Do you think the Germans might have brought their problems on themselves? There was trouble in that area of Dublin 20 years ago. Back then it was knife fights between Chinese gangs: Were the injured children locals? The reason I ask is that the school is a Gaelscoil. Those schools aren't as plentiful as English language primary schools so all the pupils might not be local.
This cannot be true? If it is , wow, how can you say Ireland remains a republic?
It is on twitter today that the young girl still in hospital is being kept on life support on the instructions of the guards/government. She had a cardiac arrest the evening of the stabbing and is brain dead. The family, a migrant family, are told they must not speak to anyone. Horrendous
Nothing to do with Dublin directly but another example of the media telling half a story. A few days ago in a town of just 3,500 in Scotland called Auchinleck, there was a serious riot and literally hundreds of police in riot gear fought locals who threw fireworks and set fire to several properties. The police are seeking those of the crowd who committed crimes. That, according to the BBC, Scottish TV, the newspapers and the police is the END of the story. We know when, where and how and (to some extent) who but the unanswered question is WHY. The reason that the crowds gathered and became violent is that the town has become a drug selling base and the properties set alight were housing criminals who were not locals but were from Bradford which has a very large Pakistani population who have spawned numerous violent drug gangs who are now targeting small towns throughout the UK. The locals were enraged by the lack of police action in dealing with this matter and took the law into their own hands. The police are 'determined' to find the rioters but are apparently untroubled by those who caused the riots.
It's the same everywhere. We have politicians who have gone rogue and are happy to destroy the people they are supposed to represent. All I can say is they are the spawn of Satan. One has to wonder how they are all on the same page. I think it's an opportune time to retreat to a Hermitage. God will deal with them and good always triumphs over evil.
I go to Sunday Mass a couple of streets away from where the children were attacked. There are always foreign families at that Mass from, I would guess by appearance, Africa, Asia and maybe Latin America although mostly Asian, possibly from India. There's Mass in Polish for immigrants from that country. I'm not sure but I think one or two of the churches in the area have Mass in Spanish. Evil powers will use this to set poor people against each other. The old divide and conquer strategy. The root of the problems is policies of powerful countries inflicting hardship on weaker countries for geopolitical strategic reasons motivated by the love of money. Of course bad elements will be mixed in with the innocent of mass migrants. That makes it easier for the powerful to manipulate people by dividing and demonising target groups on different sides. The end result will be the majority unwittingly accepting legislation that some day could be used against them when the target is on their backs. Chaos and fear will always distract the light from shining on the root of the problem, Ireland as a nation is not really self-governing. What we have is a form of local government posing as a nation state.