But this is not the only evidence we have that this event of January, 1938 was not the warning Our Lady of Fatima was referring to on July 13, 1917. The second reason is this: Our Lady’s message to Sister Lucia on July 13, 1917, was intended to warn the world that Almighty God was about to punish the world for its crimes. However, if that event of January, 1938 was intended as that warning to the entire world, given that it was not publicly explained or interpreted until the composition of the Third Memoir of Sister Lucia on August 31, 1941, it simply failed in its purpose as a warning. A warning event that no one is informed about or which cannot be properly interpreted to bring about the corrective action it is intended to inspire does not serve as an efficient or effective warning. In fact, it is doomed to fail. Almighty God knows that. Almighty God knows how and when to reach us to bestow that last, special measure of mercy He wills to grant before any global chastisement falls to punish “the world”. Our Heavenly Father fails at nothing so He did not fail here by giving the world a secret warning that no one would know how to interpret and which would consequently and necessarily accomplish nothing. Thirdly, if this celestial event was intended to “warn the world”, out of His impeccable Divine Justice, Our Lord would have arranged for it to be seen everywhere in the world by everyone who should be warned. However, this event did not accomplish that because it was not seen south of northern Africa and the Azores. Although it could be argued that World War II did not effect that part of the globe, that same argument also then undermines the idea that this warning was ever to be a whole world kind of event. Fourthly, if this January, 1938, event was intended to precede a punishment for the entire world that would be manifested, at least in part, in the form of famine, it would follow that there would actually be a significant, world-wide famine since 1938. Although there has been very regionalized loss of crops and hunger due to various environmental, political, or weather events, the famines we have seen in the following 70+ years after 1938 seem to just be examples of terrible localized hardships for those poor nations and people least able to cope with such misfortune. The balance of the guilty world continues to struggle with the health difficulties associated with being too well-fed as everything is super-sized in their increasingly God-offending cultures. Fifthly, since 1938, Pope Pius XII had suffered no persecution. In fact, he had a very successful pontificate after World War II even though he, like Catholics everywhere, wept and prayed over the horrors of the Second World War. Similarly, the Church he ruled continued to enjoy full seminaries, convents, and Catholic Schools although there was the same persecution of Catholics in some places continuing after 1938 as had existed before that year. His Holiness Pius XII made it out of World War II in high esteem and, in most places around the world, the Church this Vicar of Christ was entrusted with continued to thrive. That success continued up until the Modernists took control of the Church visibly at Vatican II during the pontificates of his successors. It is well documented that the “Leading Catholic Indicators” (18) reflect the statistical apex of the Church in 1965 – 27 years after January, 1938. It is also well documented that after 1965, there began the undeniable decline in the faith-life of the Church. This decline commenced as soon as the new “pastoral” approach of the Post-conciliar Church became public and the Oath Against Modernism was discarded by the clergy in 1967. In response, the laity began to discard the widespread custom of regular Mass attendance a year later with the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae and the replacement of Catholic Customs with non-Catholic novelties. It is understandable how the well-meaning and holy Sister Lucia would tie in the event of January, 1938 with the messages about the “worse war breaking out during the pontificate of Pius XI” and about the “Unknown Light”. This confusion perhaps came about because there was an assumption that when Our Lady was speaking, it was just one long paragraph and that Our Lady herself had tied these separate topics all together. Perhaps this was yet another error in interpretation by Sister Lucia but not in the fact of the words of the entire message as spoken by Our Lady. Perhaps Lucia did not understand that Our Lady had changed her topics between the first paragraph below concerning the worse war and the second paragraph about the unknown light. The first paragraph under consideration here reads as follows: “The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI.” (19) Now consider that here Our Lady ended her comments about the tragic Second World War of the 1930s and first half of the 1945’s. Perhaps the following paragraph dealt next with a topic more important and applicable to the years 2015, 2016, or even later: “When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine and persecutions against the Church and the Holy Father.” (20) We are now faced with an even more dangerous time than the world experienced in the 1930s and the 1940s. Not only are there many more nuclear weapons scattered around the world but there are now demonically confused people severely misguided by their false religions and/or ideologies who are capable of using such weapons against anyone or any nation that rejects their false teachings. To make matters even worse, even our own Church is also suffering from infections deep within which, though incapable of killing this mystical body of Christ entirely, can certainly kill off the supernatural faith of large portions of its members. Today settled Catholic concepts such as the worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist and what is an acceptable marriage appears to be up for debate among high ranking prelates. Bishops are against bishops and Cardinals are against Cardinals as they also appear to encourage the disregard of even long-settled Catholic understanding of faith as taught by Our Lord Himself. In the 1930s there was not the support we see globally today for abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and widespread confusion about what a Christian should believe about these topics. It is not difficult to make the case that the world today is more deserving of punishment for its crimes than it was in the very worst days of the 1930 and 1940s. The loss of life due to global abortions and abortifacient contraceptives in our times overwhelms the combined body count of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and of every other murderous despot, even when combined with all of those people lost in the wars of the twentieth century. For this reason, it is imperative that all Catholics put aside the belief that God has already punished the world for its many crimes many decades ago when everything about our Catholic Church back then was so much stronger than it is today. As the old saying goes: “We ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” Consequently, we should reread the messages warning of the coming Chastisement as foretold by the approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of La Sallette, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Akita and by other trustworthy apparitions and seers. Then, as we pray our daily rosaries, gather up our blessed bees-waxed candles, and keep handy our dark window coverings, we should keep one eye on the sky. The world has not yet seen that night illuminated by an unknown light but it surely is still to come. Perhaps it will be next month, or next week, or maybe even tonight but as sure as we can trust the Queen of Heaven, it will come! http://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/1726-the-known-light-1
Very interesting. But, would the world need to see it, visually, for it to be a global warning? The reason I ask is the issue of night only covering half the world at any point.
Dear brothers and sisters, does anyone of you "feel" if the Warning will come soon or think it will be for very soon ? Sorry, but I am getting very impatient...
I believe there will be a massive revival soon and that we will see widespread miracles from those who believe.. I don't know if this is connected to a warning.....
I haven't looked at all the posts in this thread, and I certainly don't want to get involved in any speculation about precise dates, but a couple of comments... A couple of weeks ago I was present at a talk given in a church just outside Paris by El Salvadorian/Canadian alleged mystic Sulema (whom I discovered thanks to you, Elisa!), who has now published three volumes (=700+ pages) of purported locutions entitled Je viens vous préparer pour l'Illumination de Conscience ('I come to prepare you for the Illumination of Conscience), all of which I have read and which I take with full seriousness, not least because of her remarkable testimony and that of her husband Sabino, with whom I had the chance to exchange a few words. Sulema told us that the next volume would not be entitled 'I come to prepare you...' but would be dealing with the priesthood and the eucharist as the principal themes. She said that vols. 1 to 3 - which somewhat frustratingly the publishers Parvis have only made available in hard print form - are intended for the period before and immediately after the Illumination/Warning. Draw your own conclusions from that. The afternoon with Sulema and Sabino made a deep impression on me because of what occurred during the meeting. At the outset she told us that the Lord or Our Lady would deliver a message to us, but I had no idea what this would look like. Well, having spoken about her life story for a while, suddenly she broke off in mid-sentence, her eyes closed and people fell to their knees... Having spoken in broken 'pidgin French' until that point, she then went into a fifteen-minute locution in flawless grammar and with a sophisticated theological content (including an explanation about the Lord's 'intermediate coming' as will be familiar to readers of Fr Gobbi, Joseph Iannuzzi or Mark Mallett), supposedly from the Blessed Mother. When she had finished, but still in apparent ecstasy, she went over to the Blessed Sacrament for some minutes of adoration. At that point there was a loud cry from a (mentally and physically) handicapped man in a wheelchair, whom Sulema promptly went to embrace. I later found out from the organizers that this man had seen the Virgin appear in front of the visionary (for a while now I have been convinced that some people with neurological damage actually perceive the supernatural far more directly than the rest of us because they lack some of the 'normal' filters of consciousness that neuroscience is beginning to identify in the prefrontal cortex of the brain). This was an event quite unlike anything I have ever attended. For your discernment, of course, but I think I am not the only one to have the impression that the veil between heaven and earth is getting thinner every day...
Although it is impossible to summarize the three books of purported locutions received by Sulema in a blog post, the content is essentially the same as the 'prophetic consensus' represented by many other contemporary sources (Edson Glauber (Itapiranga), Luz de Maria, True Life in God, Fr Adam Skwarczynski, Javier Viesca, Francine Bériault ('La Fille du Oui à Jésus), alleged apparitions in Zaro...) and coherent with both Garabandal and El Escorial. One important point with Sulema which is worth pondering, however, is the notion that the Illumination of Conscience and the Warning are two names for the same event depending on our spiritual state. For those in a state of grace, it will be a joyful Illumination. For others ... She's not the first person to imply this, of course, but this distinction is thematized in a particular way in her volumes.
Yes, I know all about it, I have the three volumes in French on my bookshelves. But, I just wonder what Heaven means by "soon" in these books. You know, Heaven talks about "soon" since so many many years... (sorry dear Heavenly Father for this inpatient remark of me...).
A sobering note, however: in Je viens vous préparer à l'Illumination de Conscience it is stated explicitly that the Warning will be preceded by terrible suffering in the world. This is of course fully in line with the message of Garabandal that the Warning will occur when things are at their worst. http://ourlady.ca/info/communism.htm
Not to my knowledge, but I am tempted to translate some messages and share them on the forum. I'll try to find time this week to start another thread.
I have read articles, seen videos to the contrary - regarding the “God Helmet” where an apparatus in a lab is placed on temporal lobes to induce in atheistic terms “illusions” ...but I do not want to get into that here for good reasons; as one would need strong faith and good head on their shoulders to read as such. Be warned! Thanks for sharing that snippet of knowledge; in hope it might bring some light if needed to a counterargument. God bless!
https://illuminationdelaconscience.wordpress.com/ She does live in Canada. I suppose they must have more info there about any translation into English.
I questioned the organizers of Sulema's talk about this as well as a French priest who knows her writing and who was in attendance; it seems that the people who need to be contacted about this are the publishers Parvis (in Switzerland) as they have the rights.
The telephone of Editions Parvis in Switzerland is as follows: +41 26 915 93 93. They are true catholics. I suppose they understand English.
One of the reasons I believe in Garabandal is the consistency of context especially in the accounts of the events and revelations as related in the book "She Went in Haste to the Mountains." It does not hide discrepancies or seeming contradictions just as the small differences in the gospel accounts are not hidden. Throughout this book there is an innocence and naivety that resonates truth in my heart and in my head. In my clinic I learn through experience to recognize conditions. Just so I have learned to recognize truth. Most of the time I get it right. I find this book totally inspiring in its simplicity of reporting and explanation. It describes a journey that is not yet complete. It leaves us in suspense in anticipation of a great finale. Not about the end of time but the end of times, the end of an era. A terrible time of Tribulation originating from Russia and its hidden armies and Communism will come, then when times are at their worst the heavens will intervene and limit the damage. (There may be natural phenomena mixed into this scenario by Satan. Satan may try to confuse us with other ploys.) This intervention will be the prophesied Aviso that will stop the whole human race in its tracks. The projector of life will will stop rolling and the still framed image of our life will be burnt into our consciousness. As told it will be seen and felt. In this, the conscience of each and every human being will be corrected. In the aftermath of The Aviso I see people weeping and wailing on their knees, rocking back and forth in shocked awareness of their condition. In itself it will be a terrifying event and some may die from the shock of what they are shown. There will be no doubt that this event is exclusively and directly from God. People will gather themselves and begin to repent, to experience metanoia. Their attitude and outlook on life will change. Within one year of this intervention the finale of this era that I believe will be the Great Miracle will happen maybe to reassure us we have not imagined things and this assurance will be sustained by a permanent sign . Despite this Great Miracle I believe that much of mankind will turn back to its old ways or as the scripture says "turn back on its vomit like a dog" and this will result in the great Chastisement, again directly from God and unimaginable in its severity. Hopefully I will be in heaven before then The time between the Miracle and the Chastisement will be another era. After the Chastisement in another era the Parousia or Second Coming of Christ will happen with the Last Judgement. In this way the vision of St Faustina that Christ will First come in Mercy thru The Warning and The Great Miracle and sign. The Chastisement will precede the Last Judgment but only The Father knows when that will be. It may be millennia away. I stand ready for correction from those who know better! I have tried to recount accurately what has been foretold.
I like what you have laid out, accept I would say that after the chastisements the Second Coming of Christ takes place and the era of peace that our Lady of Fatima spoke of takes place. Jesus will reign in a new splendid way manifesting himself in his Eucharistic presence. Mark Mallett has written extensively on this era and I tend to adhere to what he and others have written on this using early Church Fathers writings, papal writings and other prophetic messages.