Mission of Divine Mercy Locution

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Carmelite, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Principalities


    We do not believe that all of the orders and prohibitions decreed by the Archbishop are legitimate for him to impose, account taken of the most grave crises currently afflicting the Church both within the Archdiocese of San Antonio and throughout the world.

    Inasmuch as we believe that they inflict grave harm upon us or the faithful, we respectfully withhold our obedience from the Archbishop’s illegitimate commands or prohibitions. This is not an act of disobedience from legitimate orders, but the withholding of obedience from illegitimate ones contrary to divine law.

    We sincerely believe that we must act for the salvation of souls against any manifestly unreasonable or unjust prohibition from exercising priestly ministry, or withdrawal of priestly faculties to do the same.

    The Lord began to form our community years ago for what He said would be a great Mission of mercy and evangelization, precisely for these times that we are living. He has formed us through long years of faith and obedience, of suffering and silence and "desert." The Lord told us that the Church and the world would go through a time of unprecedented turmoil and darkness. But that He Himself would intervene with His Truth, His Mercy and His Love for ALL HIS CHILDREN in these times.

    This is our vocation. These are the times for which He has formed us. And we must obey Him.

    In a Message received on January 16, 2024, the Lord said:

    It will look to some as if you are acting outside of the bounds of My Church.
    What is My Church? My Mystical Body. And if I, the Head of this Body send you to tear off the
    uncleanness that has covered it; if I the Head send you to speak My Words, My thoughts, that
    what is yet sound may not lose hope, that what has become atrophied may be restored and
    strengthened, that what is growing like a cancer might be extirpated – can one say you are
    acting “outside” of this Body?

    NO. NO. NO. I Am sending you.

    We are defending the Church, even and especially if it might have to become temporarily a Church “of the catacombs.” We are defending the Deposit of Faith. We love and defend the papacy, which is why Bergoglio’s usurpation is so painful. It is those who willfully sow confusion, disorder, andsubvert the Deposit of Faith who have betrayed the Church and departed from her communion withthe One Lord Jesus Christ.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024 at 3:47 PM
  2. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Principalities

    A time of crisis calls for decisions. Each person must choose.

    We take these actions, trusting that in holding on to Our Lord Jesus Christ with strong, simple faith,
    He will guide us through this ordeal. This Faith opens the door to God’s interventions. Faith, so that
    God can act.

    In this difficult path, we have been so encouraged by the tremendous outpouring of prayers and
    support that we have received. Many have also expressed their great concern for us—we appreciate
    that concern, but please know that we sense the Lord’s care and protection every day. As He says so
    often in the Messages, “Do not be afraid.” We remind ourselves of this frequently.

    We ask for your continued prayers. If we are wrong, to bring us back to the truth. If we are right, to
    have the strength to be faithful.

    We are praying for all of you. We entrust ourselves and all of you to the Immaculate Heart of the Holy
    Mother of God, our Blessed Mother.

    May we always remain within the True Faith, so that God may deign to act through us, unworthy as
    we are.

    Jesus, we trust in You! Amen.

    Protecting MDMʼs Assets

    Many are asking, “Can the Archbishop seize the Mission’s assets?” The short answer, is
    NO, not according either to civil or canon law.
    The Mission of Divine Mercy Inc. (MDM Inc.) is a Texas nonprofit corporation with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-
    exempt status. It is legally separate from the Archdiocese of San Antonio according to State and
    Federal law.

    Having said all that, unjust and frivolous lawsuits can still occur. We want our friends and
    supporters to know that we have and will continue to do our due diligence, vigorously using legal
    means if necessary, to protect against any effort, no matter how unjust or frivolous, to confiscate
    MDM assets.
  3. any name you wish

    any name you wish Archangels

    I wonder if, after the validly ordained Lutheran ministers in Germany right after the reformation were replaced with invalid ones, if the children could tell that something was lost at their services...
    AED likes this.
  4. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Principalities

    I wouldn't assume the archbishop made the statement about about the MDM property without checking with lawyers. It all depends on legal documents of incorporation. Fr. Foster was appointed guardian by the previous archbishop, which implies he was in control of the project.
    Sadly, dioceses across the country have a lot of experience in closing down church properties, even in contested cases.
    Mary's child likes this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It must be wonderful to have God telling you what to do, when to obey and when not too.

    The rest of us only have the Church He founded.How do we manage?
  6. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    It sounds like a schism to me. We were told this would happen. I don’t really pay too much attention to these messages it’s the same thing I’ve heard before with the exception of calling out the Pope. I listen to the Pipe when it is doctrine but other than that I just turn the other cheek. It is Jesus’ church, I put him in charge. Living the beatitudes, praying, attending Mass. staying close to him. I don’t really need the MDM of whatever it is. So much drama today. And I’m ill and tired think I will have a nap.
    Mary's child, Cherox, Sam and 4 others like this.
  7. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Oops. Said Pipe I mean Pope. That darn spell check, well Pipe is kind of funny. Maybe my iPhone is developing a sense of humor.
  8. miker

    miker Powers

    I’m not closely following this group but reading this made me think of Matthew 5:39-41

    “But I say this to you: offer no resistance to the wicked. On the contrary, if anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well; if someone wishes to go to law with you to get your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
    And if anyone requires you to go one mile, go two miles with him.”

    Aside from obedience, I think of these words of Christ in this case. Even if they think bishop is wrong, would this not be an amazing response. We offer no resistance bishop…. Come take whatever you think you should. We trust in God. Perhaps that judgmental of me… I prob would have a hard time doing it myself… but it’s what Christ asks.
    Mary's child, Sam, AED and 5 others like this.
  9. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Christ came in the flesh and established His Holy Church. He taught us and gave us the grace to follow Him and to live in Him. I agree with you.
    You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. And then the Lord can vindicate us because we have followed Him and have not taken matters into our own hands. I have experienced this with my relationships with a family member.
    It is a spiritual principle that works.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024 at 8:15 PM
  10. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    This is so diabolically clever it makes me sick.
    Mary's child, Jason Fernando and AED like this.
  11. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    I honestly do not know.

    About ten years ago now I had lunch with a half dozen people at a friend’s home in Steubenville. He’s a professor of systematic theology there. Bishop Athanasius Schneider joined us for lunch.

    In the course of the conversation Bishop Schneider said the barque of Peter was in such a condition it could not be put right by any one man, even a saintly pope. The current problems simply could not be solved by men. He said it would take literal direct Divine Intervention to fix the Church. And that would only come about through the prayers and sufferings, freely offered up, of the innocents.

    I’m at a loss in general these days. I won’t be commenting on this thread any further.
  12. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    I remember that Bishop Schneider said that. He’s right, of course. I remember when you had lunch with him. There is a photo of that.
  13. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Yes, a cherished memory.

    He had offered the week long summer retreat for the Norbertines in Silverado California that summer. My son had scheduled private time with him while he was there. When I talked with him at my friend’s house in the living room before lunch, I asked him if he remembered my son, Frater Silvan. He got a broad smile and said, “Yes, of course. Please give Frater Silvan my warmest regards.”

    He was such a brilliant yet humble presence.

    (My son Mike subsequently discerned out of the Norbertines and is teaching English lit in Minnesota at an all boys school.)
    Cherox, Heidi, Sam and 8 others like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I would guess if I were one of those evil, corrupt, heretical, freemasonic. Communist clerics in control in the Vatican at the moment I would fall to my knees and thank Satan for these false Texan Messages.


    Because they prove li ing proof that any one who asks honest questions are Scismatic as they are.

    It sets up the rest of uswho do ask honest questions to be shot down like so many ducks.

    From now on if we do ask questions, they will say of us that we are shcismatics

    This is the work of Satan.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    This is why I spend so much time writing about these Texan so called messages, they are a great diabolical deception.

    They are totally, totally schismatic, totally anti Catholic nonsense.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024 at 11:26 PM
    Katfalls and Mary's child like this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    John Henry and Life Site News know as much about discerning Mystical Phenomena as I do about planning the next Lunar Mission.

    It is they themselves who have been pushing this nonsense.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024 at 11:25 PM
    Mary's child likes this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    This all reminds me of Michael Voris and his big nose dive.

    Or Father Corapi.

    The same deal.

    My guess?

    Too busy.

    Not praying enough
  18. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Principalities

    Many of the most devout suffer now, because they realize what has been lost already and fear what may come. But if Cardinal Burke's nine-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe spreads to more Catholics, God may yet send us help.
    Ang, AED, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  19. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    I feel the same way about Medjugorge. Out of respect, I keep these opinions mostly to myself.

    Medjugorge was marked from the start with bitter contempt of the local bishop by the Franciscans who coordinated the Medjugorge “messages.”

    They even put words in Our Blessed Mother’s mouth denigrating the local bishops. Those same Franciscans were eventually defrocked for having children out of wedlock. And worse. Some outright occult stuff.

    Yet folks defend Medjugorge at all costs and denigrate this as demonic.

    Frankly I don’t give a hoot if MDM is authentic or not. I’d just like to see some consistency.

    Mote. Beam. I’m out.
  20. LMF

    LMF Archangels

    Of everything I've read thus far, these two lines have helped the most in straightening out my own foggy brain. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Consistency. What relief that would bring. One of the most difficult things when returning to the Faith after a long, sinful absence, is trying to reconcile the lack thereof. Universal Church and such. So one asks questions, and this sometimes gets one into trouble. Maybe it's always been this way, idk.

    What blows my mind isn't that they released the messages, but that they didn't take the punishment they must have known was coming for doing so. Did they plan it that way from the get go? Who in their right mind could attend "Mass" there now? Neither side really seemed to show much compassion toward the other. It's beyond sad :cry:

    Anyway, I wish all of you a very Blessed Holy Week and a joy filled Easter. A wise "internet" priest once said something to the effect that if you find yourself suffering greatly, stay up on that cross as long as the Good Lord deems you worthy of sharing it.
    And from St. Clare of Assisi:
    "If you suffer with Him, you will reign with Him. If you cry with Him, you will have joy with Him. If you die with Him on the Cross of tribulation, you will possess the eternal dwelling place in the splendor of the saints."

    ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ~
    AED, RoryRory, Katfalls and 4 others like this.

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