Catholic-haters have just convicted an innocent cardinal By Julia Yost By a 2-to-1 vote, an Australian appellate court this week dismissed George Cardinal Pell’s appeal of his conviction on five counts of “historic” child sexual abuse. For Pell’s supporters, the decision can hardly be surprising. Given the way things had gone, a just outcome would have come as a shock. Prosecutors accused Pell of surprising two choirboys who were guzzling communion wine in the sacristy of the Melbourne cathedral immediately after Mass one Sunday in 1996. The cardinal was charged with forcing the boys to fellate him while he was still vested in archbishop’s robes. The allegations were utterly implausible — for several reasons well-established by the defense at trial. The cathedral’s communion wine was kept locked in a safe, for starters, and Pell couldn’t have left the post-Mass proceedings without his absence being noticed; witnesses attested this never happened. Likewise, the choirboys couldn’t have left the post-Mass proceedings without their absence being noticed; witnesses attested this never happened, either. Plus, the sacristy would have been bustling with activity. As witnesses testified, Pell was never alone in the cathedral while vested for Mass but always accompanied by at least one assistant. The security arrangements and layout of the cathedral, and the respective locations of the cardinal and the choir, would have made it impossible for the abuse to occur as alleged. Nor is it physically possible to expose one’s genitals while vested in an archbishop’s robes. Before he died in 2014, one of the two boys denied that he had “ever been interfered with or touched up” — by anyone. All this led 10 out of 12 jurors at Pell’s first trial to vote to acquit. Yet at the retrial, the jurors ignored the enormous weight of exculpatory evidence and voted in December to convict him amid a climate of media-driven anti-Catholic hysteria. As the dissenting appellate judge was to conclude, the sole accuser’s wholly uncorroborated testimony “contained discrepancies, displayed inadequacies and otherwise lacked probative value.” Oh, well. Some Catholic priests and hierarchs have abused young boys and men, in Australia and elsewhere. But the sins of a few devils in Roman collars don’t justify the scapegoating of an innocent man — or the campaign of misinformation and demonization carried out against him by Australia’s liberal media and legal elites. “Time’s up for the Catholic Church,” announced The Independent just before Pell’s sentencing. ABC Australia reporter Louise Milligan is using the Pell case to argue for legislation that would force priests to break the seal of the confessional in cases of child abuse. Milligan is author of “Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell,” a bestselling hatchet job that inflamed public opinion before his trials. In the book, Milligan openly discusses her loathing of Pell’s conservative brand of Catholicism. The black propaganda spread from the newsstand to the judicial bar. At Pell’s sentencing this year, the trial judge dwelt bizarrely on Pell’s “arrogance,” a favorite theme of the Australian media. In this obsession, one detects the resentment of elites who failed for years to stop Pell’s rise as he opposed their ideology. Liberal elites in Australia are eager to “correct” the nation’s political culture. And they are keenly embarrassed by anything they consider retrograde — Catholicism, for instance. They are zealous and ingenious in punishing dissenters. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, begun in 2013, officially had no specific target. In reality, its major purpose was to incriminate the Catholic Church in Australia and one churchman above all. Under defense questioning, officials admitted to undertaking a “get-Pell” operation. Since police knew of no accusers in the early going, they resorted to advertising for victims in local newspapers. Why Pell? Equipped with brains, managerial talent and force of personality, he had risen to eminence while espousing all the wrong opinions. A vocal conservative on political as well as theological matters, he doubted climate change and opposed gay marriage. A cardinal since 2003, he ascended to become head of Vatican finances and a member of Pope Francis’ inner circle. With the successful prosecution of Pell, the progressive media and political establishments have their man at last. Julia Yost is senior editor of First Things.
From what I've read, it's not all over yet. The dissenting judge, Mark Weinberg, is hugely respected and has written a two-hundred-page report of his reasons for dismissing the case. It seems it is very likely that this can be appealed further, if only on account of the prestige of the dissenting judge. It is becoming clear to all how satanic the whole issue is, with the innocent getting entangled with the guilty. In Cardinal Pell's case, this seems to be a clear case of hysterical mob persecution, with the strings being cleverly controlled by sinister elitists. Yet, obviously guilty cardinals hardly suffer at all. This must be breaking Christ's Heart.
He's hanging him out to dry. The word 'repair' implies guilt. Everyone will be Finally Judged, One Fine Day. Nobody, even a pope, will get a free pass. With trepidation, let's remember that.
I think that what probably happened is that Cardinal Pell honestly and openly offered to return to Australia to stand trial. That is fair enough , that was the right thing and decent thing to do. What was extraordinary in Cardinal's Pell's case is that they took him up on his offer. Something we have never seen before. The Vatican State is full of sexual offenders on the run from State Authorities sheltering their from prison, the vast majority of them I would guess guilty as Satan, but still sheltered.Who knows why? But Cardinal Pell the third most important person in the Vatican was left to fly off to prison. It's not hard to smell a rat here.
In an article by Eric Rasmusen "Questions Nobody is Asking about Jeffrey Epstein" he makes a very interesting observation concerning the lack of prosecution of Epstein and the extremely suspicious prosecution of Cardinal Pell: " Why is nobody blaming the Florida and New York state prosecutors for not prosecuting Epstein and others for statutory rape? Statutory rape is not a federal crime, so it is not something the Justice Dept. is supposed to investigate or prosecute. They are going after things like interstate sex trafficking. Interstate sex trafficking is generally much harder to prove than statutory rape, which is very easy if the victims will testify. At any time from 2008 to the present, Florida and New York prosecutors could have gone after Epstein and easily convicted him. The federal nonprosecution agreement did not bind them. And, of course, it is not just Epstein who should have been prosecuted. Other culprits such as Prince Andrew are still at large. Note that if even if the evidence is just the girl’s word against Ghislaine Maxwell’s or Prince Andrew’s, it’s still quite possible to get a jury to convict. After all, who would you believe, in a choice between Maxwell, Andrew, and Anyone Else in the World? For an example of what can be done if the government is eager to convict, instead of eager to protect important people, see the 2019 Cardinal Pell case in Australia. He was convicted by the secret testimony of a former choirboy, the only complainant, who claimed Pell had committed indecent acts during a chance encounter after Mass before Pell had even unrobed. Naturally, the only cardinal to be convicted of anything in the Catholic Church scandals is also the one who’s done the most to fight corruption..."
George Pell wins final chance to appeal child sex abuse conviction
Pope Francis has appointed a replacement for Cardinal Pell. The good news is that he has some qualifications for the job and doesn't seem to be just a step ahead of the posse. The bad news is that there's yet another Jesuit in the Vatican.
Seer Claims Forces Of Darkness Framed Cardinal Pell November 18, 2019 by sd [For cautious discernment only]: House Of Prayer Achill – From a message of Our Blessed Lady to Christina Gallagher on February 28, 2019; “The knowledge My priest-son, Cardinal George Pell possessed of financial wrongdoing and sexual misbehaviour which he desired to correct for the good of the Church and for the sake of Truth was the reason the power of darkness overshadowed him with false accusations. I desire the world to know of his innocence and I desire the man of sin who brought this about to be aware that his iniquity will be shown up in the light of God’s Justice. I held My mantle over my dear priest-son and My Heart wept at what has been brought upon him in the endurance of this terrible injustice and deception.”
A few high profile Australians have questioned the Pell verdict. Some of them are no fans of the Cardinal but have enough sense to realise that he is the victim of a witch hunt.
A real turn-up for the books about the police in the Cardinal Pell case. From Catholic News Agency: Senior Victoria cops said Pell investigation could distract from major police scandal By Ed Condon Washington D.C., Dec 13, 2019 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Senior police officials in the Australian state of Victoria discussed by email the way that their 2014 investigation into Cardinal George Pell could deflect public scrutiny from an emerging corruption scandal in the force. In a 2014 email exchange, then-Deputy Commissioner Graham Ashton and Charlie Morton, assistant director of media and corporate communications for the Victoria police department, discussed how to respond to a high-profile scandal which would hamper the credibility of Victoria police operations. In an email dated April 1, 2014, Morton advised Ashton not to make a media appearance in response to the “Lawyer X” scandal, because forthcoming announcements about Cardinal Pell could distract media and public attention. “The Pell stuff is coming tomorrow and will knock this way off the front page,” Morton wrote to Ashton. “Unless there are some serious appeals from convicted [criminals] which might get up as a result of this, then I can't see this continuing with the same level of profile.” The emails emerged this week as Ashton, now Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, gave evidence at a Royal Commission inquiry into the use of police sources and the Lawyer X scandal, in which criminal defense lawyer Nicola Gobbo was recruited to work as an informant against members of the Calabrian mafia, while she was representing several of them as an attorney. Gobbo has claimed that her work as an informant for Victoria police from 1995-2009, despite issues of professional ethics and client confidentiality, led to 386 convictions, many of which are now believed to be tainted, subject to appeal, and could be overturned. The email exchange between Ashton and Morton came after a news radio host in Melbourne referred on air to the about-to-break story as one of the “biggest law and order scandals in [Victoria state] history” and predicting it could result in “killers walking free.” A subsequent High Court injunction prevented publication of Gobbo’s name, or any media reporting of the case from 2014, part of a years’-long, $4.5 million legal effort by Victoria police to keep details of the case from becoming public. The reference to news about Pell being used to deflect negative coverage came just two months after Pope Francis had appointed Pell to reform Vatican financial affairs, placing him in charge of the newly-created Prefecture for the Economy in February, 2014. It is not clear what information the two police officials were anticipating would be released the next day, though the previous week Pell had given evidence before the Royal Commission investigation into child sexual abuse in Church institutions. In 2013, Victoria Police opened Operation Tethering, an open-ended investigation into possible crimes by Cardinal Pell, although no victims had come forward against him and there had been no criminal complaints made against him at the time. Although they had found no victims or criminal accusations, in 2015 the program was expanded and put on a more formal footing. In 2017, Pell was charged with sexually abusing two minors. He was convicted in 2018 on the evidence of a single victim-accuser, the second supposed victim died of a heroin overdose on Aril 8, 2014 – one week after the Victoria police email exchange. That second victim had denied on several occasions that he was sexually abused by Pell. The cardinal’s conviction was upheld on appeal by the Victoria Supreme Court in August. The Australian High Court will hear Pell’s appeal of that decision in 2020. Since the court gag order was lifted in 2019, the Lawyer X scandal has tainted successive chiefs of the Victoria police force, all of whom were aware of Gobbo’s role a mob informer and practicing criminal lawyer. Much of Gobbo's work as a lawyer was with Australian members of the Ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia organization, which has established a deep presence both in Victoria and across the country, with allegations of multi-million dollar bribes to judges and close connections to local Victorian politicians in both political parties. The link between the Italian and Australian branches of the organization is known to be close and ongoing. The Lawyer X scandal has tainted several former heads of the Victoria police, all of whom were aware of Gobbo’s role and allowed it to continue. Ashton was first told of her work in 2007 when he was serving as assistant director of the Office of Police Integrity, an anti-corruption body. Ashton told the Royal Commission on Tuesday that he saw no reason to suspect “anything untoward was going on” when he learned the lawyer was acting as a police informant against her own clients. Gobbo, who is the niece of a former Victoria Supreme Court judge, has since said she fears retribution by police because of the scandal, refusing to go into witness protection and claiming police have threatened to take her children into protective custody to compel her cooperation. Earlier this week, she told Australian media that “It's not the first time that they [Victoria Police] threatened me in relation to toeing the line and doing things their way or they would take my children." The Victoria police force has been the subject of numerous scandals over the years. In addition to the allegations concerning Gobbo, a 2017 report found that nearly half (46%) of Victoria Police employees believe they would suffer personal repercussions if they reported corruption, with almost one in five saying it would cost them their job. And here's a Patrick Coffin interview with Andrew Bolt, an Australian TV presenter who believes that the Cardinal was wrongly convicted:
And then there’s Father Macphee in New Hampshire who writes These Stone Walls. An innocent man in prison because of lies and corrupt justice system .Please pray for him.