Curiosity is definitely a huge sin! In every way, in all areas. In what we think, read, do, say. It means to me that we think we have not been given enough by God and His Church so we have to find out more.
Thank you, Sanctus! I've been looking at that book at Amazon and wonder if that was it. I think the Lizard beings might have been called something like Saurians? Saurians? Spelling. If you or anyone else can give me any help in tracking this down, I would be grateful indeed.
I am shocked to say book is coming sooner than I thought - maybe today even! I posted this months ago, but pray no-one will mind me posting it again:
I'm unsure about the name of the lizards Roger, however the supposed beings been channeled in the book refer to themselves as the Pleadians. They speak about lizards who apparently are high up in power in the world and that these lizards have been the cause of mankind being "duped", as they put it, into believing in religion. I had the misfortune of reading this book a number of years ago and I came under severe spiritual attack. I read recently that the word Lucifer in Greek translates as "dawn bringer". I believe this book is Luciferian and is a particularly dangerous area of New Age from what I have experienced.
I happen to know a certain practitioner/leader of this area of New Age in the city I live in. I had incredible difficulty in getting away from him on a spiritual level and seemed to be under his control for a long period. He is also has a highly charismatic personality which seems to be a common trait with many of these "healers" and Gurus from personal experience with them over the years. No doubt when the Anti-Christ will come on the scene he will appear very charismatic to many people.
Very dangerous material, AED. There is a woman by the name of Barbara Marciniak who "channeled" all this stuff and many unfortunate people have been deceived by her teachings. There is also a very popular conspiracy theorist called David Icke who endorses all this Pleadian stuff. He tends to mix truth about actual conspiracies that are occurring such as the present introduction of the New World Order with falsehoods such as reptilians being in government and other bizarre nonsense.
Many New-Age followers believed at the end of 2012 we entered into a light age, which they call the Age of Aquarius. Luciferians also believe we have entered this age as far as I'm aware. There seems be a very strong correlation and similarity between the two groups and what they believe.
Both groups believe they will become Gods in themselves in this supposed new era, from what I gather. Terms such as "ascendancy", "christ-consciousness", or concepts such as the raising of" vibrational frequency" are frequently used by people in the New Age, but they always deny Jesus as being the Son of God. They often only refer to Jesus as an "ascended master" among other so -called" ascended masters" in that group.
Seemingly so, AED, Marianne Williamson, who is a "student" of the book A Course in Miracles,. which was apparently channeled from a spirit referring to itself as "Jesus" ,is running for presidency in the US in the 2020 elections. She also proposes a new "Department of Peace" be created in the US. She seems to refer to the importance of "morality" and social justice issues frequently, yet she supports abortion.
Williamson was a bit of a joke at the Democrat debates. Having said that she was pleasanter than the other dems. She has since fallen out of the running.
I have had healing sessions of reiki which i thought it was harmless. Even could feel the heat of healer's hands etc. Then I was considering of applying for reiki stage 1 course but i kept putting off. I researched the story of reiki as it was sort of vague as to where it came from. Back then Reiki was all the rage. More and more i kept seeing the word 'reiki' in healing magazines which pissed me off big time. Then i saw bad things on reiki on the internet as i sighed a relief.Didn't know that i would need a deliverance until i was told cos of healing sessions that i went. But i saw ex reiki healer as he seems to be under huge pressure from within his spirit which i recognized as another spirit trying to enter him. He wasn't the only one. i saw a woman who went to angel therapy as her eyes were sort of glazed which i sensed as evil.
I am very grateful for all this awareness of the New Age. And Sanctus regarding this: I understand this very well and will pray for you. Strangely enough my new book is about the power of a New Age guru with "a highly charismatic" personality as you put it! Here is a little extract from the book about just what I think you're getting at, a guri with charisma luring an Irish girl called Brigid, turned New Ager: LightShadow, it turned out, was all these things. He was also tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes. The minute I saw him, I didn’t like him. He dressed expensively, entirely in black. From the top of his head—black hair pulled back into a neat ponytail—to his shining black Gucci shoes, the guy looked slick. And strange. For he wore a jet black cape and a purple amethyst ring. Another amethyst featured in a silver earring. Finally, silver buttons stood out prominently against his black shirt, like little stars in the night, complimenting a black and silver Yin-Yang medallion dangling from his neck. The man exuded power, charisma, magnetism. I was surprised, too, by his age—fifteen years older than Brigid, as it turned out. The petite Brigid seemed young and naive next to his commanding presence. I couldn’t help thinking she looked like a little elf captured by a great magician.
I hope no-one may mind my posting the book's cover here. The back cover gives an outline of the story. As you will see this is ALL about the New Age AND how it's coming into Ireland ... You will also see it's very much about abortion too and the sheer horror that happened on May 25th, which features in the story.
Some may not be able to read the back cover there well. So I'll also give you the link for Amazon: where, of course, it can also be bought! : - ) I pray this isn't too much self-promotion!
Any shaman is very deceptive and sometimes, are called shapeshifters. I have seen few of them at healing fairs which was quite common years ago. Also have read the damage caused by shaman on unsuspecting people as it came directly from the internet. Internet can be very very useful tool cos it was where i first found out the bad side of reiki etc that i wouldnt have known it in the 1st place. There was one guy who wore pony tails and claimed to be light worker or healer and quite charistmatic.Quite common as if you see one on healing fairs. (i realised it now). I was very naive back there re consequences of 'false healers or healing'. Then one evening in healing fair, i was looking at a physic healer from a distance as she claimed to be Princess Di's healer that time i think. I looked at her eyes for few mins then i sort of glimpsed flash of evil now and again. Then i realised afterwards that she was false or not credible.