Just listened to this fascinating audio from Dr. Peter Kreeft about a huge advance in ecumenism regarding salvation and justification. (I do love that Peter Kreeft!!!) http://www.peterkreeft.com/audio/43_faith-works/peter-kreeft_faith-works.mp3
Wow, for those who voted on this thread that 'most will go to heaven', they need to listen to the attached clip and hear what numerous saints and scripture passages say on this subject. One saint said that at the time he died 30,000 others died and 2 went straight to heaven and 3 to purgatory all the others to hell. Yet another saint said that 60,000 died and only 5 went to heaven. It is no wonder that scripture say's "the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord".
T This thread terrifies me. I cannot get on to the video link, but if what Fatima says is the way it is, most of us on this board will not make it. I certainly wont. But the seers in Medjugorge when they were asked this question said something like a few go to heaven, many go to hell but most go to purgatory. That gives me hope.
For this age, we need God's mercy more then ever. I know very few people who put God first in their life. Oh, he is there somewhere for many, but not in first place. The first commandment must return to the hearts of all if heaven is a possibility. Hell is a reality and is hardly ever preached. Few fear the Lord. Essentially we have been conditioned for 50 years that hell no longer a reality, except for the really really bad people like Hitler. We need to get back to the basics such as, what is a mortal sin? How many mortal sins unconfessed does it take to be condemned to hell (just one!). Contraception is a mortal sin, yet 90+ percent of Catholic couples use it. Does this alone not tell you something? Missing Mass on Sunday or Holyday's (without just cause) is a mortal sin..........how many see Mass as something to attend on occasion? It is no wonder hell is not preached, the Church would be empty in today's Catholic world.
One of the things I like about the Latin Mass is they do preach on the lives of the saints/sin. Last Sunday the preaching was on sacreligious confession,.he spoke about preachers always giving absolution when in some cases it should be withheld when the preacher knows the penitent to be insincere. How many times do you hear something like that? But as I recall,..Padre Pio denied absolution at times. Actually Fatima maybe the Churches would be little fuller if hell was preached,..people need to get a little fear of God into them. Jesus didn't preach the church of "nice"
I have given this thought and prayer...if we trust in the mercy of Christ it rid us of needless fear, anxiety and dispair. His merciful love is greater than our sin. Cover yourself with the Blood of the Lamb and fall into the loving and merciful arms of the Lord and be at peace. I think we will be amazed at the economy of salvation. Don't sweat the small stuff...Gods got your back.
I remember words like that coming from the Medj seers too. If it is what that video states...why bother praying? and where is this mercy St Faustina speaks of? We just have to trust in His mercy without presuming anything and pray like crazy for ourselves and loved ones.
This is all true. However, just as the time of John the Baptist word "Repent" and be saved.....few seem to be repenting and turning away from sin. Herein lies the problem, without repentance there is no mercy. As all the great saints have taught, true devotion to Mary is sure sign of predestination in Christ. There should be no fear in hell if you are frequenting the sacraments and clinging to the Mother of God for assistance.
Everything you say above Fatima is right - the whole world does not understand what a mortal sin is any more even those who call themselves Catholics, and so it is that almost all would go to hell. But I keep believing in God's mercy. Without that everything is so bleak. I may be wrong and most will go to hell, but I believe in medjugorge and what the seers said - it gave me hope for me and my family. So many people I care about don't even accept God's existence. You say in your post below that without repentance there is no salvation and that is right, but my hope is that through my Prayers and begging God to show mercy that he can and will reach them somehow and give them enough light to repent. I hope he dose that for me as well and for everybody. All I have is Prayers and the believe in God's mercy, but if so few are saved like you said was in the video, tere's not much point as PotatoSack says in praying and that's all I have really.
, I think most on this forum WILL go to Heaven! Its the millions out there that REFUSE to believe in God, simply out of selfishness. They don't want to have ANYONE telling them something is wrong for them to do, and just want to be able to do what ever they please. Believing in God takes courage, responsibility, and obedience, which unfortunately is something that today's society seems to be lacking on the whole. They have a whole new set of morals, and they are pretty opposite of God's commandments, so that : "Evil will be regarded as good, and good will be regarded as evil" Everyone on this forum I think is not only on the saved side, but also on the "CHOSEN" side. There is a reason God and Mary are gathering all of us together. You're going to be saved FoundSoul and will take everyone you can with you! We have to pray and do penance and just do what we can, and let Jesus worry about the rest. That is why the weight of the world is on HIS shoulders. We are just lillies in a field, sending up praise and glory and always hoping for all to do the same.
Just been having another 'discussion' with Fr. Robert Barron on Youtube on this subject. If you have useful points to make, any support would be appreciated (this guy is the head of a seminary as well as being a distinguished broadcaster - and he has it WRONG)
I always thought the words of Jesus were wise: Luke 13:24 The Narrow Gate …23And someone said to Him, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?" And He said to them, 24"Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 25"Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, 'Lord, open up to us!' then He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know where you are from.'… So Jesus turns away from broad theological speculation to nuts and bolts spirituality. The danger being that we can get distracted from our own spiritual journey by abstract speculation. What good in being the smartest best read person in the world if we wind up in hell ourselves.
No one talks about the sin of presumption anymore, but it seems to me that suggesting that hell is empty is sailing dangerously close to the wind. http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/what-is-the-sin-of-presumption
Father Barron sure has it right in this video about the Eucharist. Nobody is perfect, kinda helps us all. Watchers praying a lot of years for the priests. Do you imagine the grace of all these prayers for priests will shower down on them just before the Great Warning and after the Warning takes place?
I know that Fr. Barron is right about many things and is a great teacher, which makes his voicing of the opinion about hell even more dangerous. To be wrong about Hell is a 'biggy'. Lucia of Fatima insisted time and again that "many" are lost and to believe that it is a 'reasonable hope' that all are saved as Fr. Barron teaches is to deny Fatima, the word of many saints and of the Lord Himself.
This video is very telling in that Father Barron say's "hell is a possibility", it is not a certainty for those who reject God. He say's it is "theologically grounded" and that the Church has never taught that humans are in hell". I guess that makes Jesus a liar. This is yet another attempt to mock God. This is one of Satan's great tricks, to make everyone feel comfortable in their sins, then once in mortal sin he convinces the sinner that there is not such thing as forgiveness. Father Barron is dead wrong on this and he is making those in serious sin feel okay about it, because hell does not exist....... its just a theological metaphor.
Is it just me or did anyone else not want to vote in the pole? It just did not feel right to presume to pass judgement or share opinion on others' fate. No one in my opinion in heaven or earth could begin to understand God's Mercy. So I will continue to have hope that many will bow down and beg for His mercy when their time comes. I hope and pray that I will when my time comes and not wallow in my own sin and guilt when before Our Lord commiting the unpardonable sin.
God is the lover of souls and His mercy is freely available to the end. The good thief stole paradise at the last moment. I do not doubt the Fatima revelation of Hell. Many are being lost perhaps the largest numbers in history given demographics and the state of the world. We are reaching the peak of satans reign. We are told that the first secret of Medjugorje will break the back of his power. So there is a great battle for souls. But many are asleep and not even conscious of these spiritual realities including a lot of priests.