No Josephite is your post that inspired me! This quote most especially: “If you knew the value of suffering you would never give it up. St Padre Pio[/QUOTE]“ This quote from St. Pio says it all....! One day will will thank God for our trials and sufferings....and just reading St. Pio’s words bring it all into focus. I had read this years ago and had forgotten it....and I really needed to see this today. Bless you!
I am a little wary of Prophesies that nail things done too much in bullet fashion. But Catholic Prophesy indicates that Russia joins with Islam to attack the Europe and burn Rome. The only way these things could all happen is if the USA is out of the frame. Maybe sucker punched?
America today has many problems within side of its own borders and an ideological divide within the two party system as has never been seen. Don't think for a moment when the deep sate within the US is exposed by Barr and Durham and indictments start coming, landing high ranking officials in the slammer, that these communistic globalists from around the world won't cause a diversion a major conflict. I believe this is what the Garabandal seers meant when the said, "when things are at their worst" and "communism returns". I don't know that this is a sucker punch, because it has been planned out by them for decades and they have many political friends in the communistic countries who could rake havoc not only in the US, but around the world wherever they believe their enemies to the one world government may be. Aside from my own belief in God's prophets of these times, one can with a little study of the world globalists can see they are itching to foment major conflict, which I believe has to this point been held back by the hand of God. And, don't forget how much these other nuclear powers of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran hate America and especially President Trump.
Yes, this is the most probable scenario. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Foreign Governments kicked the can along a little. In fact they're already doing so.
Wag that dog Xi. I don't think this is going to go the way he hopes. In fact it may well worsen things considerably.
I suspect there long term plan was to take over the world. They were motoring along just fine at it until the virus broke. Perhaps part of God's plan was to put a spanner in the act of great mercy. But now instead of stealth they turn to outright open war.
If this rioting, looting and burning continues and intensifies, expect to see China take advantage of chaos here and take some kind of aggressive actions.
The problem with depraved souls like Xi Jinping is they really don't have a clue as to how they will have to answer to God at the end of their conceited life. Amazingly, Jesus died for Xi Jinping too. We have a duty to pray for him and all those who live the communist illusion. Keep Watch and Pray.
Yes, as Our Lady said, pray, pray, pray. The little ones Our Lady's Army. I love what Our Lady said one time at Medugorje, 'You have forgotten that with fasting that you can stop even wars'. Our Lady came as Queen of Peace. There was a reason for this.
I don't think China was motoring along all that well at all. Communist regimes are always 'Potemkin Villages'. They only let you see what they want you to see. They'll ensure that what they allow you to see is very impressive, just like those deluded fools who go on holidays to Cuba but are prevented from seeing anything more than a very small portion of Havana, that small part of this formerly fine city that isn't falling down. There are plenty of clowns in our media well capable of being suckered, just as they were in Stalin's time. Even in the seventies, there were many who saw the future as being Soviet. Then, as the joke went, people began buying Ladas and came to realise that all those masses of Russian tanks would never even get to reach the West German border! Now we hear multiple reports of Chinese-made drugs and equipment that are simply not fit for purpose. This follows the pattern. I think the Chinese economy was coming apart at the seams before the virus. I suspect it was never thriving as well as we were led to believe-I believe no data from communists. Trump was putting extra strain on what was already creaking at the foundations. There are huge, empty newly-built cities in various parts of China. Apart from indicating hopelessly inflexible planning, it doesn't seem possible that any state could afford to waste resources on this scale. The virus event is a reflection not just of communist wickedness, but also their inefficiency. Despite unprecedented control of information, the communists will not be able to prevent knowledge of their incompetence from diffusing through their population. The communists suspect they are in trouble. The usual reaction of dictators who fear their loss of authority is to foment war and to stir up nationalistic feeling. Hence the sabre-rattling. However, this aggression has the downside for the communists of confirming their wickedness with governments abroad and will accentuate the trend to reduce trade with China. This might, with the help of God, be the beginning of a vicious circle that will lead, in Chernobyl-like fashion, to the demise of communism in China. I have great respect for approved Catholic prophesy, but we must not regard it fatalistically. All approved, private prophesy is conditional in nature. Through prayer and right action, it is in our gift, as far as I see it, to ensure that the worst does not happen. Is it not because of this conditionality and indeterminism that Our Lady has called upon us to say the Rosary? Your post from yesterday just before this puts it far more eloquently.
I am more and more thinking all this is staged. The riots in the USA, the virus, the Chinese military build up on the Indian Border, the take over off the Vatican, the media coverage (which is insane), the international drive against President Trump....the closure of Churches...and on and on and on... is all tied in together and going in only one direction...One World Government....a Satanic Government and the Rise of Anti Christ. The Writing is on the wall...
I really , really feel sorry for Catholics who are not following what is going on here. Who say all these events as some kind of accident. This is all pre-planned down in hell.
I think Scripture clearly indicates he is one person. But like Jesus he has his own twelve Apostles, precursors. First we'll see them peeping out preparing the way. Each one worse than the other. Pray we don't get another awful Pope.
I see, nice thought there, yup they act like a group, but there is one person who is the clear head of the group...