Riots Netherlands

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Nov 20, 2021.

  1. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Well Padraig - you are at least 100x braver than me - I would have cracked when they said Boooh!

    Your description reminded me of the Nazi death camps!
    josephite and Jason Fernando like this.
  2. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Feb 18, 2013
    West of Ireland
    I saw on Aussie march where our lady of Fatima was being carried, there is hope for them.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Perhaps its the believers who have the courage to stand up to Baal
    And others then receive the grace to join them.
  4. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    When I saw this news yesterday the comment that the mayor made regarding the protests becoming riots and then that violence doesn't solve anything were just absurd in light of how the police responded. Minor property damage is a far cry from trying to intentionally harm someone with a molotov for instance. Authoritarianism on the part of the government in either respect will just escalate the situation and make martyrs.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Well you know I am not quite altogether sure about the peaceful part myself.

    Look for instance at the USA. They as a Nation were born in blood, of citizens who took up arms to oppose tyranny. Our Catholic Faith is not Pacifist. On the other hand St Paul underlines the importance of obedience and prayers for those in authority.

    But there does come a time when I believe we have to kinda hit the Brass Tacks.

    I will give you an example.

    When I was young our little Catholic Parish of the Holy Family. A one hundred per cent Catholic area in the city. Extreme Protestants attacked our parish and warned us we had to leave by 7pm that night that they were going to burn us all out, Including out Parish Church.

    Well all our men and boys gathered together and when they came to put us out we all fought them hand to hand for our Church and our homes and beat them off. They went away a lot less happy than when they came. It took hours of fierce blood and guts. But they never came back again.

    The Parish Priest in his sermon that Sunday praised us for fighting them off but condemned those Catholics who had remained at home with their heads down and call them cowards.

    Sometimes we just have to come out of the corner boxing, I think.

    Anyway Catholicism is not Pacifist.
    We Irish Catholic are a Fighting People..especially as regards Faith, Country and Freedom.


    Last edited: Nov 21, 2021
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    josephite and AED like this.
  7. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Hi Padraig,
    I noticed that the non peaceful protests and riots in the videos, seem to happen at night, in the dark. (although there may be incidents of this in daylight hours idk)

    The general population, those who,
    1] either out of fear of fines or losing their jobs etc believe we will get freedoms back if we just follow the nonsensical government dictates and
    2] others hoodwinked believing Governments have rights to remove liberties, impose unjust laws, enforce business closures, lockdowns and mandates (there seems to many of these people in Australia) ; I believe these people, would be better disposed to understand reality if protesters remain peaceful and the protests occur in daylight hours.

    It is the Governments and their police and military force who are using violence and draconian measures against the people and we need the general population to understand this. I think the powers that be, want the population to remain fearful, compliant and divided because they are scared people may become united, take their power back and restore order.

    If protests turn violent, the Governments and MSM will no doubt, blame the unruly mob for police heavy-handedness, giving them justification for any brutality, as protesters would look like hoodlums. I understand emotions are high and sadly there may come a time where defending ourselves will call for active physical defence.

    The goal of protesting (at the moment) is to state truths and expose untruths. If the protesters remain peaceful they can be the small child who declares that the emperor has no cloths. Exposing these governments for what they really are. My two cents worth.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think what is happening at the moment reminds me very much of what occurred in the Book of Maccabbes. I see the readings for the Book are occuring in Church at the moment. When the Jews were asked to take up Pagan Greek practises most were happy to go along with it, including the relgious leadership. It was only hicks from the sticks, the Maccabbes that put their foot down and rebelled.

    It's not so much bending the knee to the Mandates and the Vaccines that would concern me most. It is the door that bending the knee leads to. Once you bend the kneee once for something like this, the next time and the next thing that they ask us to bend the knee it will be much much harder to resist if we bend the kneee this time.

    Better to put the foot down and say a loud , 'No', right away.

    I would say there is a big list somewhere with the names of those who refused on it. I would be very surprised if there isn't.
  9. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Yes very true, once we bend the knee than evil knows it has control.
    What is happening in Australia now is we have the hicks from the sticks, the Maccabbes that are putting their foot down.
    The peaceful protests have gained headway. Many good people have spent nights sleeping out in the cold on the cement steps of the Victorian parliament house who are joined daily by thousands of others to protest the bill to give the State government of Daniel Andrews absolute power to completely lockdown Victoria at a whim. This bill was finally opposed, I believe due to sacrifices and sufferings of the many people protesting, daily. And even though main stream media is not covering these events, the general population, is starting to understand what is at stake. The war is not over, the State governments in Australia will continue to try and implement and pass unjust laws. We have to remain vigilant.
    What I would hate to see is protests becoming violent, because I know that's what governments are wanting so they can outlaw any and all gatherings with impunity, citing the violence of protesters as the reason.


    Spectacularly hypocritical, accusing those who oppose them of violence

    Claims that anti-government protesters could turn violent are a sinister trick to cover up the fact that the Victorian government has committed sustained acts of violence against its own people. Monica Smit, founder of Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) urges all people who are objecting to the vaccine mandates or the pandemic legislation to do so peacefully – because it is the right way to conduct political action and it will deprive the government of one of its propaganda tools.

    Monica Smit says:

    There are many types of acts of violence that have been committed against ordinary citizens. The ‘no jab, no job’ mandate is the very definition of economic violence. Forcing people to choose between their health and their livelihoods fits exactly the “civil conscription” that is banned in the Constitution. Yet they have gone ahead with it anyway, ignoring our most important legal document.

    The jabs are themselves an act of violence. The so-called vaccines are not normal vaccines according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s own website. They are an untried gene therapy. That means that people are unwittingly involved in a phase three drug trial for a genetic manipulation that has never been used before. Have they been told? No. Many people, when you tell them, think you are mad. Yet it is the truth.

    In law, any invasive medical intervention without valid consent is defined as a bodily injury or battery. Almost nobody who has been jabbed knows that is what is happening to them. That is large scale violence. No wonder the government is trying to cover up what it is doing by accusing its critics of being potentially violent. Given the level of cynicism, it would not even surprise if they staged fake violent attacks to hide their illegality.

    The list goes on. The lockdowns were a form of violence. The word ‘lockdown’ itself is used in the prison environment. That is what the government did: turn the citizens into prisoners by depriving us of the right of movement.

    Banning religious services was an act of anti-religious violence. The brutal attacks by the police on often vulnerable people for not following the mask mandates, or for having the temerity to protest and exercise their right of free speech, were extremely violent and have permanently damaged the image of the police in the eyes of many Australians. They are now just seen by many as thugs.

    I was subject to violence when I was sent to jail for having political opinions. I was then told I could get out as long as I did not continue with my political party and political opinions, which I refused to do. That is exactly the kind of state-sponsored violence Australians have objected to in other dictatorships when they have made dissidents political prisoners. It is time for Australians to object to it in their own country as it is happening right under their noses.

    I cannot say strongly enough that the way to oppose government violence is with non-violence. Not only is that the only moral course to take, but it is also crucial not to give the government any excuse to get even worse.

    People who do make threats of violence not only do not help our cause, the suspicion is that they are actually cooperating with the government. Having ‘plants’ is a trick used often in totalitarian systems as a pretext for violent crackdowns. Sadly, it is clear that we now live in a dictatorship.

    The government has inflicted violence against the very foundations of our democracy. The premier, Daniel Andrews wants to put himself above the parliament, which is an act of violence against the Legislature. Health officers, who are in the Executive, have become the de facto government, issuing orders with severe and disproportionate punishments, cynically directed at businesses. Yet the Executive is only supposed to execute and changing its role is an attack on the separation of powers.

    There has also been a violent attack against independent rule of law and our Federal system of government. There are two pieces of Federal Legislation: the Privacy Act (1988) and the Bio-security Act (2015) which make the policy of lockdowns and vaccine mandates (which require businesses to have private health information) illegal.

    That law has failed, however, because the Andrews government found a sinister workaround, now Andrews wants to make it permanent, putting himself above the law.

    All of this is violence, pure and simple.

    So do not respond in kind. To recover our democracy we have to do the exact opposite. Use peaceful argument, objections, evidence and persuasion to bring the Australian people along with us.

    It is the only way.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I wonder if Monica is a Catholic?

    I suspect Devout Catholics will spring more and more to the fore in the Protests as they have done in the anti- abortion movement. Peaceful protests are fine. But morally for Catholics there may well come a time, as it did for the Maccabbees, when the use of force may meet the approval of their consciences and the Teachings of our Holy Mother the Church.
  11. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Yep. Thank God for good men like you and your brothers who were willing to stand up and face down evil. Today there’s not as many willing to do so and that’s why we are where we are, but events will force more into action and then we will begin to turn the tide
  12. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Monica is a traditional Catholic.
    Michael Matt of the remnant interviews her after she was imprisoned for incitement, (please see this interview on the remnant site) he and all of us found out she is a traditional catholic at this interview!
    She is one of us, she knows the power of prayer, she believes Our Lord is leading her and she knows that grace is free but not cheap.
    We are Blessed that God has called her a young women to this in our time.
    Thank you Lord Jesus
    Whatever, Byron, Carol55 and 7 others like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    How wonderful! These people make me so very , very proud to be a Catholic! I am a little long in the tooth now to have heroes, I should be more cynical at my age, perhaps. But these people really truly are my heroes. :)

    I see by the way that the young Austrian gentleman who threw the Idol Pachamama in the Tiber has joined the anti Mandate protests in Austria.

    Another hero.

    How great to have these people to look up to. May God Bless and protect and guide them.:)
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    This all reminds me of the White Rose Movement against Hitler during the Second World War.

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  15. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    I deleted my Twitter account (and Facebook and Instagram) but I look in once in a while at a couple people I respected on there. Jesse Kelly posted this, I don't agree with all his points but it gives food for thought for actions we can take to confront what is upon us:

    Jesse Kelly

    "If you’re looking around right now and you’re rightfully horrified by the state of things in your country, you should know that proactive measures are going to be needed if you want this to stop. The Right must become active. You cannot “live and let live” your way out of this.
    -Run for school board
    -Run for DA
    -Run for city council
    -Run for state legislature
    -Run for sheriff
    -Train with your weapons
    -Boycott every corporation who hates you
    -Stop sending your children to communist training camps posing as “universities”
    -Make babies
    -If your pastor uses words like “white privilege”, walk out and never return
    -Do not hire communists. Do not associate with them.
    -Fire anyone with a “Biden” sticker on their car
    -Doxx people who doxx people
    -Embrace cancel culture. Ruin the lives of people trying to ruin yours
    -Never defend yourself against communist attacks on your character. Answer “Nazi” with “Pedophile”. Always offense. Always.
    -Never let them use your values against you. “Jesus wouldn’t want what you’re doing!” Laugh at this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Catholics are not Pacifists.

    There is nothing wrong with having a Fire in Your Belly.

    A Real Rage against Injustice.
  17. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Some additional actions that a national Catholic group I'm working with have put into place:
    -Establish regional shelters in your area to house those on the move, in need of refuge. Can be a home in city, suburb, rural farms, etc.
    -Gather contacts and connect with like minded service providers in your area (Doctors, nurses, lawyers, farmers, tradesmen, religious, etc.)
    -Develop home based natural medicinal therapies and have supplies on hand for when our access to traditional medical care is interrupted (homeopathy, etc.)
    -Set up a logistics network (volunteers who are willing to drive supplies to people in need, drive people fleeing persecution/danger from one region to a safe region)
    -Set up a local and national communications network using satellite phones, ham radio, etc. for when traditional communications are interrupted
    -Set up a spiritual support network (prayer warriors, like minded priests and religious)
    -Train for and have the means to grow food, access clean water, other supplies when traditional distribution networks are interrupted
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I like this English guy, Carl Vernon.

  19. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Principalities

    Jun 24, 2021
    This sounds like that 'volunteer' group failed prophet Charlie Johnston organized. I understand he's raising money these days and paying himself from the proceeds. He still claims he talks to angels, despite the two public warnings against him issued by his archbishop.

    Charlie Johnston's group got its start-up funding from Jim Graham, the disgraced founder of Texas Right to Life. Graham is on the board of Johnston's group, along with Kari Beckman, the disgraced founder of Regina Caeli (maybe they've quit by now). They're accused of immorality and financial mismanagement. The IRS is investigating Beckman. Johnston 'consulted' with both, I believe.

    Edited to add: It is very sad to see the Tyler, Texas community that the bishop there approved of be put in danger. Apparently the red flags were overlooked for some time. (One example: The Texas Bishops Conference banned Texas Right to Life from Catholic parishes.)

    It's clear Catholics are not immune from being taken in by self-proclaimed lay leaders.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  20. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    I like him and laughed at what he calls the world we're living in..."clown planet" :)
    josephite, padraig and Carol55 like this.

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