I had a vivid dream way back in the 80's I believe it was, where I was looking out our large picture window in our livingroom that looked south (we were about 60K north of Toronto) and saw a massive nuclear bomb cloud rising up after the 'flash' of the bomb exploding. Then I was outside at night and saw the stars reorienting themselves, almost like the earth was turning one way, then turning back. It has never left me, I have never forgotten it. We have moved many times since then but the dream was from that livingroom.
This was many years before the release of Sister Lucia's memoirs, which contain the vision of the "spearhead" touching the axis of the earth, bringing about an unprecedented global catastrophe.
She implies tsunamis along with other disasters: Sr. Lucia, Tuy, 1944: “I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause destructive wars."
My better half, Bill had a dream in the late 90's where, in his childhood home where the front door was always locked and friends and family, loved ones, would always come in through the back door into the kitchen. He was sitting alone in the diningroom off the kitchen when into the kitchen came "the One who loves us the most". His presence was SO strong! He was in awe and it hit him that he was not worthy of this attention so to deflect it, he turned to his right, to the one beside him, his guardian angel, to announce God's presence and as he did so, God was gone. At that moment he felt bad for not acknowledging God and also for not acknowledging the angels that surrounded God, basking in his presence. As he was thinking this, his guardian angel said that "we would not allow ourselves to take away from God's presence". Bill believes he must have know of his angel's presence so as to turn to it and that the angel's example of suppressing their presence so that only God is all that is visible is the example we should follow. He has always wondered if he should keep it to himself so as to follow the angels' example...
Thank you for sharing your dream. Around the age of my Confirmation, at about 14 years of age, I had a dream that a Tsunami hit my home town. That was approximately 45 years ago but it is the most vivid and well recalled dream of my life and it shook me to the core. In the dream, it was daytime, a warm and sunny day, I was down at the Bay Carnival, there was the usual Ferris Wheel and other rides, and a crowd of people enjoying themselves on a hot summer day, eating icecream cones, wandering around with their children. I knew some of the people I saw in this dream as they were from my Parish. Suddenly, with no warning and for no apparent reason, the sea reared up into a huge wall of water, and everyone started running and screaming. Time seemed to stand still. I never saw what happened next. I woke up with my heart pounding and I couldnt shake the feeling that this was not just another normal dream. After that, I would dream of a Tsunami approximately every 5 years or so. Each dream was slightly different in the events and people but was always set in my hometown, no matter where in the world I happened to be living at the time. (I grew up in a seaside town on the East Coast of the South Island of NZ.) The dreams would disturb me for weeks afterwards. I think that the first one I had was possibly connected to Confirmation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit which we receive at Confirmation. It came to me as a severe warning of an event which lies in our future and is inevitable. I now live some miles from the sea shore but am always wondering if I should relocate further inland. I was very interested to learn Tolkien and his son had such dreams of a great wave. And that you have had them too, AED. And others here.
I think this is what John was trying to convey from his visions. Stars don’t fall from the sky but they will APPEAR to do so if the earth’s axis shifts. Revelation 6:13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. And Mark 13:25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
Isn't this tantamount to saying "this will APPEAR to be my body"? I'm not a physicist but I took a fair amount of physics in college; unless natural laws are suspended any major shift in how the earth is positioned in space would require an amount of energy which would immediately kill every living physical thing on the planet; not to mention that the movement itself would do so.
It’s not the earth’s position in space that shifts. It’s the earth’s crust itself that shifts over the earths core. Imagine a bowling ball (earth’s core) surrounded by hard frozen wax with a basketball skin frozen to that hard wax. Just enough heat is applied to make the wax soft, like soft half melted butter. Then you can take the basketball layer and slide it freely around the bowling ball inside it, any direction. A micronova happens when a star passes through a large intergalactic dust cloud. Immense amounts of that dust rapidly accumulates on the surface of that star and eventually ignites, causing a big solar burp or micronova, a massive release of gasses, plasma, x rays and other solar rays - in other words a huge geomagnetic storm of biblical proportions. Usually the earth’s magnetic fields, which extend out into space from her north and south poles, protect the surface of the earth from small burps (solar flares) from the surface of our sun, and the geomagnetic storm and plasma from that small burp has little effect on the earth’s surface. But if it’s a big burp, a micronova explosion, it’s strong enough to compress or temporarily strip away earth’s protective magnetic shield, and that geomagnetic storm and plasma rains down to and on the earth’s surface. The effect can be multifold - the plasma exploding from the surface of the sun during a micronova would have an appearance to the naked eye similar to what was described as the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. In this regard, that Miracle was also a prophecy of a coming solar micronova if man didn’t repent and turn back to God. That plasma hitting the earth atmosphere would resemble the “fire falling from the sky” spoken of at Akita. The geomagnetic storm would heat up earth’s core itself, liquifying the layer between the core and the earth’s crust just enough for the crust to start moving independently of the earth’s core, like the basketball spinning over the bowling ball. Because earth is spinning in space and the ice caps at the North and South Pole are very thick and extremely heavy compared to any other area on earth’s surface, the poles will make the crust swing and move 90 degrees, until the centrifugal force of that ice cap’s weight reaches the equator. Watch that video posted above again, or if you haven’t already. It’s only 7 minutes long and gives an excellent summary: The physical swinging of the heavy poles 90 degrees to the equator will not be as rapid or accompanied by such high winds and miles high tsunamis as to scour all life from the surface of the Earth as originally thought. But there will be massive worldwide earthquakes and flooding nonetheless. Just as Sister Lucy said in 1944 and PJPII said in Fulda Germany. And our governments and elites know this and are expecting it.
As the crust physically shifts or spins around the earth’s core due to the weight of the polar ice caps, from any vantage point the stars in the sky will appear to be spinning, or “falling to earth” from the perspective of the naked eye. But it’s not that stars are falling, it’s the earth’s crust is rapidly changing place relative to this stars.
I admit, I haven't seen the video but I'll take a look this weekend (God willing). Wouldn't everyone get cancer if this happened?
Wait, what? The crust physically shifting would decouple it from the momentum of the earth moving. Everything would be liquidated.
The crust stays relatively hard. It’s the layer between the earths crust and its core that liquefies and lubricates enough that the crust starts spinning independently of the earth’s core. There will be an ongoing global earthquake while the crust migrates. Parts of the crust will have massive volcanoes. Areas of the crust will rise up and others will sink and some will be completely submerged. “Entire countries will be annihilated.”
The text of the third secret, according to the Vatican, was published on 26 June 2000: J.M.J. The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fátima, on 13 July 1917. I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God, something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a Bishop dressed in White. We had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God. Tuy-3-1-1944.[19][23]
Countries being annihilated doesn't require anything so dramatic. Koenigsberg, for example, is essentially gone and the Prussia that it represented has dispersed, at best. Just grabbed this from Wikipedia, the castle before WWI:
Perhaps this cosmic catastrophe should have already occurred many years ago within a natural cycle that affects the sun from time to time but was prevented by the power of Our Lady.
Just a small correction if you allow me, Luan, not to you but to the official translation of Sr. Lúcia's manuscript of the Third Secret of Fátima that you just quoted. As a native Portuguese speaker, you know that the phrase "We had the impression that it was the Holy Father" is not a correct translation, since the word "impression" corresponds directly to the Portuguese word "impressão", which, in the context it suggests that the little shepherds had some doubts about the legitimacy of the Pope seen in the vision... This mistranslation distorts the original narrative of Sr. Lúcia for those who read the text in English. In the original manuscript, the word used by Sr. Lúcia is "pressentimento" which is not the same as a dubious "impression", but rather a kind of inner feeling, almost like a premonition, regarding to the character in the vision described as "the Holy Father" ("o Santo Padre", in capital letters). This seems like just a mistranslation detail, but it strongly distorts the interpretation of Sr. Lúcia's words and fuels conjectures about the existence of two characters dressed as Pope in the vision of the little shepherds in the Cova da Iria, which IMHO is not correct, at least as far as the known part of the Third Secret of Fatima is concerned.
I think you are absolutely correct - thanks for bringing this to our attention. We had an “extension of mercy “ often mentioned in several private revelations. This is the profound significance of this passage: we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand