Pole shift/solar micronova

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Blizzard, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    Yep Our Lady doesn’t like big cities either it seems.

    The apparitions to Catherine Laboure in Paris are the exception that proves the rule.

    But Paris was a very different city then.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    You’re obviously not paying attention to this discussion if you think all we’re referring to are magnetic pole shifts.
  3. any name you wish

    any name you wish Archangels

    Apr 15, 2016
    ??? My entire argument is how absurd the physical shift is!

    I referenced that because the narrator in the video you posted implied that there was significance to the magnetic poles moving to where he thought that the putative geographical ones would be (once the earth rotates 90 degrees).

    This is all completely illogical, you're getting confirmation bias from seashells on cliffs.
  4. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Ok, thanks for sharing your opinion. It’s all conjecture regardless.
  5. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    I don’t think there’s any doubt about this whatsoever.
  6. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Oct 2, 2022
    Josef Stockert, 1948:


    refer under headline: Erläuterung des Briefes vom März 1948

    specifically point 4., second sentence:

    "Die große Katastrophe wird natürlich beginnen und übernatürlich enden."

    "The great catastrophe will begin naturally and end supernaturally."

    Unfortunately I don't have an English translation of the entire text.

    The above quote continues below, I am attempting some translations, since you mentioned the Three Days of Darkness, which Josef Stockert addresses in the following lines:

    "Gott wird selbst eingreifen.
    God himself will intervene.

    Die Erde wird aus ihrer Bahn geworfen und die Sonne wird ihr keinen Schein mehr geben: Finsternis auf dem ganzen Erdball 72 Stunden lang.

    The earth will be thrown out of its orbit and the sun will not shine on it anymore: Darkness on the entire globe for 72 hours.

    In dieser Finsternis wird kein Licht brennen, außer dem Licht des Glaubens und geweihter Kerzen, das jenen erhalten bleibt, die die Bitte der Gottesmutter treu erfüllt haben.

    In this darkness no light will shine, except for the light of faith and blessed candles, which remains for those who have faithfully fulfilled the requests of the Mother of God.

    Die wahren Christen werden in dieser Zeit Fenster und Türen schließen und verhängen und sich um das Kreuz und das Bild der seligsten Jungfrau im Gebete versammeln.

    In that time, the true Christians will close and cover doors and windows and gather in prayer around the crucifix and the picture of the most blessed Virigin.

    Sie werden Gott bitten um das baldige Ende der unerträglichen Finsternis.

    They will beg God to end the unbearable darkness soon.

    Die geweihten Kerzenlichter erhellen nicht nur die Räume, sondern auch ihre gläubig im Gebet vereinten Herzen.

    The light of the blessed candles not only illuminates their rooms, but also their hearts faithfully united in prayer.

    Schauet nicht hinaus und seid nicht neugierig, was draußen vorgeht, sonst müßtet ihr sterben!

    Do not look outside and do not be curious what is going on outside, or you will have to perish!


    Ein furchtbares Geschrei wird die Luft erfüllen bis Satan mit all seiner Beute zur Hölle gefahren sein wird. (vgl. Exodus 10,21; Weish 17).

    Terrible screaming will fill the air until satan has gone to hell with all his booty (refer Exodus 10.21, Book of Wisdom 17).

    Nun erhellt die Sonne alles wieder mit neuer Schönheit und es wird nach diesem Siege mit den Auserwählten ein Hirte und eine Herde werden.

    Now the sun illuminates everything again with new beauty, and after this victory there will be one shepherd and one flock with the elect.

    Die Sünden des Menschengeschlechtes sind wieder durch Märtyrerblut getilgt und der Teufel mit seinem Anhang ist fortan für eine Zeit in die Hölle verbannt.

    The sins of mankind have once again been repaid through the blood of martyrs, and the devil and his minions are henceforth banished to hell for a time.

    Zweidrittel der Menschheit wird von der Erde genommen sein.

    Two thirds of mankind will have been taken from the earth.

    Gott wird bei den Menschen als liebender und sorgender Vater sein.

    God will be with the people as a loving and caring father.

    Es wird nun eine fruchtbare Friedenszeit sein, bis die Menschen von neuem Gott wieder verlassen werden und der Antichrist auftreten wird.

    There will now be a fruitful time of peace, until the people once again turn away from God and the antichrist will appear. "

    According to Dr. Wilhelm Ettelt, the visions of Josef Stockert represent credible prophecy. Dr. Ettelt gave a series of presentations to SSPX audiences and published his script as a short book in 1994. This book, which I have a copy of, is called "Prophezeiungen im Lichte der katholischen Glaubenslehre" (Prophecies in light of the Catholic magisterium). In it, Dr. Ettelt examines Catholic prophecies critically and debunkes quite a few, including Medjugorje and Bayside. I found Ettelt's book convincing, but I have not had a chance to form an independent view on Josef Stockert.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  7. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Of all the scenarios I have read about or can think of - nuclear war, meteorites, asteroid collisions, the close approach of comets or even a “Planet X,” passing dense clouds of intergalactic cosmic dust, distant supernovae - none of them explains what we know from the Third Secret of Fatima, the prophecy that was the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Sr. Lucia’s statement in her memoirs of 1945, Akita’s “fire falling from the skies,” and Pope JPII’s statement at Fulda Germany.

    The prophecies that “living will envy the dead” and that many will think it’s the major chastisement due to its total devastation indicate an event, as said before, of truly biblical proportions.

    None of these can account for the combination of oceans and waterways leaving their boundaries and causing from one moment to another the death of millions, and the sun appearing to be spinning, darting about and falling to earth, as well as fire falling from the sky.

    All these scenarios might explain some of these phenomena, but none of them explain all of them, especially the appearance of the sun foretold by the Miracle of the sun at Fatima.

    If anyone has any other ideas of a global event that might explain all of these, I’m open to them.

    Maybe the entire minor chastisement is wholly supernatural, with no possible explanation from nature.

    But to the best of my knowledge and research - and yes I studied a good deal of physics with calculus in undergrad also, and as a doctor I understand how to separate pseudoscience from real science - this micronova and resultant crustal displacement hypothesis explains more of what we anticipate about the minor chastisement than anything else I’ve read or heard.
  8. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Yes, at Akita Our Lady said the punishment would wipe out a greater part of humanity and the survivors would be left so desolate, they would envy the dead.

    Fr Malachi Martin told Art Bell that people could survive the chastisement but that if they did survive, they would be in great misery.

    And Pope John Paul II at Fulda said that ocean waters would inundate large areas of continents and that millions of people would die from one moment to the next....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2024
  9. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Even Albert Einstein took this seriously, and not as pseudoscience. He even wrote the forward to a book about crustal displacement that was published in the early 1950s:
    IMG_9007.jpeg IMG_9008.jpeg

    Eventually Einstein decided that the weight of the polar ice caps alone was not sufficient to cause crustal displacement. The micronova theory of crustal displacement genesis was first proposed well after Einstein’s death.

    With that hypothesis the crustal displacement is not caused by the weight of these massive polar ice caps, but by the heating up of the core due to the massive geomagnetic storm caused by the micronova, and resulting partial melting of the layer between the core and the crust.

    However the weight of these massive polar ice caps plays a central role in this hypothesis as regards the final position of that crustal displacement, with the geographic former north and south poles now lying on the equator.
  10. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Watch this video, especially starting at 11 minutes into it:
    Jo M likes this.
  11. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Oct 2, 2022
    Thank you, dear Luan, for having pointed out Josef Stockert. His prophecies surely make for a very interesting read!
    However, having looked into Josef Stockert a little more, my personal position towards him will be skeptical, which is my default position. Whilst in Dr. Wilhem Ettelt's book Dr. Ettelt testifies to have known Josef Stockert personally and vouched for him, I will take Stockert's prohecies with a grain of salt. This is no personal judgement on the man, of course. (Similarly, I pass no judgment of the 'seers' of Medjugorje and Garabandal, whose prophecies I am also skeptical of). In fact, having read his texts, I am convinced of Stockert's piety and goodwill, but I am not sure about his prophecies.
    Stockert's writings seem to closely resemble those of Sr. Elena Aiello, Marie Julie Jahenny, Elisabeth Canori-Mora, Anna Maria Taigi, and Alois Irlmaier (whom I am also skeptical of - there appears to perhaps be a mutual influence between Stockert and Irlmaier). This is a a bit of a red flag to me, it suggests copying certain prophetic themes and simply putting them in his own words. I could be wrong, God forbid, I don't mean to dismiss a seer that in the end turns out to be the real deal, but my general approach is always skeptical, for prudence purposes.
    Another thing that stood out to me in particular is that Stockert mentions an illumination of conscience, very similar to that described at Garabandal. But as far as I can see, Stockert's first mention of this is in his 1969 book "Der mahnende Finger Gottes...", where he describes and explains his prophecies of 1947/48. However, Stockert never mentioned the illumination of conscience in his original prophecies, as far as I can see. Stockert's first mention of an illumination of conscience was in 1969, which is after the questionable Garabandal-apparitions (which could be from God, or from below). So it seems that Stockert simply latched on to the Garabandal hype in the late 60ies.
    God forbid that I might be wrong - I was only able to find the fourth edition of Stockert's book "Der mahnende Finger Gottes", which came out in 1969. I would give a lot to see the year and the text of the first edition. So far, I have only been able to do some brief, high-level reading.
    God bless all here!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    Luan Ribeiro and BrianK like this.
  12. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Here’s the entire interview:
    Jo M and AED like this.

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