Sign after sign after sign...

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Torrentum, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Jan 12, 2017
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    If they were able to smuggle these missiles into N. Korea undetected, they can smuggle them into Iran undetected. And Cuba, for that matter.
    Byron, Mario and Don_D like this.
  3. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Yeah and they are not small either. I don't understand it. Although, the Obama administration was awfully friendly with the separatist movement in Ukraine when it was being torn apart by civil war. A pretty opportune time to sell and transport weapons when everything is in absolute chaos and there is no central government.

    It had to have been at that time since NK was testing a whole different missile type which was failing all the time up until they unveiled these this year.

    I'm really hoping for another Russian missile explosion part II at this point.
    Mary's child and BrianK like this.
  4. More indoctrination of the young into the instant gratification, atheistic materialism of the "global" community:

    Amazon opens 'Instant Pickup' points in U.S. brick-and-mortar push Inc is rolling out pickup points in the United States where shoppers can retrieve items immediately after ordering them, shortening delivery times from hours to minutes, the company said on Tuesday.

    The world's largest online retailer has launched 'Instant Pickup' points around five college campuses, such as the University of California at Berkeley, it said. Amazon has plans to open more sites by the end of the year including one in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.

    Shoppers on Amazon's mobile app can select from several hundred fast-selling items at each site, from snacks and drinks to phone chargers. Amazon employees in a back room then load orders into lockers within two minutes, and customers receive bar codes to access them.

    The news underscores Amazon's broader push into brick-and-mortar retail. The e-commerce company, which said in June it would buy Whole Foods Market Inc for $13.7 billion, has come to realize that certain transactions like buying fresh produce are hard to shift online. Its Instant Pickup program targets another laggard: impulse buys.
  5. Amazon, Facebook Are Now Trying To Take Over The Pizza Ordering Business

    More and more Americans are reportedly using Amazon and Facebook to order food, exemplifying the two tech giants’ penetration of yet another industry.

    Consumers are using the tech companies for establishments like TGI Fridays and Papa John’s Pizza, just to name a few, according to Bloomberg. TGI Fridays, the casual chain restaurant that serves up American fare, is now enabling customers with the ability to pay with their Amazon accounts. Papa John’s, the eponymous take-out and pizza delivery franchise, started accepting orders through Facebook in June. Roughly two months later, 60 percent of Papa John’s sales are made through virtual orders, Bloomberg reports.

    Technology “enables a quick transaction,” said Joe Pawlak, the vice president at research firm Technomic, according to Bloomberg. “Consumers are moving that way in terms of letting technology do the paying for them.”
  6. From Luz de Maria:

    With great sadness in My Heart, I reiterate that disobedience to the Divine Precepts wants to imprison Justice so that injustice be a daily practice.

    Pray, My children, pray; an asteroid is divided by man,

    but a large portion falls into the sea, being the cause of terror and fear for Humanity,

    while some other fragments penetrate the earth.


    The iniquity of the evil ones is confusing My children who cannot get out of the tentacles filled with lies and errors. My Son had already announced it: They will walk on evil seeing it as good.

    I think we've already dodged a couple of very close ones this year.
  7. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York

    Barcelona: Van rams crowds in Ramblas tourist area
    At least one person died and 32 were injured - 10 of them seriously - after a van ploughed into crowds in Barcelona's famous Las Ramblas tourist area, police and local officials say.

    The reporters speaking are saying 13 dead (from Catalan gov. official) with 50 injured while the Catalan police are still only reporting 1 death since they need to get firm reports from hospitals.
  9. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    Barcelona terror attack: At least 13 reported dead after van plows into crowd at popular tourist area :cry:
  10. More fires in Portugal:

    Forest fires cut off a village of 2,000 people in Portugal, as firefighters struggled Thursday to control two major blazes in the centre of the country, local officials said.

    “It’s impossible to leave or to enter Macao because of the flames and the smoke,” Vasco Estrela, the mayor of Macao village, told the Lusa news agency.

    .......This year’s fires were the deadliest the country has endured.

    Wildfires in mid-June near Pedrogao Grande in central Portugal killed 64 people and injured more than 250 others.
    DeGaulle likes this.
  11. Although it seems pretty hopeless against the major globalists and their world ambitions for atheism such efforts by determined pastors witness more courage than just comfortable homilies given within "safe" concrete buildings! Anyway, entering into such a chamber for evil she'll need much prayer of protection.

    Michele Bachmann to Wage War Against 'Darkness and Deception' as 'Pastor to the United Nations'

    Former Congresswoman and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is heading to the United Nations headquarters in New York City on behalf of Skyline Church to lead spiritual warfare against "darkness and deception" as "pastor to the United Nations."

    Skyline Church in La Mesa, California, led by Jim Garlow already operates a weekly Christian ministry at the U.S. Capitol for members of Congress and their staff known as The Jefferson Gathering.

    On Saturday, he revealed on Facebook that he was spreading the ministry to the U.N. with Bachmann at the helm.

    "Dream with me. Pray with me. Believe with me. What if a great spiritual awakening was inexplicably touched off in the United Nations in New York City? Our Intercession Team is praying/travailing intensely for that! Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is Skyline Church's new 'pastor to the United Nations' in New York City," he wrote.

    "What if you wanted to disciple all nations and you wanted to reach the whole world?" he asked during the service. "So God did you a favor, he simply arranged so all the world came to one place at one time so you could reach them all at once. What would you call it? You'd call it the United Nations and that would be the most economical way that you could possible reach the leaders."

    "I don't know a darker, more deceived place on earth than the U.N.," she said. "Because as we saw at the Tower of Babel, that's probably the last time when we saw all the nations of the Earth come together in a moment of deception. ... Their goal has been from the very beginning, the creation of a one-world order; but not a one-world order under the umbrella of the Holy Spirit, a man's attempt at a one-world order that only brings about chaos, confusion, deception, delusion, pain. And that's where, rather than cursing the darkness, Skyline Church is about to light a candle."

    Trump's Win Comparable to Elijah's Victory Over The Prophets Of Baal, Michele Bachmann Says

    In accepting the position, Bachmann told the church that the U.N. was in need of the Holy Spirit and she didn't know a place that was "darker" or "more deceived."
    Mary's child, AED and DeGaulle like this.

  12. A THREE MILE wide asteroid is set to graze past Earth on Sept. 1 - and NASA says it's the largest to come this close since they began keeping track
    Mary's child and Don_D like this.
  13. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Here's a sign for you. Shiite and Sunni Islam coming together to sing kumbya. The first official visit of an Iranian to Turkey since 1979. Who could have guessed Turkey and Iran would begin to put away their old differences. I bet Saudi Arabia is not pleased to say the least. Erdogan will making a visit to Iran as well.

    The Iranian army chief today held talks with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and military leaders in Ankara over defence issues, counter-terrorism and the Syrian conflict.

    In what is the first visit to Turkey by an Iranian chief of staff since Iran’s 1979 revolution, Major General Mohammad Baqeri met his Turkish counterpart, General Hulusi Akar, as well as the Defence Minister Fikri Isik and Erdogan.

    The officials also discussed education and defence ties, with both countries having agreed to the sharing of information, student exchanges and holding joint military training exercises.

    The two sides also discussed the Kurdish referendum for independence due to be held in September in northern Iraq, with both vehemently opposing it and agreeing that it will only increase tensions.

    Read more: Turkey: Kurdish independence vote could start civil war in Iraq

    Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, described the visit as unprecedented in the history of Iranian-Turkish relations.

    There have been no such visits between the two countries for a long time, but considering regional developments and security issues – border security and the fight against terrorism – there was a need for such a visit

    Baqeri told Iranian state television upon his arrival in Turkey on Tuesday.

    In recent months, Turkey’s relations with its traditional allies – the US and EU countries – have been strained after the US equipped and armed Kurds in Syria and America, Germany and other European countries’ refusal to extradite suspects in the coup attempt which took place in July 2016.

    Despite Turkey backing the opposition fighters in Syria, and Iran supporting regime President Bashar Al-Assad, the two have been able to agree to the establishment of four de-escalation zones, or safe zones, in Syria to quell the conflict in the country, and discussions are currently underway regarding the policing of the zones.

    According to Baqeri, Erdogan will head a senior delegation in a visit to Iran in the near future with the goal of further improving bilateral economic, political and military ties
  14. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    News and Resources
    June 30, 2017

    NASA'S First Asteroid Deflection Mission Enters Next Design Phase at Johns Hopkins APL
    The first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defense – the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), which is being designed and would be built and managed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory – is moving from concept development to preliminary design phase, following NASA’s approval on June 23.

    "DART would be NASA’s first mission to demonstrate what’s known as the kinetic impactor technique – striking the asteroid to shift its orbit – to defend against a potential future asteroid impact," said Lindley Johnson, planetary defense officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This approval step advances the project toward an historic test with a non-threatening small asteroid."

    "DART is a critical step in demonstrating we can protect our planet from a future asteroid impact," said the Lab’s Andy Cheng, who – with Andy Rivkin, also of APL – serves as the DART investigation co-lead. "Since we don’t know that much about their internal structure or composition, we need to perform this experiment on a real asteroid. With DART, we can show how to protect Earth from an asteroid strike with a kinetic impactor by knocking the hazardous object into a different flight path that would not threaten the planet."

    Seagrace likes this.
  15. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Jan 11, 2015
    It's quite plausible they will deflect an asteroid into our path.
    SgCatholic likes this.
  16. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    Yes, that thought occured to me, too.
  17. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    DeGaulle and Jarg like this.
  18. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    If God means fire to fall from heaven it will fall no matter what they do. If only they worked hard to become "righteous men" like Abraham sought to save sodom that might stop the asteroid in its tracks. Sigh. But I doubt that is going to happen.
  19. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    The article says the Sagrada Familia was the first objective and they were going to use an Isis developed explosive that they refer to as 'the mother of satan' - would have killed hundreds of people.

    Their explosives were storaged in the basement of a building in the suburbs that collapse the day before the attack due to a gas explosion that detonated them, killing one woman in the building. That is why they turned to the van strategy.


    This fatal coincidence of the gas explosion pretty much sounds to me like a divine intervention
    Mario, Seagrace, DeGaulle and 8 others like this.

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