over here is that Traditional Latin Mass communities are growing. Our community has outgrown our church so some people have to stand during Mass despite having three Holy Masses on Sundays, so our principal Priest wants to build a new church. :)
    AED, Sam, Jo M and 1 other person like this.
  3. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Stay positive.. God is always working to make good out of not-so-good. We know the times we are in and this is all expected. See above! Excuse my ignorance, but is the Latin Mass still being said in Ireland and is there growth in it at all if so?
    Michael_Pio, AED, Sam and 2 others like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The Church I usually attend in Traditional and is growing like crazy.

    Michael_Pio, AED, Sam and 2 others like this.
  5. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    (y) How long can that be ignored!? God is active there!
    Count yourself lucky.. we have no Latin Mass anywhere in the vicinity. But we do have a new (to our parish), young, dynamic priest who loves the Lord! :D
    Michael_Pio, AED, Sam and 2 others like this.
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    It's almost like reverse psychology the more they try to suppress it the more it grows.
    Michael_Pio, AED, Sam and 3 others like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, it's become the Cookoo in the nest. The Cookoo whose nest it was the whole time.

    I hear the sound of laughter from the sky. It's a gentleman up there called God having the Last Laugh.


    Michael_Pio, AED, Malachi and 2 others like this.
  8. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    AED likes this.
  9. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Sounds very hopeful for Ireland. A great blessing.
    Michael_Pio, AED and Sam like this.
  10. Malachi

    Malachi Archangels

    Michael_Pio likes this.
  11. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    "Don't you dare make the letter long". You've got to love Fr. Gorin. :D Seriously though, he is spot on. So pick up your pens and write your bishop. :)
    Michael_Pio, Mmary, AED and 1 other person like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Of course it is not too long since Fr Mark was silenced from saying the things he wanted to. It must have killed him doing do , but he was obedient.

    I would guess he'd have loads and loads more to say at the moment given half a chance.
    Michael_Pio, AED and Jo M like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    You might like this movie from Ireland:

    'The Catholics'.

    Michael_Pio likes this.
  14. AED

    AED Powers

    Oh dear.:( There is an old saying " you can't fix stupid"
  15. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Sorry for the confusion - I live in New Zealand. :) But yes, our community at least, is very hopeful indeed.

    May Our Good Lord bless all here.
    Mary's child, AED and Jo M like this.
  16. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Whilst I live in New Zealand, I think Latin Mass communities are growing all over the world, including in Ireland, as Padraig recently mentioned. In my parish here in New Zealand, the growth has been amazing. Apart from our three Sunday Masses, we now also have two Holy Masses each weekday.
    Today, being First Saturday, we had two Holy Masses, with confession available at both. The first one started at 7.40 am (too early for my family), but the church was absolutely packed. :) I went back to the second Mass, and my family came along. A great blessing!
    Yes, I think, as garabandal mentioned here - the more "they" try to suppress it, the more the Traditional Latin Mass is growing. God is at work in this, it is a sign, as someone else said here.
    God bless!
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2023
    DeGaulle, AED and Jo M like this.
  17. Very wonderful testimony
    Paisios, djmoforegon, Te Deum and 2 others like this.
  18. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Thanks for posting this WbtW! There's always hope. Our Lord can do anything and Mama Mary is our life, our sweetness and our HOPE! Just awesome! :love:
    Waiting by the window likes this.
  19. From my understanding, this happened on January 5th 2024, so very recent. I love how he described Our Lady's mantle. I wonder how he would describe Baby Jesus.
    sparrow likes this.

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