What do you carry in your pocket?

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by Basto, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Dean

    Dean Archangels

    Nov 16, 2015
    OK IM glad, I had the same reaction, i was shocked... i didnt know if i was taking it wrong or what. But is anything God's failure?
  2. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I'm thinking you might have the translation wrong.
    'God's failures' sounds like an Italian phrase. I simply
    do not think the Pope would say that. Thats my take....
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    I'm thinking that this phrase is being applied too literally. 'God's failure' is what the world perceives , Christ is dead, the apostles scattered, but in reality it I s God's triumph. This is in line with the shocking statements of the Gospel such as 'the first shall be last'. The Pope is shocking us into thinking of the radical message of the Gospel which is the opposite of human thinking.
  4. Basto

    Basto Guest

    This is not my translation, that’s the website’s translation, I didn’t even pay attention to it, and I’m not that good at English. I got disturbed with the original statement in Spanish:

    «Esto es la historia del fracaso de Dios.»

    (between 0:35 and 0:42 minutes)

    Not just the sentence, but actually the emphasis on his voice and on his face when he pronounces that (look at that please). That’s clear and that’s very different from the preaching that we are used to. The question is if we either like it or not and – in this particular case – I don’t. But if anyone here likes it, I challenge you to show us this kind of heterodox teaching in any part of the bible, catechism, words of saints, prophets or approved apparitions, just to help me calm down please. Thank you.

    From my humble point of view, I can’t imagine even a Waldensian priest saying such words. The only person talking like that coming to my mind at this moment is Alfred Nietzsche, who is very far from being a saint. God help the Holy Father, and God help us!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2015
  5. Basto

    Basto Guest

    The “Failure of God”, right…

    I suppose nobody is going to tell me where I can hear or read something similar in any Catholic document with further explanation. That doesn’t make me feel better at all. You could at least blame on the African climate, the spicy food, the mosquitos or whatever. But thank you anyway, your silence is also a good response.

    All right, so let’s pay attention at the Pope’s explanation on what is that “God’s failure”, I mean the words he said just after that creepy concept.
    Let’s please hear His Holiness again:

    «Es cómo Jesús fue sufriendo desde que lo condenaron a muerte hasta que fue sepultado. Con estas dos cosas, me arreglo como puedo, pero gracias a estas dos cosas, no pierdo la esperanza.»

    «It is how Jesus was suffering since He was sentenced to death until He was buried. With these two things, I do what I can, but thanks to these two things, I do not lose the hope.»

    That sentence comes out when His Holiness has the rosary already inside his pocket. When he pronounces “two things”, he is pointing to both pages, the one of the condemnation to death and the other of the burying. Wow! That is going to make me feel much better, thank you Pope.

    But what disturbs me even more is actually his tone and his facial expression when he says that…

    God help the Pope and God help us.
  6. Basto

    Basto Guest

    This rosary has disappeared for several months earlier this year, I couldn’t find it and I was very sad and confused with that loss. Then, on a Sunday afternoon, I went to the graveyard of the town where my grandparents are buried because there was a long time since I went there. Back home, on Monday morning, I went to get some trousers that I didn’t use for a while, just to see if they still fitted me, and there was that rosary in the right pocket. That was a moment of great joy for me, not just because I found it but mainly because my grandparents talked to me in that way.
    fallen saint, Joe Crozier and Fatima like this.
  7. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    In the sight of men and in particular the Jews death on a cross was an immense failure. But never in the sight of the Church. Death where is thy victory? It is in this failure of the cross to annihilate the Truth. We know the Truth. This is what Pope Francis meant.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I took it as "God's failure' in the eye's of the world, for indeed the world seen his death on the cross as a definitive failure of his public ministry. Has the dislike for Christ's Vicar on earth really come to this point where every word measured is with disdain? Lord have mercy.
  9. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    Basto likes this.
  10. Basto

    Basto Guest

    I confess that I didn’t understand well your comment…

    First, because there are no records, in the Church’s history, of so much popularity of a Pope, even inside the circles belonging to her oldest worst enemies. There is only a very small group (me included) who don’t understand well the Pope’s preaching, but even those are still united and praying for him.

    Second, because the words of Christ’s Vicar have always been measured meticulously so they can be used as scale for our life and a compass for our faith. Indeed, I still measure very deeply every single word of our first Pope, as I do for the last one – two of our greatest ones, in my opinion.

    Unless you are talking about me. Even so, that’s not quite right. If you knew me you would probably get quite surprised. I am a baptized Catholic who is really not proud at all of most of the things done during the life, even now I am a very, but very weak faithful. But the present Pope made me fear God, made me pray and do penance like no other before him. I see Pope Francis as the cold bucket that I needed, God is showing me his true mercy through him by shock therapy. So I only can thank God for letting me live during his pontificate and ask Him to make me stronger in the present storm. However, you won’t see me around on a rainbow t-shirt, for sure.

    Pope Francis is our Pope only because God aloud it so, then he is part of God’s salvation plan, we better take advantage of that and pray for him while we can.
  11. Basto

    Basto Guest

    Thanks for the effort on the understanding attempt of the “God’s failure”, but that’s surely not enough for me, if you can link me any pious source I would be very pleased. Forget Lombardi though!

    I didn’t sleep last night thinking about that. For now, I have decided to remain along with the traditional teaching of “God’s victory” on the way of the Cross, I’m sorry.
  12. Basto

    Basto Guest

    Did he say anything this time?

  13. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Terrible way to say it but could he mean...it was a failure because so many souls are being lost. Can Our Holy Father in the year of Mercy be really worried about all the souls going to hell. Are they desperation words from a tired Holy Father. Maybe he can actually see darkness growing and He is having his own spiritual battles. Terrible way to say it...but it pushes the blame on humanity. God even gave up His life for our sins and we are not taking advantage of it.

    May Gods Will be Done
    Sam, Joe Crozier and kathy k like this.
  14. Basto

    Basto Guest

    I don’t know what has shocked me more, if it was the video above or the lack of reaction, not just inside this forum but in everywhere.

    Thousands of posts about unapproved apparitions and all kinds of messages from the Heaven and from the skies coming from everywhere but you have absolutely nothing to say about the video above! Nothing at all, neither to approve it, nor to disagree. Nor even to show just a tiny bit of astonishment? There must be something wrong with me…

    While I was driving today, I was thinking about what kind of toilet paper are the staff aloud to use inside the Vatican City State, if should it be recycled or normal… That teases a bit our faith doesn’t it?

    I won’t add anything else more to this thread, I promise and I’m really sorry I have offend anyone here, I didn’t mean to.

    View attachment 3828
  15. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014

    This thread was about what you carry in your pocket. It was actually interesting and spiritually enlightening. If you want debate about things the Holy Father said or didn't say start a new thread. I think our spiritual father is a spiritually advanced soul. So, some of the things he says is really hard to comprehend unless you see the big picture. The majority of us are not at that point.

    So, Basto, what do you carry in your pocket.

    Sam, Florida Panther and Joe Crozier like this.
  16. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    I carry in my wallet a relic card from Garabandal that was given to me by a fellow KIWI who I met in Garabandal. His name was Michael Tubberty. He touched the card to a piece of the scapula that was kissed by St Michael, the only object the Archangel ever kissed at Garabandal.
    I have a small photo of Ven. Margaret Sinclair whose dad was a bin man in Edinburgh. Margaret worked in a biscuit factory before joining the convent. I have prayed at her tomb.
    I carry the Miracle Prayer of Fr Peter Mary Rookey (you can hear him leading others in this on utube with some lovely music and a little bit of singing in tongues) and the ancient novena prayer to St Joseph.
    A prayer card of Our Lady of Sorrows and a prayer card of Padre Pio with his prayer;
    "Let the most holy and most adorable will of God be done in me and all around me, at all times and in all things! This is what enables me to carry on. I know that He never acts except for most holy ends which are for our good."
    I carry a relic card with a piece of the coffin of St Charles of St Andrew also known as St Charles of Mt Argos a much revered Passionist Confessor from Belgium whose ministry was to the Irish.
    Perhaps Padraig has a story about him.
    And finally I have a folding memorial card to my dear old Dad who I loved dearly but sad to say not half as as well as I should have. On the front is a photo of the Old Cross of Ardboe where my forebears came from, inside a photo of him in his final years at Lourdes with a Prayer of his favourite saint Thomas More, who like Dad was a lawyer;
    "Thank you dear Jesus for all you have given me, for all you have taken away from me, for all you have left me.."
    And the back is a photo of Our Lady of Lourdes from the Lourdes Grotto with the simple prayer "Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for him."
    Oh yeah and like Brian K I carry a finger rosary for driving my new car that parks itself. Clever old car!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2015
  17. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Jan 11, 2015
    A little medal of Saint Anthony of Padua that I inherited from my late mother, The Lord have mercy on her.
  18. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    In his defence, Basto, from Potugal, that land so dear to Our Lady and where Our Lady assures us the Faith will be preserved, did post a beautiful story about his pious Grandfather's rosary that he lost and found and that he carries. He just got a little distracted and went off thread a bit. I may even have done the sane thing before myself. :rolleyes:;)
  19. Pray4peace

    Pray4peace Ave Maria

    Jul 24, 2014
    I just stumbled across the devotion to--or use of--St. Anthony's Brief. Has anyone felt a decrease in temptation or an alleviation of physical/spiritual problems as a result of carrying this?
    Sam likes this.
  20. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015

    Yes, definitely. In fact, I forgot it and was having great problems. I suddenly remembered I didn't have it on me, went and got it and was immediately relieved of them. I also have it around the house and say the prayer often.
    Pray4peace likes this.

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