If ever there was a time in the history of the world calling epople through circumstances to become a great saint ; it is these...and we are only at the beginning of the beginning. We are at the very dawn of things. But I saw a picture during the week of a poor unfortunate Chinese Christian lady who had been badly beaten by Chinese Communist thugs. Count your blessings
I looked up at the sun this afternoon today while walking the dogs.I could look straight at it, which is unusal It looked a little, well strange to me..foreboding...has anyone else noticed this? I am also getting the strangest feelings in prayer. It leaves me spiritually very much on edge as though waiting for very great events. As though the Good Lord were saying, 'Pack your bags and get set now!'
I don't think we need worry who will win, in the end we all know Christ will win. What we do have to worry about though is the salvation of our own souls, that we are not lost in the struggle. Even the Saints worried about that and in these times there is much to be worried about in that department. This has to be one of the most unsure times in Church history for the faithful.
Challenges re always good for us I think , they assist our inner growth. Stops us turning into spiritual cabbages. Forces us to put down deeper roots in the Faith. Look at the Great Persecution in Rome at the start of things. I would tend to be very positive. Recall the Prophecy of St Louis Marie De Grignion for instance: That in the End Times the saints would overshine all previous saints like the Cedar of Lebanon all other trees.
I feel this from time to time. A kind of gathering intensity. A squaring off. A sense of urgency. Like waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak.
Just finished watching this download....timely. We were discussing the horrible condition of the church earlier with great angst. Having listened to this tonight, it filled me with great promise for the historic times we were chosen to live through. We are living Fatima! The corruption of the church is now being unveiled ....Our Lady is calling us to her rosary to crush the head of Satan...now is her time. Exposing the rot within and looking to the conclusion that is the triumph of her immaculate heart! We can all be ...and were called to be, instruments in her triumph....through the rosary.
It's so good to see people putting forward spiritual solutions. If Our Lady stood right in ront of us I am sure this is what she would say....
I found this video awhile back....things have deteriorated quite a bit since then, but it’s pack full of information and analysis. IMHO....please...please watch this...you won’t regret it.
I’ve seen her speak twice now at the Catholic Identity Conference in Weirton WV. She’s a firecracker! And her findings can’t be ignored.
How ironic that the topics listed above, at least for now, are in the order they have been addressed: two synods on the family followed up by AL, one on Youth followed up by a soon-to-be post-synodal document by Pope Francis..., and next Fall's synod on the possible ordination of married men, followed up by perhaps the ordination of women? Much will have been accomplished in 6 years! Safe in the Barque of Peter!
Yep. The article is six years old. It’s an exact blueprint for this pontificate. Yet we’re guilty today of “trying to read his mind” and imputing motives?
Brian, She nailed so many issues! And I’d love to hear her current sentiments. I agree with her totally. We are the Catholic resistance! God give us Your Grace...it’s coming fast.
Wow! Where do you find these videos, Padraig? This is outstanding. It's the the first time in my life that I have heard Padre Pio's voice. What a nice little sermon.