That was my impression as well, the description of the location seemed like a place where followers of a cult would live, not to mention the large portrait of Fr. Michel in the chapel. It does not make sense to me that St. Michael would lead the chosen few to a 'refuge' that sounds like it belongs in a Stephen King story. Very bizarre indeed. I don't know what to make of it. Too crazy.
I'm no fan of Fr Michel but this account seems very convenient with one piece of damning evidence after another falling into his lap after a other until Fr Michel is buried in a hole a thousand feet deep and in a deep hole he has placed himself in. Perhaps this account might be true if the Father was a cretin, but he never struck me as stupid. Nevertheless I am very nervous with Mystics who get mixed up in property
Also there is something salacious and suspicious about the homosexual guy. I find all this difficult to believe. Too convenient .
Earthtoangels, do you hear yourself here? How can these types of comments help our communication in any way, ever? Please prayerfully consider this with your next post. I mean, I could be less intelligent than I believe I really am, but I do strive daily to be faith-filled. Dear, sweet Lord Jesus, help us, please!
After so much history of just how attacks have come against priests due to the background of the "scandal" the soil for acceptance of such generalized and "implied" slurs has been softened to have many believe just about anything, no specifics or facts necessary....just graying any bright skies. That tactic of the serpent. Often times when the priest is known to be orthodox and faithful such attacks are from those who actually are what they project upon the innocent just to cause more doubt and confusion for their target. Meanwhile they avoid cleaning up their own act that such an individual makes them become aware of.....and so any good name for him must be destroyed. And now for decades the "property" complaint (in this case it's not the one with a vow of poverty who can be accused) is repeatedly mentioned about those apparently chosen to communicate heaven's intentions for these times to the neglected, by the institutional in esp. Medjugorje. These formerly young visionaries have been accused of building large homes, and then assumed to live some types of lives that would fit such "largesse". Well, if you are going to serve the thousands of pilgrims.....and I mean serve.....the natural result is to actually house them since such a place had to totally rely on such resourcefulness. Original pilgrims were given the only rooms occupied by the poor villagers while they slept on the floor; housed w/o the expected basic facilities. And it never ends, no matter where their lives ended up. And the same for so many other places, even Lourdes, where the little villages spring up w/ the usual and expected shops for the devotionals et al. Of course, once we're out of this defective world, if we make it, things might just reach perfection. Until that time we contend w/ our human natures, beginning with the ones we see in the mirror each day!! Many think only of the future that the NWO will present itself, a done deal, but it's here.....the beginning control of the human person is evident NOW. With this recent understanding of events there is already talk from some/many about speaking to willing priests about offering homes for times that appear somewhat near for Masses/Sacraments/material support and just protection. These are already types of refuges being formed in the minds of the faithful watching what is occurring. This had happened earlier w/ the 2000 predictions and many were acquiring hosts and wine, etc. Fr. Michel speaks of caring first for one's family and then after that there will also be necessary, according to different types of personalities and practical gifts, places for all those who will need and want protection in a world that is chasing down Christians....or for that matter anyone of good will. If anyone thinks there won't be a kind of "screening" necessary for those times or even for the times in preparation, then I've got a fake FedEx character just in the news who was targeting an official not to his liking and got her husband and son in that line of fire to convince you of the seriousness of these times....already!
It is also possible that the account may be true. It just seems so convenient, like a script. Its always good to keep an open mind either way. Are you keeping an open mind? You appear quite angry often, I'm not quite sure why. Do you have some personal involvement? Without an open mind to all possibilities it would be impossible to ever discover the truth. I believe Fr Michel is false but I remain open to the possibility I may be wrong. You would far better open to the same possibility yourself, without emotional involvement. Use your mind in Discernment not your heart. St Teresa of Avila once said that if she had a choice between a wise Spiritual Director and a Holy one , that she would always choose the wise. In Discernment it is always the mind, never the heart. Emotions are deceptive.
Padraig, you know that if anyone is so moved and feels the need to take this further, he/she could attempt to communicate with the webmaster of the website on which the article in question was originally posted before being transferred over here to MOG. I just know that, currently, I am not the one to do it. ~AN
I am camping. John if you see this could you have a look please? It really is very , interesting. Sherlock Holmes indeed
I have no personal involvement other than taking what our Lady asks of us seriously. IF there is so much doubt and questioning about a "tale" w/ no background of any proof why do people carry it further w/ all the "ifs, ifs, ifs"? How is that with Christian intention? It's like the proverbial pillow where once the feathers of accusations and really, gossip, take off, esp. today w/ the effected social media, where does the criticized get his/her good reputation back? One thing that Fr. Michel has insisted upon....and one can take this to the bank since others of accepted "approval" have stated the same from Jesus. No one should judge a priest....and this was a vile kind of insinuation....and people just accept that?....except Him. Our Lord told us that in the final things that people could no longer sit on the fence but say "yes" when you mean "yes" and "no" when you mean "no" or He will "vomit" you out of His mouth. I suppose that my background w/ foster children and good foster families compared to what those children came from and to whom they may have to return, there is no room to leave them w/o the basics to protect them from future personal bullying or vile kinds of suggestions against them. And I'm sorry if you think that I'm too resolved in my comments, but I do not think, in this case, I should be "open" to the "same possibility" unless I have something to hang my hat on. So far, nothing. I don't think the accumulation of facts comes from feelings....but from true discernment of gathering as much info as possible. But when people believe anything that comes down the pike, esp. when they contain more like soap opera type offerings for the purpose of besmirching someone about whom they have already appeared to have made up their minds, observing their constant and same accusational comments offered in any new post on the chosen target, well, that's far more from feelings and suppositions.....since no additional facts and offered nuances that were left out previously make any difference whatsoever. I don't think the "mind" and "heart" are what we think of them. They rather work in conjunction with one another as unified by the Holy Spirit.
I think this is a technical IT issue. I'd like to resolve it. I'll get back to you when I get to the bottom of it. You're too emotionally involved. You need to take a step back. You have an engrained emotional bias for some reason. No objectivity To presume truth is never to find it. You simply wish, very, very much indeed for this to be true. Fair enough, maybe it is. We will see.
What's a technical IT issue here? Sorry, no comprende! From the original link of this sourceless article is one of the few comments that seem to have relished such insinuations: I consulted the Lord’s Word concerning Fr. Michel Rodrigue, and I received Jeremiah 23, 11 – 40. The prophet Jeremiah denounces priests and prophets who have fallen into the sin of sodomy and who prophesy lies in His Name. Boy will they be punished or what!?
For the record, and I feel it needs to be CLEARED here, Earthtoangels, think what you will of my posts, do the kindness of at least reading what I wrote specifically when I said: You can choose to acknowledge this or not, but, at the very least, others on the thread will see it.
The way I read the article is that the person who visited the refuge with the other people wanted to describe the refuge. I do not agree with the author's gross insinuation in the last part of the article. If my family were donors to a cause and the prophecy was quickly approaching where we would have to relocate, I would want to know where the relocation area was so that I would know what to bring for my family. I hope this sounds reasonable, if not, then we disagree.
I never even replied to your post which I read!!!! Do you want me to or something???? ....where does the "think what you will of my posts, etc." come from? I didn't say anything. Good grief...this is getting weird.
This is good! You replied. Thank you. Not weird at all. It has to do with acknowledgement/ownership of what you say, which somehow has lumped my well-meaning post in with those who have darker motives toward a priest’s reputation. A broad-stroke comment can do that.