Spirit Digest openly attacking the Pope.

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by padraig, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Padraig said...and the teaching which he articulates is termed "irreformable".
    but arent we now in for much reform?
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think one thing I have learnt in all this Mac is that our obediene to the Pope i spiritual. owed to him as Father and we his children and that whilst I often cannot follow him intellectually I can in grace/prayer:)

    I think some things are reformable, others not. Somethings are Eternal.
    mothersuperior7 likes this.
  3. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Padraig said...and the teaching which he articulates is termed "irreformable".
    Padraig said...I think some things are reformable, others not.
    Arent you only highlighting the problem?.This is confusion.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    It depends what theologians door you knock.

    It was the same for Humanae Vitae for instance. Some theologians said it was inffalibly declared, others just an opinion.

    I suspect they believed what was convenient for them. But God knows the Truth, they don't fool Him.
  5. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Hi Phillip, No you were definitely not wrong. This is the Church founded by Christ and I do not intend to separate myself from it ever no matter how attractive the SSPX might seem in future. If you think about it, it is probably also the faith of your own, perhaps more distant, fathers (depending on the race of your ancestors). The whole of the Christian world was Catholic for over 1,000 years until the Great Schism and most of Christendom by far was Catholic for another 500 years.
    Many of us who accept approved, private revelation KNOW without any doubt that 'bishop will oppose bishop and cardinal will oppose cardinal' and that those clergy who honour Our Lady will be scorned by their confreres as Our Lady said at Akita. So we were already aware that a 'civil war' in the Church is going to happen. I suspect that we are on the very cusp of it now. It was going to happen no matter who was elected Pope. We have no idea how this is going to 'play out' and what role the Pope (whoever he is) is going to play in the unhappy events about to occur but perhaps a wrong word here and there could precipitate events. Which may be a good thing, the 'boil must be lanced' eventually and why not sooner than later?
    You are in the right place and in very interesting times and I am very glad that you are.
    Thomas likes this.
  6. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    Steve, have you ever heard of the FSSP? They are in full communion with Rome...http://www.fssp.org/en/presentation.htm
    SteveD likes this.
  7. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Hi, I am aware of the FSSP and would definitely join them and attend Masses with them if it were possible but it is not. Thanks for the thought, it was kind of you.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Andy, Church doctrine was not developed in the past 100 years. Doctrine (faith and moral teachings) is part of the deposit of faith handed on from Christ through his apostles, better understood and developed through the life of the Church. Church doctrine can never change and it has not. Do not confuse Church disciplines, which can change (like communion in the hand or married priests etc.), with Church doctrine (all male priesthood or contraception etc.), which can not. I have pasted this on another thread, but I will do it again.
    From Father John Hardon's Catholic Dictionary: http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/adict.htm
    DOCTRINE. Any truth taught by the Church as necessary for acceptance by the faithful. The truth may be either formally revealed (as the Real Presence), or a theological conclusion (as the canonization of a saint), or part of the natural law (as the sinfulness of contraception). In any case, what makes it doctrine is that the Church authority teaches that it is to be believed. This teaching may be done either solemnly in ex cathedra pronouncements or ordinarily in the perennial exercise of the Church's magisterium or teaching authority. Dogmas are those doctrines which the Church proposes for belief as formally revealed by God. (Etym. Latin doctrina, teaching.)
    DOGMA. Doctrine taught by the Church to be believed by all the faithful as part of divine revelation. All dogmas, therefore, are formally revealed truths and promulgated as such by the Church. They are revealed either in Scripture or tradition, either explicitly (as the Incarnation) or implicitly (as the Assumption). Moreover, their acceptance by the faithful must be proposed as necessary for salvation. They may be taught by the Church in a solemn manner, as with the definition of the Immaculate Conception, or in an ordinary way, as with the constant teaching on the malice of taking innocent human life. (Etym. Latin dogma; from Greek dogma, declaration, decree.)
    DISCIPLINE. Systematic mental, moral, or physical training under someone in authority. The term also applies to the order maintained by persons under control, whether self-determined or imposed by others. It is likewise a private means of penance, in use among ascetics since the early Church, e.g., a whip or scourge. It is the exercise by the Church of her right to administer spiritual penalty, and it may finally refer to any of the laws and directions set down by Church authority for the guidance of the faithful. (Etym. Latin disciplina, instruction, knowledge.)
  9. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Thanks Fatima.
  10. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    I look at some of what Francis says and is it really that different from Benedict and John Paul II?

    “The Church respects the freedom of individuals to seek the truth and to embrace it according to the dictates of conscience, and in this light she firmly rejects proselytism and the use of unethical means to gain conversions.” – Blessed John Paul II, in Sri Lanka, 1995

    “ The word ‘proselytism’ has a negative meaning when it indicates a way of winning followers which does not respect the freedom of those to whom a specific kind of religious propaganda is directed. The Catholic Church in America is critical of proselytism by the sects and, for this reason, rejects methods of this kind in her own evangelizing work. Presenting the Gospel of Christ in its entirety, the work of evangelization must respect the inner sanctuary of every individual’s conscience, where the decisive and absolutely personal dialogue between grace and human freedom unfolds.” — Blessed John Paul, Ecclesia in America, 1999.

    “We impose our faith on no one. Such proselytism is contrary to Christianity. Faith can develop only in freedom. But we do appeal to the freedom of men and women to open their hearts to God, to seek him, to hear his voice. ” — Pope Benedict, Munich, 2006.
    kathy k, picadillo and HOPE like this.
  11. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    That was my blog post you linked. Fatima Center linked to it on their Facebook page early last month. Do folks here really think the idea was laughable? I would have thought it would have resonated with this kind of forum unless the majority here believe the Consecration has already been fulfilled?
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Putin has about as much intention to have Russia consecrated as the devil himself does. Putin is the problem, not the answer. He and all his cronies have never rejected communism, they embrace it while masked as a 'pious' reformed leader. Do not be fooled, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, waiting to pounce on everyone in his path very soon.

    In your article you state in the first paragraph that Pope Francis was to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He did not even do that. He 'entrusted' it in lieu of consecrating it. Seems Putin and his armies will have to wage war before people will wake up. The message is clear what the Pope, clergy and laity must do in order for Mary's Immaculate Heart to Triumph and the popes have to this point not responded and the overwhelming majority of clergy and faithful have usurped their responsibility for First Saturday communions of reparation as well. It will come, but it 'will be late'.
  13. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    Did not PJP2 start with this "entrustment" vs consecration theme. I am currently praying a novena to the Blessed Mother Untier of Knots and "entrustment" is used there also. What is the difference? Does it matter, and if so, why did PJP2 start this trend?
  14. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    I guess one can mince words as if they have synonymous meanings, and perhaps they do, however, Our Lady asked specifically for the 'consecration'. If we are specific to heaven's words then we can not fail. Many believe that the many consecrations by various popes to the 'world' suffices for 'Russia'. I don't buy that.
  15. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    I believe the same thing. I was just curious about entrustment vs consecration. Thanks.
  16. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Let's look at how Father John Hardon's Catholic dictionary defines consecration:
    CONSECRATION TO MARY. An act of devotion, promoted by St. Louis de Montfort (1673-1716), that consists of the entire gift of self to Jesus through Mary. It is, moreover, a habitual attitude of complete dependence on Mary in one's whole life and activity. In making the act of consecration, a person gives himself or herself to Mary and through her to Jesus as her slave. This means that a person performs good works as one who labors without wages, trustfully hoping to receive food and shelter and have other needs satisfied by the master, to whom one gives all one is and does, and on whom one depends entirely in a spirit of love. The act of consecration reads:
    "I, [Name], faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in your hands the vows of my baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.
    "In the presence of all the heavenly court I choose you this day for my mother and queen. I deliver and consecrate to you, as your slave, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present, and future; leaving to you the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to your good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen."
  17. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Good job Brian, every avenue must at least be tried.Every possibility exhausted.
    BrianK likes this.

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