I was wondering about him. I am so glad to see that he is still doing well and not accepting the tyranny.
Oh boy, they are ramping it up in Australia big time: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaki...ng-citizens-and-families-to-quarantine-camps/
Poor people being treated like lepers. God bless them. It's so disturbing to know that the Australian government would resort to inflicting such suffering upon it's citizens. So cruel.
To the many unbelievers in marches who have less hope than Christians it must give great courage and hope to see Christians out in force and in procession, possibly leading to many conversions.
Some people seem to have the Hand of God on their shoulder calling them forward to Leadership. Here he is here, a wonderful young Catholic. It cheers me up just watching him.
He has courage. No one in the media is kind. They treat him like a tin foil hat nut case. Watchters on the wall are not honored in their native land--even a Kennedy.
I just ordered his new book from the library. ' The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.' Should be an interesting read.
I suppose it depends on what you mean by pacifists. We pray for peace. Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers". Catholics shouldn't be aggressive or violent. There is, however, a reason for the "just war" teaching but when to engage in such a war would be decided by people way above us in the pecking order. We need to be careful not to let ourselves be manipulated into a situation where we find ourselves too closely associated with people who appear to share our values on one issue but are diametrically opposed to us on most if not all other issues.. There's something very strange about what's happening in the world now. Did you watch that New York Times video I posted earlier in the thread? A guy named Harris made the video for the NYT. I had never heard of him before I watched that video. The following video was next on the YouTube list, so I watched it yesterday: I had never heard of Tom Nichols either but the title of his video prompted me to watch it. He is annoying but I think he has the measure of what the WEF is up to. You might have to grit your teeth to tolerate him but I urge you to watch his video to the end. Nichols throws some light on Johnny Harris and his links to the World Economic Forum. Harris had made a video about how China became powerful, ending with a recommendation for his viewers to buy Klaus Schwab's book. Turns out that the video was funded by the WEF and the person who co-wrote Schwab's book helped make it. There was a short discourse between Harris and Nichols in the comments section beneath the Nichols video. I got the impression that Harris was trying to justify himself to and possibly ingratiate himself with Nichols' viewers who I reckon would be very left wing. (Nichols described himself as a socialist and seems to be of the Jeremy Corbyn/Bernie Saunders and possibly the AOC variety of socialist). This all seems to have transpired before Harris began working for the NYT. I'm getting the impression that the world's elite see communism looming and are trying to appeal to the young people who are drawn to it, all to maintain their own power. They'll probably have as much success controlling this monster that they have created as Dr. Frankenstein did controlling his monster. We all will be collateral damage as the movie plays out. I don't intend taking the vaccine and if Ireland implements the fascist style rules being imposed on the Austrians I will do my best to hold out but I won't be in any rush to participate in demonstrations which in Ireland could very well degenerate into what happened in Holland, I don't want my conscience plaguing me in a few years' time with reminders that I helped the rise of Communism in Europe and possibly the world. Sorry for such a long post. Maybe I'm over-thinking it but I just have a bad feeling about all this.
So 'just war' means Catholics cannot be pacifists. One has a right to fight for one's country. It is moral and right to defend one's property and family from attack. The Catholic church does not teach pacifism.
There will be all kinds of False Flags and agents in place. I would guess with the unrest in Europe and the USA . 'Vaccine Deniers', will be a top, top action priority. There will be all kind of Shennanigans going on. All kinds. I would worry worry for the souls of people involved in Intelligence work . A Dirty occupation.
I don't know padraig, my gut reaction is that they'll shut them down first chance they get as this ramps up even further if they can manage to hang onto power. It's obvious that at least here in the US there is a certain demographic that is scared of the opposition and pulling out all the stops to obliterate its message completely regardless of our freedoms supposedly enshrined in the constitution. I don't care much for either side to be honest but that's how things go when times like this come along. People are basically forced into choosing and supporting a side because of something as simple as geographic location but you know all this of course having lived through it as a young man.
They most certainly do, a certain faction of them at least, and they know where it inevitably leads for people like them and that scares them. Remember, it was also the worlds elite communists in business suits here in the west who set the stage for the resurrection of communism when it was beginning its supposed death throes in the USSR. The message really hit home I think when the Seattle WTO protests and NY's Occupy movements took off like a fuel air explosion. Many were too enamored with enriching themselves to read the writing on the wall. They had slaughtered the golden calf one too many times. It's been nothing but a continuation of that same unrest ever since with factions using it to further their differing agendas and elites now scrambling to protect their assets and families. As always, those trying to survive, thrive, raise a family, remain married, and do something good for society at large amidst it all are the ones caught in the middle. I'm reminded that nobody gets to sit on the fence when times like these come without paying a very high price. Authoritarianism is here and all sides are leveraging it for all it is worth so long as it is convenient.
I am glad that Robert Kennedy is speaking up for the Italians and others, at the moment. There is definitely a lot of scary things going throughout the world. On another note, I have often thought about Robert Kennedy's brother Joe and the following commercial especially when we were actively talking about Venezuela. It's absolutely scary how often things change so quickly. I'm not sure how I feel about Joe making a deal with Chavez, in the past. Now, Biden is begging OPEC to produce oil faster and he is going to the US's oil reserves to combat the current high gas prices. I'm definitely missing Trump, he was/is not a perfect man (no one is, right?) and I don't really trust anyone accept for Jesus Christ but Trump...well, enough said.
Trump did many good things for our country. I am missing him as well. He was not cast from the mold and as such, could deal differently in his efforts. You would not BELIEVE what I paid for a tank of number 1 heating oil. I use an oil burner boiler for baseboard heat and hot water tank. I don't even think my oil tank is full, but it was over $700. A couple weeks ago. I am on budget billing but even my budget bill is over the top. Thank you , Mr. Biden. I think many of these crises we face are manufactured, to be honest. Then the powers that be, who control behind the scenes, can go rushing in and act like they are saving us.