Significant Event in the Sky

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by torrentum, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. Luiflower

    Luiflower Archangels

    Aug 31, 2020
    Netanyahu's Christmas message;

    Jo M likes this.
  2. andree

    andree Powers

    Jan 31, 2014

    Are these eclipses discussed anywhere on the site? I could not find them so am posting this here.

    - the eclipse of April 8, 2024 is called the Great North American Eclipse
    - the eclipse of Aug 21, 2017 is called the Great American Eclipse
    - the path of both eclipses will intersect in Makanda, Illinois (which is a 6 hr drive from Gower where Sr Wilhomena's body was found incorrupt)
    - Aug 21, 2017: feast day of Pope Pius X
    - April 8, 2024: Feast of the Annunciation

    There must be other significant things to note from a Catholic perspective. Here is pastor Steve Cioccolanti talking about the eclipses as signs.

    Andy3, sterph, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    I had to look up the date of the Annunciation in 2024. I was puzzled. But April 8, 2024 is correct. Since March 25 is Monday in Holy Week in 2024, the feast of the Annunciation has been transferred to April 8.
    And thank you.
    PurpleFlower, sterph, Sam and 4 others like this.
  4. Clare A

    Clare A Archangels

    Mar 5, 2014
    Berkshire, England
    When I became interested in astronomy Betelgeuse was my favourite star and I mentally said goodnight to it after stargazing. I would be sad if it went. My husband says that when it goes supernova we will be able to read by its light.

    For those who wish for more Astro contacts, subscribing to the emails from the Vatican Observatory is a great idea. There’s always a spiritual dimension as well.
    Sam likes this.
  5. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    Incredible Discovery of a Medieval Monk about a Star that will Explode in 2024
    26 September 2023
    A researcher from Louisiana State University has revealed the writings of a medieval monk who detailed the explosion of a star in the year 1217, an event that will repeat in 2024. Astronomer Bradley E. Shaefer has disclosed the fascinating writings of Abbott Burchard, a monk who led the Ursberg Abbey in Germany. In his records, Burchard describes a space event that he categorizes as “a marvelous signal that shone brightly for many days.”

    According to Shaefer, Burchard’s observation refers to T CrB, a star located in the constellation Corona Borealis. This star normally has a faint brightness, but at that time, it was unusually bright, and the phenomenon repeated for several days. Now, we know that it is a “recurrent nova,” a dead star that causes flashes of light at regular intervals, every 80 years. The next explosion of this star is expected to occur in late 2024.

    In technical terms, a recurrent nova draws material from a larger companion and violently expels it periodically, thus generating the light flashes that Burchard observed in 1217. Although this event occurs frequently, it was only scientifically documented in 1866 and 1946. Burchard’s records, along with a report from 1787, are the first sightings of T CrB activity that have been recorded.

    The researcher asserts that Burchard did not observe a comet since the monks were familiar with these objects and would not have described it as a “marvelous” event. Furthermore, the possibility of Burchard observing a supernova is ruled out as the remnants of a supernova would still be visible, as is the case with the Crab Nebula.

    This historical discovery shows us how the passion for the cosmos has existed since ancient times and allows us to anticipate and prepare for the next explosion of this star in 2024.
    Sam and Jo M like this.
  6. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    I was reading that the word borealis is a Latin adjective meaning “northern” or “Nordic”. I wondered if this phenomenon could be a reference to the beginning of the reign of the great monarch, who, in one of Saint John Bosco's prophecies, appears as a warrior coming from the north. Whereas Corona means crown and "boreal" means northern:

    St. John Bosco ( 1815 - 1888 )

    “Paris! Paris! Instead of arming yourself in the name of the Lord, you fortify with Houses of Immorality. They will be destroyed by you yourself. Your idol, the Pantheon, will be burnt to ashes in order that this may come true: “violence, uttereth lies against me.” Your enemies will reduce you to want, to hunger, to fear, and will make you the abomination of nations. Ah, woe to you, if you do not recognize the hand that strikes you! I want to punish immorality, the despising of, and the contempt for My Law, says the Lord.

    “In the third visit you will fall into the hands of foreigners. Your enemies standing afar off will behold your palaces in flames. Your homes will become a heap of ruins with the blood of your heroes who are no more.

    “But there will come a great warrior from the North carrying a banner and on the right hand that supports it is written: “The Irresistible Hand of the Lord.” At that very moment there went out to meet him the Venerable Old Man of Lazio, holding aloft a brilliantly glowing torch. The banner then increased in size and turned from black to snow-white. In the middle of the banner, in letters of gold, there was written the name of Him who is able to do all things. The warrior with his men bowed and shook hands with the Venerable Old Man.

    “Now Heaven’s voice is addressed to the Shepherd of shepherds. You are now in conference with your advisors. The enemy of the good does not stand idle one moment. He studies and practices all his arts against you. He will sow discord among your consultors; he will raise up enemies amongst my children. The powers of the world will belch forth fire, and they would that the words be suffocated in the throats of the custodians of my law. That will not happen, they will do no harm but to themselves. You must hurry. If you cannot untie the knots, cut them. If you find yourself hard pressed, do not give up but continue until the head of the hydra of error is cut off. This stroke will make the world and Hell beneath it tremble, but the world will be safe and all the good will rejoice. Keep your consultors always with you, even if only two. Wherever you go, continue and bring to an end the work entrusted to you. The days fly by, your years will reach the destined number; but the great Queen will ever be your help, as in times past, so in the future She will always be the exceeding great fortress of the Church."
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
  7. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    I have been looking into the eclipses a lot especially since they have all gone right across where I live in KY and the one juncture you see above where they have crossed is exactly over the spot of the New Madrid fault that has been talked about as the place where an awful earthquake could occur. The picture above is missing one of the eclipses that is happening before the April 8, 2024 one on 10/14/23. If you look at all three of those crossings over North America it is interesting because their pattern of them actually makes the the alpha and omega symbols in Hebrew writing the alef and the tau. I saw an interesting video on this where these eclipses go over and in 2 or maybe 3 places, they go directly over the largest man-made crosses in the US. I will see if I can find the video about this.

    Found it. This was rather fascinating once you ignore the rapture conversation but I often wonder if what protestants think is the rapture could actually be the warning:

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
    Byron, Agnes McAllister and Prayslie like this.
  8. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    Sep 15, 2021
    Nj usa
    It says video unavailable
  9. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    You have to click the watch on YouTube in the image above. It won't let it play on the message board.
  10. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    Sep 15, 2021
    Nj usa
    Thanks andy
  11. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    We're not saying it's an evil comet... but we're not NOT saying that.

    By Cassidy Ward Oct 21, 2023, 11:00 AM ET
    Look up between now and June of 2024 and you might see something that looks like a spaceship racing across the sky. What might look like a scene from Resident Alien (streaming now on Peacock) is actually a weird looking comet rushing toward Earth.

    How to Watch

    Catch up on Resident Alien on Peacock or the SYFY app.

    The comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was first discovered by Jean-Louis Pons back in 1812. The comet was next observed by William Robert Brooks in 1883, when 12P came back on the next lap of its 71-year orbit. Since then, 12P has only returned one other time, in 1954, and it will swing back around for its next pass in April 2024. In the meantime, astronomers with the Comet Chasers education and outreach program have witnessed a pair of bizarre horns sprouting from the comet’s core.

    Comet 12P Sprouts Temporary Devil Horns
    The comet 12P is approximately 30 kilometers across, roughly the same width as Chicago. Its core is made up of ice, dust, and gas which interacts with solar radiation to varying degrees, depending on how close it is to the Sun. As it approaches perihelion (the part of its orbit closest to the Sun), sunlight heats the comet’s core, creating pressure inside which has to come out.

    RELATED: If You're a Comet, It's Not Easy Being Green. Now we Know Why.

    An icy volcanic eruption sprouted twin horns from the Comet 12P. Astronomers will continue to observe through closest approach in April 2024 Photo: Comet Chasers project, Mirjana Malaric, Jose Manuel Perez Redondo, and their students
    The resulting icy volcanic eruptions dump gas and dust into space, creating a bright coma that astronomers can easily see from a distance. On October 5, astronomers witnessed a massive eruption through their telescopes. The extra gas and dust coming out of the comet reflected a bunch of extra light, making the comet dozens of times brighter than average.

    Over the next several days, astronomers watched as two large horns emerged out the back of 12P. The result is an object which, if you squint, looks a little like the Millennium Falcon (12P stands for 12 parsecs, obviously) or a cosmic horseshoe crab. Astronomers suspect the horns are the result of the comet’s irregular shape obstructing the outflow of gas and dust, splitting it into two streams like a pebble jammed into a garden hose.

    By now, the horns have likely dissipated, but they are likely to return as the comet approaches perihelion. The closer it gets to the Sun, the more solar radiation it will have to endure, and eruptions are likely to become more frequent. Moreover, astronomers suggest that the eruptions further carve out the irregularity, making the horns more pronounced.

    In June 2024, comet 12P will get within 232 million kilometers and be bright enough to see with the naked eye, provided you have clear and dark skies. Even better, perihelion occurs at roughly the same time as the 2024 total solar eclipse, giving skywatchers an opportunity to see two incredible celestial sights at the same time.

    In the meantime, catch up on the first two seasons of Resident Alien, streaming now on Peacock.
    ©2023 SYFY Media, LLC. A Division of NBCUniversal
    Mary's child, Jo M and AED like this.
  12. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    Some articles in Portuguese are calling this phenomenon the "devil's comet," which in itself seems like a bad omen for the coming year.
  13. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Feb 24, 2019
    I happen to notice this Christmas message from Netanyahu was posted upthread in December 2020. How terribly sad that we have fallen so far away from peace in only three years. :(

    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  14. Tibbi

    Tibbi Angels

    Aug 11, 2022
    Bellingen, Australia
    Another comet, expected nearest Earth October 13, 2024 - Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Note the date at the 4 minute mark.
    It is early days calculating its trajectory and "nearest" may become an understatement.

    Michael_Pio and padraig like this.
  15. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    I came across something odd yesterday too but I have not been able to verify it. In the heavens, the sun is still sitting at the feet of the constellation Virgo and has been in Virgo since August. In the video on it I saw (which I can't post here because it was a reel on instagram) the person stated that the sun should be in 2 constellations away from Virgo by now. So, if this is the case, how odd and remarkable to have the sun still sitting in Virgo which we Catholics would attribute to the constellation representing the Blessed Mother. With all other interesting Mary signs popping up of late, especially in the month of October, how incredible is this one!! The sun paused in the heavens just like it did in the bible once and also with the miracle of the sun at Fatima.
  16. Mmary

    Mmary Principalities

    Dec 31, 2020
    The heavens are indeed disturbed, but this is a hopeful sign—a pause to remind us and to underline that, no matter what happens next, in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph. Thanks for this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    There is always something happening at the moment. I may get to see it on my new telescope, if it ever stops raining.:) The gentleman in the video did not mention it but the activity of the sun is far great at the moment than anyone expected. So it probably will heat up the comet and make it shine.

    I see it said it would be closest October 13 2024.


  18. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars:

    Ok, so the above is not out of the normal after all but I still think it is cool that for the month of October, the Sun is always in Virgo. I went back and looked at the sun on 10/13/1917 just to see the miracle of the Sun, and it is right in the middle of Virgo.|0|Greenwich,+United+Kingdom|Europe/London|0&obj=sun&h=13&m=02&date=1917-10-13#ra|13.278616080012501|dec|-8.112535904530016|fov|52

    This is a pretty cool site to play around in.

    Here is the exact time of the eclipse on 4/8/24. What is fascinating is this eclipse occurs in pieces, obviously a reference to Jesus since in the fish constellation. What I also find rather fascinating is all the planets are pretty much in a straight line as well during this eclipse and there is also a meteor shower going on right in line as well. That is a lot going on in the heavens on this day and time.|0|Greenwich,+United+Kingdom|Europe/London|0&obj=sun&h=19&m=51&date=2024-04-08#ra|1.1768601194575359|dec|7.488925371654138|fov|52
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
  19. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    The April eclipse will be on the eighth anniversary of the exhortation Amoris Laetitia.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    There’s that October 13 date again.
    Great telescope!
    MetAn, AED, Jason Fernando and 3 others like this.

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