This blogpost gives a rundown of what is wrong with the new basilica at Fatima: Fatima's Gradual Descent into Darkness – the Altar of the World has become a blasphemous mockery +
Have a look at these.
The first picture and drawing are of a Masonic Lodge. The third picture is of the Rosary Basilica at Fatima. Contrast and compare. (Note the use of three candlesticks around the altars which is standard Masonic usage; also the strange symbolism on the side of the Catholic Altar). Masonic Lodges Rosary Basilica ; Fatima.
I stand corrected. I've never been to Fatima and had no idea this was happening. It is so depressing, but Our Lord will have the Last Word.
If you think of it Fatima would be a very prime target for the Satan and the masons. They tried to destroy it right from the start. They are still trying to do so, this time from within. Freemason Service at England’s Mother Church on Same Day as Consecration to Our Lady
I don't know whether or not the attached has been shown on the forum before but I heard about this several years ago. The design of the church dedicated to Padre Pio by a non-believing architect seems to be odd and very ugly to say the least and, it is claimed here, is in fact a Masonic Temple!
So does this suggest at the time of the writing, there were 121 known Masonic cardinals? It appears that was March 2006. I knew things were bad, but.........!!! With the information people are sharing in this thread today, the Triumph of our Mother's Immaculate Heart is gonna be very soon. I had not idea of many of those symbols. I have not wanted to learn of them. Why would I? No fear, clearly why Our Lady is weeping, so many signs everywhere. The Warning has to be AWFULLY SOON!!! The image below was snipped from this writing.
As I said to SgCatholic, I must stand corrected. Forgive me for trying to excessively look on the bright side. There is much assymetry to be seen here. To me, intentional assymetry tends to be in the same realm as disorder and chaos. Much of it seems to be a heretical form of clericalism, rather than something coming from the laity, as if a large section of the institutional Church wishes to suppress popular devotion. What is their fear? Our Lady generously tries to help us and warn us about modernism and post-modernism with their attendant evils; and we mockingly throw it right back in her face. Any son worth his salt would be righteously enraged at the dishonour of his mother. Jesus Christ will be well-justified to chastise us when He does.
I think you have mixed up the two photos...but the very fact that it is so easy to confuse them is salutary in itself.
double headed eagle on the logo for this golf course is also on the apron for a 33 degree Freemason as shown in the analysis in post #88 pgs. 68-70 Masons must love that they have symbols everywhere that no one knows what they mean. It must feed into their thrill.
How many cardinals today seem sound? How many seem to be trying to uphold the truth? Apart from the dubia four (two now dead), I can only think of Cardinals Muller and Sarah. There is a good, vocal Dutch prelate, but I'm not even sure he's a cardinal.
This may be the family crest which may not have been of the President’s own design. That’s what it seems to me.
This is awful! Most likely that the majority of Fatima's visitors are completely unaware of the Masonic symbolism. It's like they're saying, "look what we got away with."
I agree. It strikes me there is little sacred intent in these photos. Churches & Altar settings should glorify the Lord!! How painfully sterile.... Modernism and post-modernism? I guess I need to find a good definition of post-modernism. They seem synonymous. It makes me so grateful for the various beautiful churches in my diocese. My parish has beyond life sized statues. I encourage any of you to visit Grand Rapids Mi. PM me for a list I am familiar with, truly Catholic architecture.
The demons of Hell might be having a good laugh along with them. The laughs will ring out rather hollow One Fine Day.
Per wikipedia If you're bored and want to do some extra research...