Is President Zelensky a Christian?

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Xavier, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    It is Putin, and he alone, who is responsible for those "inhumane and foolish deaths".

    Surrender? What a Great Idea! This Ukrainian Soldier who surrendered was castrated.

    Some 15 Million people are suffering and became refugees because of Putin's War.

    But given the above, no wonder the rest are fighting with all their strength to save their homeland.

    Also, many Military Experts are now of the opinion that Ukraine can actually win this War.
  2. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    Ex-NATO Commander says Putin's aware he made a mistake in invading Ukraine, but will never admit it publicly.

    He also makes a prediction with a timeline: "I'd say, six months from now he's [Putin's] going to be in very dire straits".

    "Putin Aware He Made Mistake By Invading Ukraine But Will Never Admit It: Ex-NATO Commander
    "He is burning through capability. I'd say, six months from now he's going to be in very dire straits," the former NATO leader said referring to Russia's Putin.

    NATO's former Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis on Sunday claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin "realizes he's made a mistake" as he ordered the invasion of Ukraine. In an interview with The Cats Roundtable radio show on WABC 770 AM, the ex-NATO official said that as the war still rages on, Russia's authoritarian leader may have realized that it was a bad choice to invade Ukraine, considering the fierce resistance that invading troops met from Kyiv's forces.

    "Has Putin realized he made a mistake or does he still think he did the right thing?" John Catsimatidis, the show host asked the former NATO leader.

    He responded by saying: "I think in the dark, quiet hours at two o'clock in the morning when he wakes up, he realizes he's made a mistake. Publicly, he'll never admit that. Never. He'll continue to maintain this fiction that Ukraine is run by 'neo-Nazis.' Ridiculous, obviously."

    'He'll never admit it publicly..'
    The former NATO commander furthermore asserted that Putin has been pushing narratives that NATO has somehow pushed him into this corner and prompted the conflict but that isn't true. "Everything that has happened is of Vladimir Putin's doing including the invasion, the sanctions that have followed, the military pushback. I think he knows it in his heart, he'll never admit it publicly," he continued.

    READ | Ukraine accuses Russia of blocking access to medicines, says it's 'crime against humanity'
    When asked if the two warring sides will negotiate for peace, NATO's Catsimatidis said that it may be about six months that it will take for the two governments to negotiate a resolution. "What's driving us toward a negotiation are the difficulties Putin is facing as he burns through troops," said Catsimatidis adding that the destruction of Russian military equipment and troop losses could be another reason.

    "He is burning through capability. I'd say, six months from now he's going to be in very dire straits," the former NATO leader said referring to Russia's Putin.

    "On the other side of the battlefield, Zelensky has to recognize that the patience of the West and the continued flow of cash and weapons is not infinite. I think both those factors will ultimately drive the sides to come to some kind of negotiation..."
  3. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    Feb 8, 2019
    Present-day Ukraine was wholly created by Communism...
  4. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    Prez Zelensky again concluded this year's Easter's Message with "Christos Voskres" - Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen, in Ukrainian.

  5. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    The speech, taken from:

    Easter greetings from the President of Ukraine
    16 April 2023 - 08:00


    Dear great people of the great country!

    At the end of last winter, Russia brought a full-scale war to our land. And with it – death, pain, and darkness. On the morning of February 24, the sun never rose. Dawn never came. On the morning of February 24, a dark night began. And at the same time, our awakening began. Our struggle.

    Darkness could not overshadow our spirit, desire for freedom, love for our native land, and readiness to defend it.

    We have kept the light within us. We have conquered panic, fear, feud, and quarrels. We have united. Millions of sparks in millions of Ukrainian hearts became one big bonfire. Our strength and invincibility were tempered in this fire, this fire did not let our hope and faith go out, the whole world saw this fire. It has united around it, stood next to us.

    Then we defeated despair, hopelessness, fatigue, pain. Millions of lights in the eyes of millions of Ukrainians merged into one powerful beam of light. It helped us not to get lost in the dark, not to get lost on the road, illuminated the path to the right goal.

    This is what different generations have fought for in different centuries. What our warriors of light – the defenders of Ukraine – gave their lives for in the last nine years and 417 days.

    What we are fighting for against the dark forces today. This is our dawn. Our revival. This is the dawn of independent Ukraine.

    Today, we celebrate the holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord. Its main symbol is victory: the victory of good, victory of truth, victory of life. We celebrate Easter with unshakable faith in the irreversibility of these victories.

    On this day a year ago, we all prayed that Ukraine would endure. Today – for Ukraine to win. We don't just wait and ask, we win and create this victory ourselves. 417 days. We have already come a long way. Perhaps the most difficult of the peaks is ahead of us. We will overcome it. And together we will meet our dawn. When the sun will rise all over our country. This is a blue and yellow flag. It will certainly be raised in all our God-given land. In all territories temporarily occupied by devils. Our flag will fly on the shores of the Sea of Azov and the banks of Siversky Donets River, over terricones and Ai-Petri peak. The sun will shine in the south, the sun will shine in the east, and the sun will shine in Crimea. The yellow-hot sun in a peaceful blue sky, and it is the light of justice.

    It is the light of the reunion of people and families. Ukrainians. All who are now at the front and all who help them in the rear. The glow of the smiles of the winners and their families. The brilliance of the battle orders of the heroes who will return. The sparkle of happy eyes of parents, children, loved ones, friends and relatives who are waiting.

    This is the light of rebirth. Reconstruction of what was destroyed and mutilated by the occupier. Reconstruction of our beautiful country, which will become even more beautiful in the future.

    It is the light of verity and truth. The rule of law and justice. Prosecution and punishment of all those who gave and executed criminal orders. All those who killed, tortured, robbed will answer both in the international tribunal and to the Lord.

    Heaven sees our faith and steadfastness. The world sees our courage and invincibility. The enemy sees our strength and determination. And therefore, Ukraine will see the light of victory.

    Belief in it unites us all. Always, but especially today. On Easter, which has always been a family holiday for Ukrainians, a day of warmth, hope and great unity. The war could not erase us, our values, our traditions, our holidays, and the most important things they symbolize.

    And therefore, no matter where we celebrate Easter, no matter where each of us is now, we celebrate Easter together.

    We are one big family. Ukrainians. We have one big home. Ukraine. We have one big goal. Victory. For all.

    Those who are no longer with us, who gave their lives for Ukraine. We remember everyone and ask God to appease their souls. We believe in everyone who continues to defend the Motherland, and we ask God to protect and preserve them. With all our strength, we fight for our land and ask for the help of heavenly forces. In hundreds of prayers that our ancestors said before the battle, which help our soldiers and protect them today.

    I will put on the shroud of Jesus Christ,

    my skin is iron shell,

    my blood is strong ore, my bone is a damask sword.

    I am faster than an arrow, more alert than a falcon.

    The armor is on me.

    The Lord is in me.

    For tomorrow.

    For a peaceful dawn.

    For the victory.

    For Ukraine.

    Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!"
  6. Jason Fernando

    Jason Fernando Powers

    Apr 25, 2020
  7. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    jackzokay likes this.
  8. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Jul 26, 2016
    AED and Jason Fernando like this.
  9. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Yes. Poor man.

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