'It’s An Honor If Americans Attack Me’

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    yeah but I deleted it...in a word, galaxies do not consist of star dust but of stars. "Jesus" must have known that if he was the real Jesus...
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  2. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Blizzard, Maybe if it were not for approved Catholic prophecy I might feel different about where Pope Francis fits into the end times but thankfully I am awaiting the Triumph of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart and a period of peace prophesized by Our Lady of Fatima along with other prophecies that speak of a Holy Pope and a Great Monarch. I remain very hopeful for these things to happen. Speaking of which, one of the comments in the CWR article that Dolours posted above contains the following:

    BUT, in yet another unexpected twist of history—-at the next conclave might enough suddenly wide-awake cardinals, now largely from the Church’s periphery, NOT vote for a Francis clone after all? Emeritus Pope Benedict’s long-term hermeneutics of “discontinuity WITHIN continuity”?

    The Barque of Peter salvaged by the Holy Spirit?
    Praying, praying and praying...
    HeavenlyHosts, dcana, Sam and 2 others like this.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Yes. Praying praying praying....
    Carol55 and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  4. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    American priest to Pope: I’m ‘wearied from being scorned and demonized by you’

    Dorothy Cummings McLean

    Mgsr. Charles Pope on EWTN, Nov. 8, 2018. EWTN / Youtube screen grab
    September 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A widely-recognized and respected American priest has responded to Pope Francis’ recent remarks on “young, rigid priests,” saying in a social media post addressed to the Pope that he must “honestly and painfully say that I am wearied from being scorned and demonized by you.”

    On his way to Mozambique, the Argentinian pontiff stated that he considered it to be an honor to be attacked by Americans. In a prepared speech to the bishops of Mozambique on September 7, he warned them against “young, rigid priests.” On his return to Rome yesterday, Pope Francis again mentioned “rigidity,” saying that “we have many, many schools of rigidity” in the Church. The pontiff also said that he does not “fear schisms” and said that there had been many schisms in the Church.

    While advising the bishops of Mozambique on choosing men for ministry, Pope Francis said:

    “I would like to emphasize an attitude that I do not like, because it does not come from God: rigidity. Today it is fashionable, I do not know about here, but in other parts of the world it is fashionable, to find rigid people. Young, rigid priests, who want to save with rigidity, perhaps, I don’t know, but they take this attitude of rigidity and sometimes – excuse me – from the museum. They are afraid of everything, they are rigid. Be careful, and know that under any rigidity there are serious problems.”

    In response to Pope Francis’s remarks about Americans and “rigid young priests,” Monsignor Charles Pope wrote on social media:

    Santo Padre, I'm not feeling the love here, I don't feel accompanied by you. Make room in your heart for me and others like me. I am not a young priest, but I know you don't like my type of priesthood. Further I am an American and this mere fact seems to also make me troublesome in your eyes. I am not afraid of everything a you state, but I do have concerns for the ambiguity of some of your teachings and severity of some of your actions. Yet when we, your less favored sons, ask you questions you will not answer or clarify. In all this I am still your son and share the priesthood of Jesus with you. I await the solicitude and gentle care from you that you say I, and others like me, lack. Meanwhile I must honestly and painfully say that I am wearied from being scorned and demonized by you.




    (read the rest at https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/a...aried-from-being-scorned-and-demonized-by-you)
    Carol55, Sam and AED like this.
  5. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    Of course,the pope is NOt the antichrist or the false prophet! We have a long history to go, and indeed the Great monarch and the Holy pope are still to come, together with the Era of Peace in Fatima!

    Let me clarify below, that is no more a response to the post above that I like, but for the sake of those devote Catholics who STILL DON'T GET IT, who may not be posters here at all.

    First of all, we do not have the conditions for the Second Coming, and therefore how could we assume we are in the last 3.5 years of the Antichrist? Where are the mass conversions of the Jews to Christ? And also the Gospel is being preached to the ends of the earth for several centuries. Why didn't Jesus come then? Because it is not the earth, as the modern translations say, it is the world, the universe, as the original Greek words say, Cosmos, in Mark 16. Otherwise, China and all the islands know of Jesus for quite long. See their cathedrals from 100 years ago.

    Besides, Daniel clearly says the last king (the antichrist) will be from the Roman empire. And Isaiah says, he will be Assyrian. Assyria that was later included inside the Roman empire, stretched between the East Mediterranean and Euphrates. Search the future antichrist there, not in Rome!

    We are talking of centuries, millenia. it is easy to make a mistake, thinking of the events in the last 20-30 years only. All those generations before us believed to be in the end times and wanted to greet Jesus on His Second Coming. And therefore searched for the antichrist in their days. And all of them failed. Although the Caliphate fits much more perfectly into the prophecy than today's political reality.

    And why don't the people look for the most powerful politicians at the day, if they want to find an antichrist? Isn't it said the antichrist will rule the entire world, with the clearly stated exception of today's Jordan?

    The attempts to demonize pope Francis are ill fated. They only turn on those who make them. And please notice, I write in general, and do not single out even one of the posters here. Please, do not jump at the messenger, as it happened with my previous posts! It is not only unfair and against the established rules in forums, it shows the weakness and lack of arguments for those who do it.

    It is a shame that the Catholic Church allows such dissent for no reason. A priest to rise and say he is offended by the pope! While in past centuries people were excommunicated for much less, and in many cases unjustly, today we witness just the opposite. The pope is polite and defends himself.

    The pope must help save the planet, The question is, will the ultra conservative folks find themselves on the rescue boat and thus in the new era of peace? Or all will end up here, with a few more posts of outrage, few more interviews of angry priests at the Holy Father, with their blind hatred against everything that brings salvation and that ultimately comes from God. Everything good comes from God. Including the rescue of the planet. Even if God at times uses people who might not be believers the way we are. Remember the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. He wasn't from God's chosen people, he was a pagan king enslaved the Jews! Still God used him for one of the biggest prophecies of Daniel.

    I was quoted that I have said, Fatima secret would be in terms of flooding... First of all, I didn't say that. It is Lucia who said that there would be oceans rising (perhaps as tsunami) in the book published after her death. Then, the global warming is far not only increase of ocean level. That increase is a slow process, it will rise maximum 7 m and will ruin the economies in long term in the most fertile areas of the world, not endanger immediate deaths as of tsunami. People will starve as result, not drown. Whoever states otherwise, seems have no idea what those processes are.

    Fatima in its entirety is a grave warning. Although we do not know it fully. The pope does, not we. Whether it will be fire from heaven, as both Neues Europa version and Akita say, whether it will be in terms of nuclear war, or asteroid, I do not know. Or a pole shift will cause mega volcanic eruptions and tsunami. Since the earth is covered 2/3 with ocean, tsunami is the effect of everything major that happens, from earthquakes to asteroid. Even the new russian torpedo could make tsunami on the US coastal areas, if you want to contemplate a purely man made scenario of prophetic fulfillment.

    Some say, but it is the dogma of the faith, not the natural cataclysms that endanger us... Good! And what we see is an open dissent against the Holy Father who is still infallible in matters of dogma and moral. His accusers are not infallible, he is!

    Finally it may turn out that those accusers will refuse to enter into FEMA underground bunkers (if they are in USA) to save themselves and their families (if they are married, many are not and apparently cannot care less for the next generations, despite all their talk of God's love and their announced fight for life). Refusing the salvage boat, one way or another, that is ultimately sent by God, will make those self proclaimed martyrs the victims of the punishment that the humanity will inflict on itself pretty much done by its own hands. Whether it is via nuclear war, or via slow but damn sure destruction of the planet. Or whether an asteroid will do it all in one single day. And by the way, some of the respected posters attacked me no less furious when I proposed such asteroid is coming soon. They were fast to show scientific data how that could not be, because it could not be (as if one can prove the absence of something, not its presence, when we know there are enough number of small asteroids undiscovered).

    Well...if every proposed scenario of prophetic fulfillment, that they know no worse than I do, is rejected so energetically and with so little factology and argument in it, then I cannot help but think that those warriors for their own cause do not have much left on their disposal for their own salvation (of the body). And by that, of any continuation of the tradition in the Catholic Church that they say they live and defend. Because if they let it all die with themselves, then OTHERS will carry out the Catholic teaching in the era after, with a different but no less authentic understanding of it. If I keep writing here, is because apparently I do not want that to happen. And not because I try to convince anyone of you, dear friends, but because I have personal relations with ultra conservatives who are dear to me, who I see clearly how will reject any slavation and will wait to die in any cataclysmic scenario because of their blind fanaticism and their attempt to restrict God's action to only their own perception of it. As if they allow what God can do, and not vice versus. I am sorry for them and for their kids, and that's the motivation of my free time spent here over that.

    If of course the tide is not reversed in the last moment, something I really hope to happen this September in the UN and everywhere. We may still be able to get the Era of Peace promised in Fatima without the cataclysm. Let not forget that Russia has been consecrated,according to Lucia's videotaped words.
    (And if someone here says that it was the fake Lucia, it only remains to explain who wrote those letters allegedly of Lucia in the last decades that take such a center place in their fight.)

    The pope gets it right. Let not our blind denouncement of his every word exclude us from the process of rescue of the planet and ourselves, and by that, of the Christianity in the new era!

    September prayer intention of the Holy father
    Protecting the Oceans

    All good comes from God the Father of all that is good. And it is He in His all powerful wisdom who decides through whom He will make His plans fulfilled. Obviously, one of these people is the Holy father pope Francis. Others do exist though, including young ones who made their priority the survival of the future generations.
    Without having any secret knowledge, based on what I see in public, I think that the week Sept 20 Sept 27 will be the most important one since the end of the Cold War.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2019
  6. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Ezdras, First off, I am not going to speak for any discussions that you have had with other members on the forum and I must admit that I have not thoroughly read all of the posts on this thread. I skimmed though some of the posts the other day and noticed that date of 9/23-24 and I immediately recognized it as the sign of the date of the WCWTS from 2017. I am not certain what exactly will occur on this 9/23-24, it could be another sign of things to come. In addition, I can see from this post of yours that we don't see eye to eye on some crucial things but you have every right to your opinion, of course.

    Briefly I will say the following, we know that the pope is first and foremost the head of Christ's Church on earth - the lead shepherd to every Catholic and he is also a leader to the world. Imho, Pope Francis has put the former role secondary to the latter one. I also think that the confusion that he has created is not good at all and Vatican II has confirmed that the laity has the ability to speak up in regard to upholding the doctrines of the Church.* This could be why Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen stated that the laity will save the Church.

    Imho, the pope preaches about the 7 corporal works of mercy far more than he preaches about the 10 commandments. I think that is because it is far easier to win over most people by doing this but his main concern should be getting as many souls to heaven as possible and not to become a popular pope to all peoples of the world.

    As for what you have stated in regard to the pope's infallibility, my concern is that pope appears to be using a sort of back door method to enable Catholics to receive communion who are not in a state of grace. I am referring to his following statement in regard to the Buenos Aires guidelines for Chapter 8 of Amoris laetitia, "The writing is very good and explicitly the meaning of chapter VIII of Amoris laetitia. There are no other interpretations." This is a primary example of him not being focused on saving souls but there are many others.

    As for the details of our coming chastisement you have mentioned many things which appear to be a possibility but I am trying not to guess about this any longer. Mainly, I have been posting on various things that are occurring which appear to be signs that something may be coming soon but what exactly I'm not sure, of course.

    Just as I think that you have the right to your opinion, I also think that everyone has a right to decide how they plan to prepare for the chastisement. I also think that it is best to be in a state of grace and keep on praying, prayer can do amazing things and I think that all of us on the forum understand this.


    Edited to add:

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    AED, Sam, Arantxa and 1 other person like this.

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