I have interesting thought what if reptilians and aliens are actual demons. If aliens landed what would happen to Christianity. This is not a spiritual discussion to me...but just wondering out loud.
Alas, the demonic is never far away. The devil will try to get into whatever he possibly can. Anyway, here is my latest video about the New Age. Have really knocked myself out one this one ... There must be 60-80 hours hard sweat in it, what with assembling all the clips, graphics, filming etc. This one features Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch's alleged Conversations with God, A Course in Miracles, Eckhart Tolle, HP Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and the seminal New Age community of Findhorn of which I was once a member ...
Aquarius is the water carrier. The stars are for signs and wonders. No coincidence IMO that we entered into Aquarius and so much has taken place in such a short time since then or that the Lord foretold it at the beginning of His passion. No coincidence either that since then we have seen world governments continually tightening their grips on control of the population and trying to fully institute a world power. They understand well what is coming. [8] And he sent Peter and John, saying: Go, and prepare for us the pasch, that we may eat. [9] But they said: Where wilt thou that we prepare? [10] And he said to them: Behold, as you go into the city, there shall meet you a man carrying a pitcher of water: follow him into the house where he entereth in. [11] And you shall say to the goodman of the house: The master saith to thee, Where is the guest chamber, where I may eat the pasch with my disciples? [12] And he will shew you a large dining room, furnished; and there prepare.
Aliens and reptilians are demons and there is a great deception about it. Thank you Roger for this video. I will watch it. God bless you.
Haven't been at this forum for a long time - because I have hardly been on any Internet forum for a very long time. But I hope I might post this new video I've (finally) posted, which, if anyone is interested, also explains a bit why I've been hiding away. Will note the video comes in two parts. The first half hour is just me reading the first chapter of my first GT book. But there's a lot there about Ireland and the Faith After that first half hour, though, it changes. The last 15 minutes are completely different, with some quite personal reflections which just may be of interest to some here: I will just add: God bless you all. My long silence - as the video indicates - is about purely personal things and my respect and gratitude for the beauty and faith in this forum never ceases . . . .
I have been absent here for a long time. A few words about that. Because I've been absent from virtually all social media, in fact. I feel very pressured and social media just hyper-stimulates me too much. That said, it is just possible (?) some here may have seen my small presence on an Irish forum - the Irish Conservatives Forum - which is so different from this one, with such different qualities. There I feel certain political discussions that I need to push myself somewhat to participate in. Push myself, I repeat, as social media isn't at all easy for me right now. But here in this forum I feel a moving Irish piety like nowhere else on the internet. When not in this dreadful lockdown of our chapels, I would go to Mass daily often in different chapels across much of the country. And I see the pious Irish Catholics at prayer, but of course. But I don't HEAR their thoughts and feelings. But here I can listen to their thoughts and feelings. It is a privilege! A real privilege. So I somehow want to say my absence here does not mean that I don't find this forum moving and beautiful. I do. In a way unlike almost anything online. And I continue to be inspired by Padraig's profound life changing story that led him to create to this inspired forum. I just feel so much pressure and just cannot being online more than I have to. I don't even have time for my videos - although I recently was interviewed by Joseph Shaw of Lifesite News, Oxford University etc and have put that interview up at my YouTube channel for anyone who may be interested . . .
Yes...we are blessed here at MOG. Praise God for Padraigs conversion that lead to this beautiful site. How Our Lord and Our Lady can use any soul for the glory of the Lord! How many souls have been fed the faith because of this catholic site....! Untold numbers...thank God.
Indeed! I repeat, there is something so moving here - even if I can't easily be here much right now. Anyway, for anyone who may be interested - here is more conversation between Dr Joseph Shaw and myself - about important things too few Catholics understand properly. We are in the midst of something like a second Reformation and I am concerned by how few Catholics seem to fully get this. Third picture is of Kate Bush, half-Irish, raised Catholic, now New Age as a result of a Theosophical guru . . .
Not been here in a long, long time. Hope no-one minds my posting my latest video here on Pope Francis, Traditions Custodes etc. (As I recently said on another Irish forum, where I also posted this, it is nothing to do with the forum which I think does WONDERFUL things - I really mean that. No, I feel overwhelmed of late and find all social media a bit hard right now.)
I am, with uncertainty, leaving another of my videos here, which is considerably about Ireland. I say "with uncertainty" for two reasons: 1) I have not been active here in a long time, which is not so much to do with this forum and its moving, beautiful spirit, as it is to do with the fact that I have hugely retreated from pretty much all social media in recent years. Too much pressure in my life, too much need of prayer and stillness . . . 2) I was confused by you, Padraig, adding that particular video to this particular thread . . . though maybe I am neurotic! : - ) Still, given that I haven't been active here, maybe I shouldn't be posting videos here— particularly as an Englishman (from America!) on Ireland . . . But my latest video is my favourite of all. One where I talk a lot about Ireland and really my heart and soul better than any other video. I pray this is okay. The strange image (which will be changed at some point!) is myself from 14 years ago - as the video has old footage of me in it. Just may that image/footage shows a tinge of my Irish blood, as well … God bless you all and please forgive me if this is in any way less than appropriate …
Roger I watched your above video, Thank you for sharing it with us. I found it informative and educational. Mainly because it answered questions I have posed to myself, without even knowing I was doing this! For example, finding myself looking at cultures and wondering what reasons explain the differences in cultures today, especially in regards to the truth of Catholicism, this question has greater gravity when we realise these nations were fundamentally founded in the same Catholic culture to begin with! Some cultures seem to exude holiness by their practices (or past practices which still holds influence) whereas other cultures seem on the surface blasé and only go along for the ride so to speak. I found the addition of unbridled capitalism as the core diversion in cultures interesting. I had never looked at this variable before! Today, it looks like the whole world, whether we like it or not, are all now expected/mandated to be constant consumers of this warped unbridled capitalism Your video is very thought provoking.
I prefer Garabandal as there are some serious problems with MedjuGorje. Google UNSTOPPABLE WATERFALL for a comprehensive account of the events [I haven't a link}.
There is a latin Mass Kilkenny every Sun St Patricks Church Kilkenny {opposite St Kierans College 5 pm.
I prefer Garabandal . very interesting video: https://catholicismpure.wordpress.com/2021/02/14/garabandal-unstoppable-waterfall/
Josephite - just a quick thank you for this. It is so hard to know how to express this. On the one hand, it feels to me we are in such a dark time and two great Capitalist empires of recent centuries, first the British, then the American have helped create an intensely commercialised culture that not only hurts the poor, but destroys faith and Christian culture. Whether opening shops on Sunday or, say, the originally American Playboy magazine (banned in Ireland till 1995!) because sex sells. And now what the French call GAFA . . . (Google Apple Facebook Amazon). The Protestant Anglosphere does seem to have led the way in the commercialisation of the world. On the other hand, all peoples and nations are fallen. Filled with unholy shadows . . . And yet Ireland still takes my breath away, having grown up in Britain and America. I ramble . . . not very clear . . . and lack time to do better. And because I lack time, I am afraid Grennan that I am still not as clear as I would like to be in terms of what you are saying. But I will google what you said and look at video … and maybe get clearer. So much to say, so little time . . . but this forum does inspire me. I see such piety and beauty here and concern for what is truly important in this world.
I'm from Australia (and remain here) Australia has definitely fallen, as you intimate above, Australia like other countries have unholy shadows! One of Australia's worst shadows is the annual Gay mardigra parade in Sydney, which has from its unholy conception attracted many international visitors. Lord Have Mercy! However there are many more! In my prayer/spiritual life, I oscillate, between knowing God will protect me and my family, verses knowing God has many reasons to smite Australia!....., the good as well as the bad. Because.... Have the good spoken up against the bad in the recent past? ...... No. Have the good spoken loudly enough against government laws that validate the murder of unborn innocent children?.......... No. Have the good clearly counted the government laws introducing euthanasia. ...........No. Have the good through acquiesce, of the above, forsaken truth?........ Maybe! Where does this leave us? In a dilemma? When push comes to shove, maybe many will awaken to truth! God be praised! However I fear many will hide in the lies. To protect themselves and their interests. This is why Prayer is so important. We must pray and sacrifice for our brothers and sisters. We are all in need of prayer. These are just my thoughts. God Bless you Roger
Thank you for your kind response, Josephite. Alas, I am only seeing this now. Have been so busy preparing follow-up videos, of which more below. But first I am moved by your words, but have been especially hit by these lines: I read this and it makes me realise my own cowardice, somehow. How much I have failed in my life in these ways. Yes, I speak out behind the safety of a computer monitor in a remote corner of rural Ireland . . . But you are right. I see my own failure, my own weakness in your words. Mea Culpa. Lord have mercy. But He is merciful on the weak and contrite. Anyway I have been intensely busy with a "monster" nearly three hour follow-up video, which will hopefully be out soon. Been editing it through the night … 6 am Sunday morning now. (As I umderstand canon law, this is not servile work.) In the meantime, I have created a very short trailer, saying we must somehow fight in whatever we can to save the true Ireland if we are in Ireland . . . or to save whatever is true in Australia, America, etc. Very short (minute and a half) trailer then, "Fight for the True Ireland" for my very big upcoming episode (which will be called "Globalism and the Irish Tragedy".)