Truth. Clear and surgical truth spoken here. Thank you De Gaulle.Last night the movie The Matrix was on. I watched a bit of it. I saw it years ago and did not react in any way particularly but last night two things stood out. This movie had it seemed a certain diabolical edge to it coming through the screen but also it was showing--perhaps metaphorically exactly what is going on. I turned it off because if that dark vibe I was getting but I thought--back then in the year 2000 when it came out they were telegraphing what was ahead. We have been in a kind of political matrix for a long time. Only now the masks are being torn off. But so many are still in the matrix. I believe Our Lady leads us through this. In my Rosary this morning I was meditating on the Crowning with thorns and I felt not for the first time those words "He who is of the Truth hears My Voice". Those who are "Awake" love truth. Those who choose to be "woke" (buying the narrative) have as St John says preferred the lie to the Truth. This is a great mystery to me. Why have I received the grace--it has to be Our Lady. I am trusting her for my loved ones and all poor sinners. The Warning will be a great and merciful yet terrifying gift. A very necessary gift. But I tremble to think on it.
I have never seen that film, so I can't venture an opinion. But, when one hears all the reports of what we are intended to believe is happening in the Ukraine, it's quite Orwellian. Perhaps, if we have been fortunate enough to see what is being revealed, these masks slipping, it might be a Grace from God. We can inflict much futile anguish upon ourselves thinking and hoping that something can be done about this global spreading of Evil, that if the right political party gets into power, all can be changed, or maybe some white knights in the media will expose what's happening. However, the political opposition and almost all of the media seem to be willing parts of the game. We see leftist parties manage to introduce abortion on demand, but no supposedly pro-life conservative party has ever managed anywhere to reintroduce a ban. Yet, they keep expecting those who oppose abortion to vote for them, as a matter of course. Frankly, I think none of them have any intention of banning abortion or reversing any other antinomian policy. I am going to try and resign myself to accepting that there is no human hope of extricating ourselves from what is the lash of, as the late great Leonard Cohen perceptively described, "the devil's riding crop". Of course, my despair does not extend to the intentions of God and Our Lady. I'm going to try and stop myself eagerly anticipating human rescue and leave it all to the Sacred Heart.
The elites will always have enough to eat. They will ensure they have all the luxuries of this world. They either have no belief in the Next World or maybe they think they can strike a bargain with the devil for a continuation thence. They're not so worried about the rest of us. They loathe those who produce the food and those who deliver it. To them, farmers and truckers are the ultimate deplorables. Their Green, treehugging puppets share their distaste for 'intensive' farming and gas-guzzling artics. I recently had a discussion with another commenter over on the Orthosphere, who replied to my observation that Green agricultural policies would cause mass starvation, that this was not a 'bug' in their policy, but a feature. Like him, I have come to suspect that they have a grand intention to drastically reduce the planetary population, already underway with their global promotion of abortion, contraception, vaccinal sterilisation and barren sexual orientations and supplemented with the delaying of marriage and the creation of division between the sexes. So-called 'sustainable' agriculture will complete their genocide, leaving it incapable of supporting more than a couple of billion, a lot less people with whom to share the world's wealth.
DeGaulle, you have spoken Truth here. Like you, I am learning that there will probably be no human rescue. But I look forward to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
Trudeau was always way up there with me for years as a type of the Anti Christ. He fitted all the Prophetic Criteria.
The big picture from the past until today for Canada! Well done! It tells how far Canada has fallen while leaving one with the question, "How could this have been so readily accomplished?" Even Jordan Peterson is stupefied! With the Globalists loving Trudeau, will those pushing Biden's buttons fall in line, also? It appears to me that the Elites are "using" truckers to kick their agenda can down the road more quickly. Will martial law be declared by Biden, also? We are in dangerous times. What the pandemic could not bring to conclusion, might be achieved by reaction to "riotous" truckers in merely 6-8 weeks. Lord have Mercy!
Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship under Trudeau. Dated 12/12/2014 | Updated February 11, 2015 "The Liberal Party under Justin Trudeau has become a dictatorship. The leader of that party does what he wants, when he wants, and no one dares question him. Now that we know that Trudeau runs his party like a dictatorship, we must ask ourselves: is there any indication he wouldn't do the same as the leader of Canada?"
For Catholics, Our Lady is the key, but we have to come under Mary's Mantle to perceive the truth fully. The Rosary and Consecration are key facets of her Motherly care. This is why Seat of Wisdom is also one of her important titles. With the insight Mary provides is offered the grace of humility which keeps us from arrogance and boasting. Queen Mary, standing at the right hand of Christ, pray for us!
Father Vincent van Zutphen. Thank you. There was mass for his soul this evening which we attended. His family were with him and he had a holy death.
We must be getting similar prompting Terry. I just posted in another thread asking Mary to cover all her priest sons (and I should have added Deacons) under the protection and cover of her Mantle. This has always been one of my favorite images when praying for Mary to intercede.
Awww Rory, yes, I’ll pray for him. You were blessed to be there. Our lady was there to accompany him and you’ll be blessed by her grace for attending to him at his last. May he RIP!
I have little doubt that a couple I've known online are included. We're no longer in touch, but the husband (age 69?) keeps a FB page, which I've been checking since a week ago. He's, today, chided their pastor about his (the pastor's) refusal to sign a multiple pastors' critical letter to Trudeau (requesting a change of heart). I can only imagine Cindy's (an American citizen) frame of mind (NOT good). She is 63. @alberta_cw All the people in Ontario (and their names and addresses) who donated to freedom were today exposed on google maps. Complete breach of privacy. This is a war people. @alberta_cw I’m not going to post the actual url out of respect for those people but trust me, it’s real and a lot of data.
They are still at it in Ottawa! Bless them all! (I think a lot of the Police support them.) I get so cold just watching them all.