NOTHING would surprise me at this point. Time is short and all stops are being pulled out. Yes, we shall see...
Those weird looking 5g towers have popped up all over my town... no one seems to know what they're for
Everyone who has taken the shots should very quickly look up the antidotes which can be taken. And take them.
I don't know. Surely if this is true, these guys wouldn't be "allowed" to reveal it like this beforehand?
They reveal everything before they do it! Have you listened to Heir Klaus Shwab? I think they gauge how complacent the 'sheep' are by showing their hand. So far, the sheep are still sleeping
They do reveal their plans. In October, 2019, there was a huge gathering at Johns Hopkins to formulate plans for handling a world wide pandemic. But I still think we must pray some of these evils away if we can.
I believe they're currently testing the water to see if enough people will fall for the covid BS again. If they get the green light, they'll go again. And push the poison into arm's. If they sense that people won't buy it en masse however, they'll pull back. I honestly don't think they'll be able to convince enough people to buy it this time round. People are much more tuned-in than they were. I think they'll have a plan B tho. But its all smoke and mirrors. Either way, God wins.
Sigh. So many evil plans. Thanks be to God for the power of prayer and that we can trust all is in His hands, come what may.
Good to show him fact based discussions like this, but in the end prayer will be the most effective.
And then the voice of reason, Cardinal Vigano. This man sees through it all. He speaks plainly of our worst fears... we shouldn't be surprised about what he says because the lord of this world is running the show down here, for now.
I want to believe that it's farfetched. There are only 2 possibilities: he is wrong or he is right. All I know is that if it was within their capability, the powers-that-be would have done this. On the other hand, Todd Callender's ego might be big enough to enjoy freaking people out with a lie.
Still believe this is something very beneficial to do on a monthly basis. Probably won't stop much of the dna damage done by the sticky pokey but it will at least help with all the heavy metals, parasites and other issues in our bodies. DETOX BATH 2 cubs baking soda (non aluminum kind) 2 cups of epson salt 1 cup bentonite clay 1 cub borax scrub body a lot for 20 minutes at least or as long as you can take it. When I do this, the water starts out nice an clean even with all the stuff added and at the end its gross! Good riddance metals, bacteria, pesticides, parasites and whatever else is coming out of me!
Yes, the Eucharist's saving benefits are inexhaustible! How could one ever begin to measure its worth? I'm sure there are times when I have lost much grace by failing to approach the Sacrament reverently, my mind focused on trivialities instead. Lord have Mercy!