The secrets of Fatima, can be reconciled to a loving God (theodicity)?

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by jerry, May 7, 2013.

  1. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    Going back to apparitions, the Church, even accepting some as true ones, does not force anybody to believe them. The reason is that Revelation is over and finished with the death of the last Apostle. And this is an interesting point. Revelation is the communication of God with humankind. From the Catechism:

    This is extremely important because it rules out whatever new announcement of Heaven on serious matters and punishment of the humanity as the WWII or the even worse announce in Akita, in which God was prepared to wipe out most of humanity, is not something of minor importance.

    The Church teaches that private revelation cannot add anything to what has been already revealed. This, obviously, contradict the idea that God would use a private revelation to announce anything essential for the salvation of humanity. This, from my point of view, applies also to the warnings and chastisements and all kind of announcements by several seers. [/FONT]

    Furthermore, why if such matters are so important are announced in “private revelations” that nobody can assure for certain to be true?

    That is why I brought up the story of the secret of Fatima. Something of such grave consequences that are revealed only to a child that writes down and make public only in 1941 when humanity could not do anything against. Well, some say the Pope could have made the consecration. Sorry but I cannot believe, and I say it again and again, that God punishes humanity with the suffering and death of many innocent people and children (60 million victims) because the consecration of a country did not take place.

    I said that this bring up many theological problems regarding the possibility of God to punish and, therefore, to prevent evil in our world etc, etc…

    I see how these crucial points are not conveniently discussed here and I have the feeling, therefore, this is not the place where I can talk about it. I feel also that my comments are often taken as an attack to the Church or to the mystical. As I think that, my interventions could make more damage to the faith of some people than good I decided to stop now and move on.

    Once Padraig said that not believing in this kind of mystic things is like having a Christmas tree without decoration. Lost the magic! I think that believing in many of those things is like waiting for Santa to bring the presents to the kids. But if this helps you...

    I leave you my email just in case you want to contact me to discuss privately (jabotella(at)

    I wish you all the best and keep praying for me.

  2. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    God's activity in this world did not end with public revelation (or at the end of the life of the apsotles). That would be a form of Deism. (Deism holds that God does not intervene with the functioning of the natural world in any way, allowing it to run according to the laws of nature). What Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, accomplished through his life, death and reserrection becomes manifested in and through His Church to eternity. Our Blessed Mother, many saints and mystics, Popes, theologians and holy men and women of God have been given the grace to explain public revelation to us over the years. Private revelation too needs explained and the same aforementioned people have been doing this for the past 2000 years. Jose, you seem to think that our faith is static since the apostles and that nothing else is necessary for us to discern. God loves us so much that he has manifested himself to us in many way's: his mercy, his love and yes, his justice.
  3. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Jose, you have asked some great questions on this forum. Some I thought were brilliant. It will be far less interesting with you gone.
    Jane and jerry like this.
  4. Mac

    Mac Guest

    But to challenge hell fire is difficult for me to understand. I think of all the stories Ive ever read , especially souls in purgatory appearing to saints asking for their intercession.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I was praying about this a couple of days ago and I believe that this forum is much more close to a prayer group than say, a discussion group, that it is essentially spiritual , rather than of the intellect. Of the heart or soul rather than of the the intellect.

    I suppose since it is Our Lady's forum you might expect this.

    I have always had the wish to encourage free exchange of ideas. But sometimes this is not so simple, it bears remembering for instance that the Church is not herself a democracy.

    I am by no means forcing Jose to go. But I can well understand why he might wish to. Essentially his belief system is diametrically opposed to that of this forum, or to put it another way oil and water don't mix.
    Imagine for an instant joining a prayer group whose members ideas are totally divergent from your own

    This might be sustainable in an intellectual discussion but in a prayer group it would be disruptive.

    I don't know of a better way of putting it.
  6. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Its gonna be a rough ride for Jose, I'm afraid. Because when things do heat up in his neighborhood, his foundation will crumble. I have a sister who says God doesn't cause landslides to happen and hundreds to die, and I said, "Yes, it was their time." She fought me on this and lo and behold, Mother Theresa spoke on it and said , "God is in control and it was their time. Pray that their souls were ready!" Thats what we should all pray for!
    To fold your arms in stubbornness and say there is no place called hell, when we have so many, many saints and martyrs who have testified to it being a place, plus the Catechism...well I still hope his devotion to our Lady increases and expands and that his fire doesn't go out because of 'frustration'. And I hope he stays far, far away from MDM!! :eek: We are a tough group!!:whistle:
  7. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Very good insight Padraig - my faith development was initially through charismatic renewal prayer group; which led me to Marian devotion and this forum and now I am attracted to the mystical realities of the faith:
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

  9. malfiore

    malfiore Guest

    Please correct me if I 'm wrong, Jose has the same belief in hell as Pope John Paul 2 had. So if this is true, and I believe hell is a real place, would not the problem be with the former pope and not Jose?
  10. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Sadie Jaramillio, but I get her newsletter. She knew my spiritual Father well and is a very sincere soul. She speaks of a vision she had and a message from Jesus that I thinks has significance to the subject here:


    100% CATHOLIC!
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus:

    I continue to struggle through many trials, just as many of you do too. I apologize for the tardiness in getting this newsletter out. I know many of you do pray for me and I thank you for that. Intercessory prayer is powerful and that is how we all get through this life. Be assured that although you may not hear from me, I pray for all of you every day.

    One very important area in the spiritual journey is how we see ourselves after our conversions. Some people are unable to really be free from guilt/others become very scrupulous. Both are very detrimental to the spiritual journey.

    The evil one tries to put guilt on us, so that sometimes even after kneeling before Jesus, loving him and trying to serve him, we are constantly bombarded with self loathing and guilt....but Jesus is not that kind of a Savior...he saw all the ugliness of each and every person's sin on the cross...and he still died for LOVE of us. Jesus wants us to live in the fullness of his blessings, but guilt paralyzes us from doing so sometimes. Many newsletter's ago I shared how Jesus had lifted me up behind his cross and let me "see" through his eyes....and I could see myself at the foot of the cross...and Jesus said to me, as he says to everyone, "When I hung on the cross I knew you would come to the foot of my cross." "I never remember your sins, neither do I want you to."

    I recently was given a book called The Healing of Families by Father Yozefu-B. Ssemakula. You can go to this link to find the book under spiritual warfare The Healing of Families .

    I have read quite a bit of material for the healing of families because of the sins of our ancestors. The generational curses which fall down to the 3rd and 4th generation. I can tell you this book was quite an eye opener to other "details" that I had not ever read before. I would highly recommend this book if you ever wonder why your prayers are not being answered in regard to your family problems.

    In more than one past newsletter, I have shared that until I came across this teaching, (and before my conversion) I used to feel that I was cursed....that I wanted to do good, but couldn't. I remember the joy that I felt in coming into this knowledge after listening to some tapes (yes it was that long ago), and the freedom I felt!

    In the knowledge of God, we don't ever graduate on this side of heaven. We must constantly pray to the Holy Spirit to teach us all that God wants us to know. I highly recommend this book to those of you who may be battling this same feeling. God wants you to be free!

    May the Month of Mary, Mother's Day, and St. Joseph


    continued below
  11. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Vatican II Vatican II Documents this year of faith.

    Few have taken the time to read anything regarding Vatican II, the documents, the history and the statistics from it.
    The link above will take you to the Vatican website and the documents in case anyone is interested.

    The abuses that are rampant in the Mass are as numerous as there are parishes. If you are blessed to have a holy priest who abides by the Magisterium, and your parish still looks like a parish with the beautiful statues and stained glass windows and not some kind of empty garage, consider yourselves very, very blessed.

    I HAVE traveled and attended Mass in many places, I truly have to ask my angel to restrain me many hold his hand over my mouth before I get in trouble.......the abuses of the liturgy is scandalous and so widespread that ONLY with divine intervention can it all be sorted out.

    One escape I have found from all the madness is to attend the Latin Mass that still holds an aura of mystery, reverence, and belief that Jesus IS truly present in the Eucharist.

    The Mass is not just a is not just sitting at the banquet table breaking bread, but it istruly being present at Calvary when the "alter Christus", which means "another Christ", the priest, who not only makes Jesus present but IS Jesus as he pronounces those words of consecration.

    Praying WITH the priest in silence, makes such a difference...I am there with all my faculties concentrating on this awesome mystery I am about to partake of. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY I FEEL...whether I am happy, or sad, or upset etc. It IS about the incredible miracle that will soon take place as the priest pronounces the words of consecration, Jesus' awesome presence and knowing that the ministerial priesthood is the way God's graces come to us in the Mass. Yes, I know I receive graces too from my pious acts, prayers etc. But in the Mass I am trusting my prayers of thanksgiving, praises, and petitions to God through the priest, and I am open to receive those answers and graces back from God through the priest....oh what an awesome moment and miracle!

    If, of the twelve tribes of Israel, God ordained one whole tribe, the Levites, to minister to him in the Old Covenant, why would God not want the same in the New? If we believe in the apostolic succession from the apostles, through the bishops and priests even unto the present day, would it not be the same? So all those foolish rebellious Catholics that are praying for women priests...go find yourself another church who will pretend with you, because that will NEVER be in the Catholic Church!

    Jesus today is still looking for hearts of his priests to live in, so that they DO become transformed and over time become so much like Christ that the holy priest will make his people holy. Sadly there are many priests who do not even believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist! Thus the need to constantly hold up our beloved priests in prayer.

    As for the laity, it is the same, i.e., Jesus wants to inhabit our hearts....and I can say with definite certainty that the "old Sadie" no longer exists! Perhaps it is hard for some people who knew me way back when to accept, but I do not waste one second worrying about what
    people think of me..for I know, that I know, that I know....Jesus' love has transformed me, and all I want to do is shout out to everyone: YOU TOO CAN BE TRANSFORMED!

    On another note......

    Sometimes I take for granted that everyone might know what I mean as I share certain aspects of my spiritual journey, forgetting that some are where I was at one time.....just starting out.

    So I can share with you, one source of learning for me was the GIRM, or the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. I have put the link below, again, for anyone who is interested.

    Here is the link to the GIRM, General Instruction of the Roman Missal
    that tells us what is permitted in the Mass and how the Mass is to be offered; what is permitted for the Sacred Vessels. This has been very helpful to me in learning about what IS THE TRUTH of the Mass.

    Some questions that have been asked of me are as follows:

    What makes a Mass invalid?
    1) Changing the matter for the Eucharist and the Precious Blood (which means if they use anything other than unleavened wheat for the wafers and wine for the Precious Blood such as pizza or cookies and grape juice....uumm, if that's what you have or have had, then you've just had a snack at a religious service which is not a valid Mass. (For the Roman rite).

    2) Changing the words of the Consecration of the Mass and that means one must know the Mass, the parts of the Mass and what is supposed to be happening. I've said in the past I think most Catholics think the sign of peace is the most important part of the Mass...wrong!

    3) (and we would not be able to tell this one) if a priest has been invalidly ordained. Those are the 3 that I know of.

    There are lots of abuses during the Mass, but this does not make them invalid.

    Parts of the Mass - The Consecration: Take this, all of you, and eat it: this is my body which will be given up for you.

    I'm not an expert and I don't pretend to be...but I have had to research, learn, read, listen, to know the little bit that I I share with you and try to put the links to the referenced material.

    There is much to know...much to discern in these troubling days...

    However the remedy was given to us a long time ago ....our recourse? To be consecrated to Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Joseph! Pray to St. Joseph....."Ite ad Joseph"......which means, "Go to Joseph".

    Many years ago a beloved priest friend of mine told me that the "latter days" were where devotion to St. Joseph would flourish again, that we were to "Ite ad Joseph"....

    He told me that this had been prophesied by Isadore of Isolanis, a pious Dominican of the 16th century, that the

    "the sound of victory will be heard in the Church when the faithful recognize the sanctity of Saint Joseph. The Lord will let His light shine. He will lift the veil, and great men [and women] will search out the interior gifts of God that are hidden in Saint Joseph. They will find in him a priceless treasure."

    Let us turn to St. Joseph in prayer. (Note: the link to the page above for prayers to St. Joseph and Fatima, have many links to other websites that I have not personally looked at. Please discern for yourselves if you click on them.)

    sunburst likes this.
  12. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    The Vision and message.....

    The following visions were given to me during the rosary at the Marian Movement of Priests cenacle (March 22nd) , and the message was given to me after receiving the Eucharist April 14th):

    I was shown over several consecutive weekly MMP cenacle's, a pair of scales....evenly balanced at first..then one side suddenly went down very quickly.....and next I saw a huge hammer slam down on the scale that was weighted down...which was symbolic of the sins weighing down the scale of course .....the hammer symbolic of God's justice....I was told..that our infrastructure will go down soon.

    Then it was as if I was "flying" (for lack of better description)
    behind a comet...only this comet had blue tinges around the edges..and was actually blue....and it had a blue tail.....and I heard..."the blue star will be upon you soon...."
    I have been shown this comet many years ago....but tonight is the first time Jesus has called it "blue star".... I have never been given a name for this I was quite taken aback.

    APRIL 14TH 2013
    As I began to make my thanksgiving after receiving the Eucharist I began to hear Jesus, after testing, Jesus responded:

    "I am the good shepherd, and my sheep know my voice." I laid down my life for you, and for all...for LOVE...I am LOVE incarnate....but few are they who return that love....I find great consolation in the hearts of those who do love me, for the many who do not. See I have heard your prayers; I have heard your supplications, I have received your tears.

    But look and see what I see....desolation of souls...desolation of love...desolation of marriage...desolation of the youth....desolation for lack of knowledge of my LOVE.

    To you I have shown some of what I see; to you I have shared some of what I feel; and I acknowledge your attempts to fulfill the command of My Mother in her request for you to share Her sorrow and proclaim the warnings as my sentinel in the watchtower. To you I have shown the blue star, that brings a great change and you I have shown the disruption of your society's "normal" existence because they have turned their backs from me...

    Then the Lord gave me the following Scriptures which came very rapidly :

    Revelation 16:15:
    [15] Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

    Matthew 24:21-22
    [21] For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be. [22] And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened.

    Matthew 25 1-12

    [1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. [2] And five of them were foolish, and five wise. [3] But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them: [4] But the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps. [5] And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.
    [6] And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet him. [7] Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. [9] The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. [10] Now whilst they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
    [11] But at last come also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us.[12] But he answering said: Amen I say to you, I know you not.

    Matthew 25:13
    [13] Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.

    sunburst likes this.
  13. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Jesus continues:

    "Behold I say to you, I AM coming like a thief in the night and no one knows the hour nor the day...but those who are wise and have responded to the pleas of My words in MY WORD (the bible), "REPENT AND SIN NO MORE...REPENT AND TURN FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS; REPENT FOR JUDGEMENT IS COMING."...and those requests of My Mother, can see the signs which point to these days and they understand."

    For most of my people (in these days) are wasting away in the vile sins and filth that has inundated this nation and the world, (but) the plots of those evil societies will be thwarted by Divine Intervention. The time of extreme punishment is upon you, but be not afraid for I am with you...My Mother leads the remnant through the final phase of these trying times.

    I am asking you to live an intense prayer life in these days...and it is not the length of prayer..but the meditation and knowledge of what is being prayed with every beat of the heart.

    And my Mother will (once again) be able to bring a swift end of this trial, for the Trinity where She dwells cannot say no to the Queen of Heaven. It is for the sake of those who pray, cry and lament over the state of this nation that Divine Intervention will prevail.


    (I was interrupted here and it was Saturday the 20th of April in Eucharistic Adoration that Jesus gave me the completion)....

    What is about to be unleashed on this nation will bring many to their knees, (for still), as a nation there has been no repentance, (so the scales of my justice are weighted down, and the cup of my Father's wrath runs over) (and what comes) will bring the chaos and confusion which I revealed to you years ago, but I will intervene my daughter, rest on my bosom, for the work increases and (soon) you will have no rest...

    I have heard your prayers, in the stillness of your soul....I AM.

    SJ: Amen.

    (The above has been sent to my spiritual director who has reviewed it all).

    In closing.......

    In closing my brothers and sisters, I can only repeat what I have been saying for so many years, that our victory lies in our being a part of the remnant army of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in our perseverance. Thus the references by Jesus to those parts of scripture in the above message.

    In how we continue in faith, sometimes feeling that our prayers are working, at others praying with no feeling at the consolations of any kind, but still going in blind faith to continue praying for this triumph in our prayer groups. In our personal lives of prayer living a sacramental life, close to Jesus in the Eucharist. This IS the year of faith...interesting that it was called by Pope Benedict XVI before he abdicated the papacy.

    Many of you, my "old" spiritual brothers and sisters, know the earlier messages where I have been shown disasters, natural and otherwise. Some may fear these events. I DO NOT. Does it not cause you more fear if God does NOT intervene?

    That, for instance, an athlete who was not ashamed to give God the Glory for his wins and losses is let go from his team and has not been picked up (so far) by any other team, while another "comes out" and brings his homosexuality into the national spotlight and the media is making him out to be some kind of hero?

    That sin is something to be praised? That believing in God, no matter what denomination makes a person a target, as someone who is labeled a "dangerous fanatic" etc.?

    That an underage girl can get the "morning after" abortion pill without the parents knowing, but cannot be given an aspirin with out parental consent?

    That our youngest of the youngest are being slaughtered, daily..and that a mad man called a doctor is on trial for murdering 7 of them, for they were late term abortions, that labor was induced, the baby was born, and this so called Dr. killed them after they were born and while they were alive!

    The outrage that this has no major news coverage, other than FOX news, to bring the atrocities he committed into the limelight, which the imposter who sits as president voted 3 times as senator to do the same!, that is to say, he voted 3 times that if a baby survives a late term abortion they are to be killed!

    This is the imposter elected by many Catholics to their everlasting shame!

    This kind of twisted mentality is leading this once wonderful nation! Well, God has said, and it is true...this nation has turned its back on God.....and now....God has turned his back on this nation and the punishments that will come are because of this....God will not be mocked, God will not forever have mercy...and it is MY prayer that he intervenes quickly!

    These are just some of the reasons I have no fear....that I long for God to intervene, so mankind can be brought to his knees and once again acknowledge
    God as the Supreme Creator of life and the church, our beautiful Catholic church can truly be "universal" and glorious once again.

    While there are beams of light in the darkness by many things, such as those young people who are not buying into the abortion lie and are present at the pro-life walks and functions etc.; the vocations that some of the orthodox religious orders cannot keep up with; the voices of some priests who preach while they can until they are silenced ...yes, that is a sign of hope.

    But clearly, by showing an image of the scales of God's justice, the side of the sins, obviously is greater, and like many of you, I am sick to death of all the filth that is constantly bombarded into the living rooms of families who perhaps are not vigilant, by the media, television, movies, books etc., of all the perversion of sin that is no longer thought of as perverted, while those who try to live a Godly life are being targeted as "dangerous"................

    Well I ,for one, want to be the most dangerous as I can be...I want to bring this evil force down, by being one of the toughest prayer warriors, united with all of you....all the while loving the sinner, of which I consider myself to be the greatest one who was transformed by grace of this Love, this God who longs to do the same for everyone who will bend their hearts and their knees to Him.

    When the spirit of doubt comes attacking me, I am reminded of all of these things...the terrible abuses in the Mass; the sins; the evil; the bad politicians; the bishops and priests who do not preach the truth, until evil is knocking on their door, re: the HR mandate; and praise be to Jesus and Mary, because of those of you who do pray for me, I pick myself up; ask forgiveness; and know that I must keep on fighting.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm just as tired as the next person, I am fighting battles I have never had to fight before, I want to hang out my "gone fishing" sign and let someone else take over, but I have not received that directive from God yet, so let us continue in our lives of prayer and faith, lets win this battle.....VIVA CRISTO REY!! VIVA LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE!! We MUST continue...

    I end this newsletter with my deepest gratitude for all of you, and send all of you who are mother's, prayers for a most Blessed Mother's Day....we will not always be crying....nor will Our Blessed Lady.

    So let us put a smile on our face, feel the joy in our hearts..cling to the strength we receive from Jesus and Mary and our prayers and know that we are not alone...we are united.
    In all our sufferings, trials, heartaches and tears...we are united.

    In the Love of Christ Jesus and Mary,
    Love in the Two Hearts,
    sunburst likes this.
  14. malfiore

    malfiore Guest

    Amen...amen...amen... I have long followed Sadie's journey in faith. But the question I have is this, did not our former pope, Pope JohnPaul 2 have the same beliefs about hell as Jose had? Personally, I believe hell is a place as Lucia saw in her vision, but I was always confused about Pope JohnPaul 2 views on hell being not a place but a separation from God in contrast to Lucia's. Anybody?
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    '..but I was always confused about Pope JohnPaul 2 views on hell being not a place but a separation from God in contrast to Lucia's. Anybody?'

    But the two things are not exclusive, surely? We can be both separated from God and in a place? TJP2 was merely restating the Doctrine of the Catholic Cathechism.

    One indicator that it is a place as well a state is the Last Judgement well both the good and evil will be resurrected both body and soul. There is no mention of the evil being killed again so they go to hell both body and soul. Not just spirit but body and soul.

    Well if they go in body as well as soul it is clearly more than simply a state; it is a place also.
    sunburst and mothersuperior7 like this.
  16. Mac

    Mac Guest

    I cant help but think of this when it comes to liberal theology..

    2 Timothy 4:3
    For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears:
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think, Mac a lot of people who promote this stuff are like people who go on a mystery journey. They simply drink this stuff in and take step after step but never ask the question, 'Where am I going with all this?'

    Well...were they are going with all this is exactly were the devil wants to take them.

    On the other hand ,as we have seen those who embrace traditional Catholic Doctrine thrive, we have seen this in Catholic Religious Congregations, whereas Liberal Seminaries are empty.

    1. 64 percent of new religious come from families of five or more children, which confirms the long-held notion that decreased family size is a significant factor in the decline of religious vocations.

    2. 51 percent of newly professed sisters attended Catholic elementary school. “Catholic Schools had been an engine of vocations for sisters,” Msgr. Pope writes. “That seems a wash today and is likely due to the fact that most schools have few if any Sisters teaching.”

    3. Almost two-thirds of the sisters had participated in parish youth ministry programs, Newman clubs or other young adult ministries.

    4. 74 percent of new sisters participated in parish retreats; 65 percent prayed the rosary frequently; 64 percent participated regularly in Eucharistic Adoration; 57 percent had taken part in regular Bible study programs. “Hence parish life and traditional pious factors play an important role as does more more modern forms such as liturgical ministry and Bible Study.”

    5. While 52 percent of new sisters reported being encouraged to enter religious life by another sister, a friend (44%) or a parish priest (39%), 51 percent said their parents and family members actively tried to discourage them from entering. “This is quite an awful statistic actually,” Msgr. Pope comments. “The very ones who should encourage are off message.”

    Mac likes this.
  18. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sorry Jose, I cannot let you go without a retort to this accusation;)

    We on this forum are orthodox Catholics and take the teachings of the Church seriously and through prayer and reflection follow the 'narrow path' that leads to salvation. The people you are talking about and have insulted are good Catholics in good standing with God and the Church who have sacrificed much for the Kingdom of God. Some have been persecuted for their faith. The accusation of fundamentalism is a cheap shot and it is one that the world makes against us Catholics when we stand against abortion, abominable marriages and other modern sins.

    You will remain in our prayers as we follow on this narrow path of salvation:

    "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
    HOPE and sunburst like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Mac likes this.
  20. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Wow, Padraig . I discovered M.Voris about the same time I found your site after renewing my interest in Garabandal . [after B16 ABDICATION] Which led and kept me here with Glenns presence.
    I love this guy.

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