Is the Warning Imminent?

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by padraig, Jun 20, 2014.


Is the Warning Imminent?

  1. Yes it is.

  2. No ,it is still a way off.

  3. I have not got a clue.

  1. SteveD

    SteveD Powers

    Feb 9, 2017
    There has been reference to Our Lady repeatedly saying that the Medjugorje secrets are contained in the Scriptures and, inevitably, this has led people to look to the Apocalypse but I think that She may be pointing elsewhere and specifically to Exodus. Within days of my first pilgrimage there, I saw something supernatural (shared only by one other person that I could trace) that linked the time of the Medj. apparitions to the wandering of the Jews for 40 years before they reached the promised land. Various other events and statements I heard strengthened this link in my mind. The reference on these pages and elsewhere to the expected 'sign' at various sites of Marian apparitions taking the form of a pillar of fire (see Exodus) is another 'link' to the wandering of the chosen people. So, I am reaching the conclusion that the sign might well be given to us forty years after the beginning of the apparitions which would be 2021.
    Light, Booklady, Serena and 3 others like this.
  2. Light

    Light Guest


    Your reference to 2021 is memorable to me, since earlier (this year) I saw 2021-2024 (in red) on the host at adoration. I thought the date of the Miracle of Garabandal might be withing this time slot.

    God Bless
    Byron, Serena and SteveD like this.

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