Byzantine prophecies on the Last Emperor and Era of Peace

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Vouthon, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. Vouthon

    Vouthon Angels

    Jul 10, 2016
    (continued from the last post on the previous page...)

    This dynamic, his ascent from poverty, coheres with one of the most important themes of Sacred Scripture referred to by the Virgin Mary, Our Lady, in her Magnificat in Luke:

    And Mary said,

    My soul magnifies the Lord,
    47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
    48 for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.
    Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
    49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
    and holy is his name.
    50 His mercy is for those who fear him
    from generation to generation.
    51 He has shown strength with his arm;

    he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
    52 He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
    and lifted up the lowly;
    53 he has filled the hungry with good things,
    and sent the rich away empty.

    (Luke 1:46-53)​

    St. Bonaventure, a thirteenth century Franciscan Doctor of the Church, makes it clear in his Collations on the Hexaemeron (a series of sermons delivered to the Franciscan community at Paris in the Spring of 1273) that Cyrus the Great liberating the Jews from Babylonian Captivity is a 'type' of the age of the Great Monarch, who will thus be modelled after Cyrus:

    Nevertheless, it is first necessary that the tribulation come. The End is not to be placed there, because no one knows how long that time of great peace will last since ''when they said 'Peace and security,' then suddenly destruction came upon them" (Matt. 24:21).

    The seventh time or age, that of quiet, begins with the shout of the angel who "swore through Him who lives forever and ever that there would be no more time; but in the days of the seventh angel the mystery of God will be completed" (Rev. 10:&-7).In the sixth age three things take place - excellence of victory, excellence of teaching, and excellence of the prophetic life....In this age there ought to come a life through an order which will possess the prophetic life. This age is double. Just as in the Lord's Passion there was first light, then darkness, and then light, so it is necessary that first there be the light of teaching and that Josiah succeed Hezekiah, after which came the tribulation of the Jews through their captivity. It is necessary that One Ruler, a defender of the Church, arise. After him will come the darkness of tribulations...

    In the seventh age [of the Old Testament] we know that these things took place - the rebuilding of the Temple, the restoration of the city, and the granting of peace. Likewise in the coming seventh age there will be a restoration of divine worship and a rebuilding of the city.

    (Collation 16:17-19. Translated from Opera omnia 5:405-6, 408.)​

    Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser emphasised the same in 1646:

    "The spread of the church over all countries will take place by the instrumentality of this Strong Monarch, and before the destruction of the world, Christianity will be preached to all nations of the earth; as this is foretold in Matthew 24:4; in Isaiah 2:2; and in Micheas (Micah) 4:2. To this wide diffusion of Christianity allusion is made, when John is obliged to measure the temple of God.(Apocalypse 11:1).

    A type of this period was the sixth age of the old world, from the deliverance of the Israelites out of the Babylonian Captivity, and the rebuilding of the City and the Temple of Jerusalem, down to the Coming of Christ. As God gladdened His people by the rebuilding of the Temple and the Holy City; as all nations and kingdoms were subjected to the Roman Empire; and Caesar Augustus, the most powerful and excellent Monarch, after vanquishing all his enemies gave peace to the world - so will God pour out upon His Church the most abundant consolations
  2. Vouthon

    Vouthon Angels

    Jul 10, 2016
    I also thought it might be worth submitting, for the interest of the forum, a few authentic Western prophecies of the Holy Pontiff or Angelic Shepherd Pope, since he his role in the eschatological drama and period of peace is so indelibly bound up with that of his temporal colleague the Great Monarch, which have not (to my knowledge) been distributed yet online.

    The first is from the thirteenth vision of Robert of Uzfes (d. 1296), a Dominican visionary. His Liber sermonum Dei details a vision Robert had while walking along the Rhone river from Orange to Avignon. The Lord appeared to him at sunrise and told him to:

    "Say to the Angel of the Church: "’In your simplicity you nourish wolves who rend my flock’ (Jer. 23:1). I will pay you a visit (Exod. 3:16), because you have been deceived and have not known the rending of my flock. I will bring a great plague unless you correct this sin. I will demand the blood of my sheep at your hand. Remember your begging and resist proud thoughts (Rom. 12:16); as a humble man do not abandon the humble works you have begun. I will reward the humble. See what your subjects are doing and let not such things go unpunished. The day of your destruction upon which I shall take revenge is near.....

    In the same place I saw in a dream that I was with my oldest brother and youngest sister. While we were walking we came to a door and heard the words: "The pope is inside, if you wish to see him." We entered and kissed his feet as he stood on the ground. I was amazed that he would sit upon the ground and looked upon his narrow short bed with its very poor covering. I said: "Why is it, Father, that you have such a poor bed? The poorest of the poor bishops of the world would not have a meaner one." The pope said to me, 'We must be humbled." Suddenly we were on our way down a mountain and I saw him in the habit of the Friars Minor."

    A rather cryptic 14th century text known as the Vaticinia de summis nontificibus (which survives in more than fifty manuscript and twenty printed editions), prophesizes that the Angelic Pope will arrive like a semi-naked monk sitting on a rock, and is captioned as follows: XI. Title. A Good Mark of Respect:

    There will be revealed an anointed one who has the first name of a monk. He will live on a rock. "The lamentations of the others have come to me. Having left the world, I have a peasant's diet of herbs. I live in the world like a dead man, one groaning. I gather together good things and scatter every reward of evil doing." He will be totally justified when the Star appears black to you. You will then be naked and go into the depths of the earth.

    The Liber de Flore is a prophecy dating from circa 1304/1305 A.D., predicts that the Angelic Pope again will be "poor and naked" and would be appointed by angelic agency (hence his name, the Angelic Shepherd Pope) and that he will "ally with a generous king of the paternity of Pippin" who would come to salute the "brightness of the glorious pope" and who would confer on him the Eastern and Western Empire along with the title Bicephalus. Then together they would carry out the program of the Last World Emperor the Greeks would be converted and the French king would conquer Jerusalem, eventually resigning the kingdom to become a Franciscan friar. There would be a program for the Angelic Pope, too; Rome would be purged of all wealth and all clergy would live according to ecclesiastical poverty."

    This text assumes a lengthy period of peace that will not end during the reigns of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pope but endure after them until the advent of Antichrist. After the first Angelic pope, a further four holy successors are identified as subsequent Angelic pontiffs: the "second pope, French in nationality, would travel to Germany and France. In the former country he would reform the Church, and in the latter he would bless the French people. There would then be a third Angelic Pope, an Italian Franciscan, and then a final one, a Gascon and great preacher who would make pilgrimages all over the earth. Eventually he would confront and convert the tribes of Gog and Magog in Palestine, there to rule the world until the coming of the Antichrist."

    A Franciscan prophet Jean de Roquetaillade (c .1310-c .1365) had a series of visions in 1340 which he wrote down in a book entitled, The Companion in Tribulation. He predicted:

    The twelfth instruction concerns the proximate restoration of the men of the Church and of the world through the celestial reformer who is at hand. He is the Elijah who, according to the word of God, will restore all things. . With this whip (literally made of little cords, that is, of humble Friars) Christ will certainly expel all corrupt, lustful, and avaricious priests from the Temple lest they minister to Him in sacrifice. He will depose simoniacs from their ministry, and will hand over those who offend against nature to the secular arm to be sacrificed by fire so that nature can be purged. He will restore the ancient liberty of choosing prelates to the episcopal sees. He will make the ravenous wolves flee the flock, will place holy men upon a candlestick and hide unworthy ones under a bushel basket, will castigate flesh and blood considerations, will restore collapsed justice, and will apply apt medicine against all evils. He will also replant all the gospel virtues in men who have collapsed and strengthen good men in their holy resolve. He will finish the book of the restoration of the world by the art of Christ whose power will endure forever.

    The French king, who will come to see his [the pope’s] angelic brightness at the time of his election, he will make Roman emperor, contrary 'n the custom of German elections. God will generally subdue the world to the West, East, and South. He will be of such sanctity that no emperor or king from the beginning of the world is his equal in sanctity, save the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Lord Jesus Christ. The emperor will refuse to be crowned with a golden crown in honor of the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. An emperor of the highest sanctity, he will execute all the commands of the Restoring Pope previously discussed.

    Through these two the whole world will be restored. They will destroy the entire law and tyrannical power of Mohammed, both of them will pay personal visits to Greece and Asia, will end the schism, free the Greeks from the Turks, subjugate the Tartars to the faith, and restore the kingdoms of Asia. The pope will command that as long as the world shall last the cardinals will be drawn from the Greek Church...He will end the division of the Guelfs and in Italy, and will make arrangements for the lands of the Church in such a manner that the pope will never have to attack them. He will stamp out all avarice and pride and wipe the clergy free of heresy. As I have already said, it is soon to come to pass that infidels will invade Italy, Hungary, and many Christian provinces, and will afflict Christendom for forty-two months according to the literal sense of Scripture (Dan. 8:14). He will destroy them and free the Christian people from the hands of Mohammed.
    Jackson, Byron and (deleted member) like this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Thank you! I never even heard tell of most of these prophesies before!:)
    Vouthon likes this.
  4. TinNM

    TinNM Guest

    I deliberated this with myself over the past few days over this other forum that has been plugged here.

    I was reading in some Catholic book, we should not gossip, those wrongs can go on forever... for speaking ill of others.... but it's bothered me.

    When Catholic Answers closed down, I left on my profile, I may be on twitter, parler, gab.... if one wants to write me. I went to that St. Isidore's forum and Bearcat or whatever that person's name is was writing in a post something to the effect, "no politics discussed here, you can go to parler and trade barbs as long as you want", the problem with this in addition to its unkind content is it seems to belie stalking which this Bearcat person seemed to accuse others of at Catholic Answers. That would be some coincidence that someone mentioned Parler, my having written it on my profile. Otherwise, it seemed rude, I pulled up something this Bearcat or Bearself, whatever it is posted in a thread I posted on Nicaragua where they called the country messed up, I posted Bearcat's words, not my own and with hardly any commentary and this person, Bearcat deleted the post and blocked me, this is about last November. The post was very rude and insulting too, I'd say an insult to intelligence and maybe a personal attack some and totally false as well..

    GiftofJoy was a poster that complained about Bearcat, GiftofJoy personally messaged me about this and stopped going to the forum. And heck, at that, I didn't even talk of Biden or Pelosi, almost never.

    I can go on, Bearcat complained when abortion and maybe infanticide zealot Joe Biden was discussed yet, I didn't see same concern per things said about Trump. So, Bearcat seems to be against abortion but not talking about who supports it and supports Planned Parenthood, Democrats like Obama and Biden. This is now considered talking about politics. Sorry Bearcat, this goes against Catholic Teaching, many Bishops, Clergy, Father Altman have discussed this, so this now becomes an uncatholic teaching this individual is pushing.

    So, I think that is enough but I would be very wary of this individual and it's not quite right for me, to see that forum discussed here, be wary. This was a brief statement in comparison.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2021
  5. Vouthon

    Vouthon Angels

    Jul 10, 2016
    @Muzhik So, I contacted the lady whose email address you kindly provided a few days ago, noting that I was a friend of yours and a member of the old CAF but I've yet to have any response or invite code sent :unsure:
  6. Vouthon

    Vouthon Angels

    Jul 10, 2016
    Bumping this thread, as I have another sourced Eastern Christian prophecy of the Last Emperor / Great Monarch to share with you guys.

    This one is from the 11th century Armenian orthodox priest, scholar and registrar Hovhannes Kozern (Taronatsi), translated from Syriac and preserved in a medieval Chronicle by one, Matthew of Edessa:

    "Henceforth many schisms [will] enter the church of God through the idleness of the patriarchs, because they grow feeble and weaken and fail to make an examination of their faith and lose their minds. … [The rulers and princes] cultivate their governance and rule for [earthly] recognition and not according to God...

    Hereafter there will be invasions by foreigners, the filthy forces of the Turks, the cursed sons of Ham, upon the Christian nations, and all the earth will be consumed by the edge of the sword; all the Christian nations will pass through sword and captivity; many districts will become depopulated, the power of the saints will be removed from the earth, many churches will be razed to their foundations, the mystery of Christ’s cross will be suppressed

    And the land will be troubled by infidel nations, and the plants of the field will be clothed in bloody dew, and for sixty years the earth will be desolated through sword and captivity. And then the nation of valiant ones will come, known as Franks, and with a multitude of troops they will take the holy city Jerusalem, and the holy tomb that held God will be freed from captivity. And after this the earth will be ravaged for fifty years by the forces of the Persians through sword and captivity, and [it will be] seven times more than what the faithful have already suffered, and all the nations of the faithful in Christ will be terrified/

    Then as if waking from sleep the king of the Romans will arise and come like an eagle against the Persian forces with a fearful multitude like sand on the shore of the sea; he will come inflamed like fire, and out of fear of him all creatures tremble, and the Persians and all the races of infidels shall take their flight to the other side of the great Gihon river.

    And then the king of the Romans will take and hold the whole land for many years; and all the earth will be renewed and he will lay the foundation for building and [the land] will thus be renewed like after the Flood; the offspring of men and beasts will multiply, fountains will gush forth streams of water. The fields will bear more fruit than before; and thereafter famine will fall on the Persian land for many years, until they attack and consume each other … and they [the Romans] will take all the boys and girls and women to the Roman land in captivity; the house of the Persians will become desolate and depopulated by the forces of the Romans and all the sovereignty of the earth will settle in the hand of the king of the Romans."

    (ME Z, 73; ME T, 60)​

    Matthew of Edessa notes in his prologue that the final section above refers to: ‘the era [promised by God to the faithful for the future]’ (ME Z, 279; ME T, 181), and states that his determination was to finish his historical account for the benefit of those who will one day be blessed to actually live in that era of peace. He also says that there will be "a royal star; a king will be born...who will rule over all creation, and his kingdom will stretch from sea to sea, like the great Alexander of Macedon”’ (ME Z, 304; ME T, 198-99). Finally, he concluded by laying out his overall purpose, which was to leave "a record of these trials and tribulations for the good age, when the Lord God will give what He promised in … the era that will indeed be full of every joy" (ME Z, 277-78; ME T, 181).
    TinNM likes this.
  7. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
  8. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    In the visions of Saint Catherine Emmerich she saw the Great Monarch leaving the church after Mass and she observed that the rite of the Mass was not the same rite of her time, because it does not have the Gospel Of Saint John in the end of Mass

    The Great Monarch will not be a tradidionalist
  9. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Nostradamus is considered to be occult.
    Byron likes this.
  10. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    There is no nostradamus here. Take a look
  11. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    The website home page has Nostradamus. The link has the name Nostradamus in it.
    BrianK likes this.
  12. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Not at all. All this proves is that the Great Monarch, as he sets off on his conquests, faces an impoverished VII style mass, something he and the Holy Pope will restore to its former glory.
  13. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    There are no Nostradamus prophecies my darling.
  14. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    1. Hieromonk Anthony of St. Sabbas’ Monastery, based on Anonymous Greek Prophecies (8th or 9th century): “The last days have not yet arrived, and it is completely wrong to consider that we are on the threshold of the coming of the antichrist, because one last flourishing of Orthodoxy is still to come, this time in the whole world, headed by Russia. This will take place after a terrible war in which either one half or two thirds of humanity will perish, and which will be stopped by a voice from heaven: ‘And the Gospel will be preached throughout the world’.
  15. non sum dignus

    non sum dignus Powers

    Nov 6, 2013
    You are mistaken.

    Click on the 2nd link you provide. Then hit the "homepage" button, you will see the following listed:


    In referring to the first three Centuries each quatrain has a date when he turns. Dates are calculated on a strict mathematical formula, which we conventionally call "by Caesar." The study of this hypothesis have been found many matches with real events at this time. This information is published for the first time.

    Then there are MANY articles about Nostradamus listed.
    AED and BrianK like this.
  16. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    No. I am not.

    I provided an specific link for an orthodox prophecy. I did not paste a link for nostradamus prophecies.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  17. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    Traditional Orthodox Prophecies
  18. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    It is good to see that all prophecies are in line with what I am saying about end times. ;)
  19. Debora G Barbossa

    Debora G Barbossa New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
    Father Malachi Martin about the third secret of Fatima:

    Russia´s role in the Vision of Fatima is very important because if we´re to believe the Vision of Fatima, salvation for the world, the cure for the world ills, will start in the Ukraine and in Russia, and that was why the Virgin in the Fatima vision of 1917 was supposed to have spoken actively about Russia and that Russia first of all has to be cured of her errors and then she will help the entire world to get better and to cure itself of its sins. It´s a very bizarre message in that sense because one would have said that salvation was going to come from the West as we always think because we are Westerners, but no, according to the message of Fatima, salvation will come from the East, and particularly, from Ukraine and from the State of Russia itself, which is extraordinary.
  20. thomas21

    thomas21 Archangels

    Aug 31, 2020
    If the Great Monarch comes before the Antichrist he’s gonna disband the UN and decapitate some elites. The only prophecy that seems not to fit in with what’s happening today is the Great Monarch prophecies. Unless the NWO antichrist is not THE antichrist.

    St Nilus even said that shortly before the rise of antichrist the Church will change her customs and we would forget God because of science and technology.
    AED likes this.

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