An illustration that Jesuits are either appalling (most of them, it seems) or wonderful. The first thing that strikes me is the possible satanic motivation of the Obama junta's intervention in the Ukraine. This has driven a wedge between Catholics and Orthodox. The effect would be to delay further the inevitable Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
I used to take a great deal of interest in what Msgr. Hnilica had to say in support of Medjugorje but I became aware of some serious question marks about him including claimed illicit ordinations of priests (laymen?) at Fatima, his apparently close connection with the discredited 'visionary' Theresa Lopez and claims that he had invented much of his background and activities including his episcopal ordination (the last of which is hard to prove as to disprove in the circumstances in which he claimed it occurred in a Communist controlled country). Some people claimed that he was a KGB 'plant' in the Church and others that he was only interested in cash, his association with Lopez might increase suspicion in this regard as cash seemed to be one of her great interests in life.
I know, I used to regard him as a great hero. It's possible that he is one but he has certainly given some strong signs indicating otherwise. Sorry for being the one giving you the bad news.
You may be right. However, before one accepts the destruction of someone's character, one must be provided with more than 'claims' in the absence of reliable sources. This is particularly so in the case of someone whose activities are likely to be met with extreme hostility in the very quarters he seeks to undermine. Remember, he was directly taking on the masters of disinformation, the Communists. The allegations are strikingly reminiscent of the case of another whistle-blowing Jesuit, who has had his share of unsubstantiated accusations, Father Malachi Martin. Perhaps you might provide us with sources or at least point us in the general direction of some concrete information?
In 1992, Bishop Hnilica was charged with receiving stolen documents in connection with the Banco Ambrosiano scandal of the 1980s. He was convicted in 1993 of money laundering after he paid $2.8 million in an attempt to obtain evidence that would allegedly clear officials of the "Vatican bank", the Institute for Works of Religion, of blame in the affair.[2][3][4]
Ah, come on now. Throwing a man under the bus on the basis of 'seems' and wickedpedia. Respectable and proper sources, please.
The last time I did any research in this matter was back in the 90's and have no links to provide. I am not sure that the information, if that is what it was, came from the internet, from reading or from others who shared my interest in Medjugorje and its clerical supporters, or from a mixture of all of them. I don't know anything about him. All I can say is that I was sufficiently 'spooked' by what I came across to treat his claims with some scepticism. You will note that I did not exclude the possibility that he was what he claimed to be but there were some clear warning signs (as far as I was concerned) that he might not be. I was aware that he had been subject to accusations of financial crimes but did not know about the specific claims in the link that Mac has provided. As to Fr. Martin, all I know about him is that he was an excellent and highly successful writer, and that he was/is famous and whose life was/is controversial enough for me to treat his claims with some circumspection.
And yes,he was involved with Our Lady of all Nations among other problems.
The problem with the likes of Hnilica is there is no evidence he was consecrated Bishop. Its all on his word. Since we know what was going on in the church thanks to those like Bella Dodd, its just not good enough.
Last time I checked, Our Lady of All Nations was approved by the local bishop as of supernatural origin. The same can't be said for either Medjugorje or Garabandal.
True. In 2002 Bishop Punt did do that. I am not arguing that he didnt. What I am arguing, is that his judgement is not sound. And that this Statue was chosen as a perfect case in point of the message of Akita where we are warned we will see Bishop opposing Bishop.
The local bishop has primary authority for private revelations, unless the Vatican takes away jurisdiction, which I don't think ever happened with regard to Our Lady of All Nations. It is true that, "in September 2008, Msgr. Charles Scicluna, Promoter of Justice for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, addressed the 22nd Mariological Congress in Lourdes, France on the topic of the Church’s 1978 Norms of discerning presumed apparitions and revelations. In 2010, the address was published in the scholarly journal of the Pontificia Academia Mariana Internationalis. In his essay, Scicluna states once a decision of the CDF is rendered on an alleged private revelation, the decision is of “undisputed hierarchical authority,” and a lower authority cannot overturn it. Msgr. Scicluna questioned whether Bishop Punt had the authority to make a determination regarding the Amsterdam apparitions after the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had rendered an earlier decision..." However, I don't think the Vatican ever took away jurisdiction from the local bishop. While it is true that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the 1970's had reaffirmed the original 1956 negative decision on Our Lady of All Nations, I don't think the Congregation ever took away jurisdiction from the local bishop as is currently the case with Medjugorje (although even with Medjugorje the Vatican has never overturned the local bishop). I'm not sure Msgr. Scicluna's argument is the definitive argument or if he was speaking with the Holy Father's authority on the matter. Perhaps Scicluna's scholarly address deserves its own thread.
Are you aware that, according to his own words, Greg Szymanski of this self-proclaimed 'last frontier of truth' called Arctic Beacon seems to be an extremely virulent anti-Catholic? Just read his 'About Us', particularly his definition of the Vatican. He seems the kind to gleefully use any allegation he finds to discredit the Church. The case of Our Lady of All Nations seems not to be so decisive according to the immediately preceding posts. Indeed, according to the rules of the Church, it could be plausibly argued to possess more respectability than both Garabandal and Medjugorje, both of which are enthusiastically followed by many on here. Hardly damning to the accused. Although you have applied it to damn no less than two bishops, one very vociferously, one merely casually. The Catholic News and Herald is an eminent source. As we all know, that scandal was an extremely murky affair that has never been properly extrapolated. To me, a civil conviction of that kind, without greater knowledge of specifics and motives, is insufficient to prove that the bishop was necessarily morally wrong. Behind the Iron Curtain he would have been used to committing civil crimes which were most definitely not immoral. Has there been any publicised censure of him by the Church? Of course, in the light of these allegations, I will treat of this bishop with circumspect, but I don't see anything like enough evidence to describe him as 'scum' or even to be in any way certain he was guilty of anything. Just because we know there were communist infiltrators in the Church doesn't prove this bishop was one. If he was, then, compared to many of the others with their heresies and progressivism, he was a singular failure.
So much here at MOG, The Daily News and all about us seems to have become a Mass Confusion Event. I decided to Net Search: "Jesus, End Times, Confusion" and below was one of the first results. Stedman wrote the below piece in 1970 and he died in 1992. He was an Evangelical CA Pastor well known at the time and as near is I can tell was not of the anti-Catholic sort. I think his piece is worth reading and his ending prayer worth reciting as The Times are more confusing and dangerous then those of 1970 and the Cold War/Vietnam Era! .... an Era I remember all too well! "The Age of Confusion" - Rev. Ray Stedman GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Thanks Crewdog. Here's the prayer. "Father, how confusing are the voices we hear, how accurate is our Lord's prediction that these voices will be sounding out in ever increasing clamor to deceive us, mislead us, pervert, and destroy us. How thankful we are for that other voice, the clear voice of the Holy Spirit who interprets to us the truth of Scripture. Help us to ask him to begin his wonderful work of sustaining and keeping, empowering and strengthening, till we can stand in the midst of the flood of deceit around us. In Jesus's name, Amen."
"The" (not Our) Lady of All Nations has never sat well with me. The messages have some serious issues, like claiming to be the last Mary will give to the world and to no longer call her Mary but The Lady. These coupled with the image placing her in Jesus' spot on the cross always left me feeling uneasy even though it's the same image used for the Atika statue which weeped, which was also approved. Punt never explained what made these Amsterdam messages supernatural all of a sudden after being rejected many times before. I don't believe this is authentic even though is somehow approved. Starting down this road can become quite the rabbit hole, you could start questioning other approved apparitions, not necessarily a healthy or spiritually fruitful process. I'm not wise or holy enough to sort through all these private revelations and find the truth especially when questionable apparitions like this one can actually get approval. If the Vatican approves or accepts as approved such events then they must reject all Marian apparitions after this one since Mary wouldn't lie about it being the last yet we know it wasn't. I've got to continue the struggle to be and stay in alignment with God's Will since this is all that really matter to Him. I already know the truth, I already know what I need to do. The struggle to be a true faithful catholic with an active personal relationship with Christ is enough of a challenge most days. So much of what is going on now is just noise, not saying to ignore it but put it in it's proper place.