You know in Ancient times being an, 'Oath Breaker', was the worst possible thing you could ever do. Why? Because when you took the words of whatever Oath you took you placed your soul or whatever was involved in the Oath in the Table before you. We have the same tradition in our Modern Western Courts, which we list under the Criminal offense of , 'Perjury' , which leads almost invariably to a Jail Term. It is is viewed universally as a very grave Criminal Offense involving a substantial Prison term..
Padraig, Don't be sorry. Thank you for stating this. I have huge reservations about him, I was probably not clear about that in my post. You cleared things up for me by teaching me about this. I really felt that something was not right about what had occurred but I couldn't put my finger on it. You helped explain what I was feeling. Thank you.
in March he published an open letter about the war in Ukraine calling Moscow the third Rome; (A common statement in the Orthodox Church to designate that Moscow assumed the mission of shepherding the Church of Christ after the fall of First and Second Rome (Constantinople), this for me is more than enough to distrust him.
I was pleased to revisit this issue which Professor Mazza has been speaking on. It reminds me that we live in the midst of unique trauma within the Church. Confusion, uncertainty, heresy, and schism, have all raised their ugly heads. Satan is unchained. Smoke has entered the Church. What had simmered below the surface previously, has become a raging fire for all to see. Saddest of all are Catholics who remain oblivious or who seek only the broad and easy path that leads to a false haven. God Alone can extinguish the fire from which the smoke emanates. We are the foot soldiers in Our Lady's Army who by fasting, prayer, and sacrifice add our cups of water to the cause. But each cup matters. Her Triumph is the fire hose the Lord will use to cleanse the earth and defeat satan. May it be soon! Genesis 3:15 15 I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. (DRV)
I ventured into alt right media world this afternoon to listen to an interview with a Canadian investigative journalist who has been publishing for years about the NWO and warning for years. He says---(it may be whacka-doodle for all I know) that the cabal killed Francis and replaced him with an actor. Francis went off the radar for those two weeks (medical issues/surgery we were told) He says they got rid of him because he wouldn't go along with them.( They operate out of Switzerland he says) He says Francis would never say or do the things this imposter is doing. This journalist is an atheist with no dog in the "Catholic" fight. He says it its obvious to anyone that this is not Francis. Well....I don't know what to say to this. I am frankly speechless.
Frankly, Francis is still Francis. Reminds me of that theory that Sister Lucia was replaced by an imposter. Seems like a rabbit-hole. If it can be so easily and flawlessly done, how do we know but that anyone in power could be an imposter?
Well I suppose one good thing is that these people are no longer in hiding, they are right out in the open. This has to be good. Another good thing is that the sheep and goats are fast separating. There is less and less room for a comfortable, 'I've got it good, what are you complaining about?' middle ground. So that's good too. Things have gotten so bad they are actually good in a way. You can tell God's friends from His foes nearly right away the moment without second guessing. So another good thing. Another good thing is we can see it going in just the Prophetic way that the Blessed Virgin had described it. That God would permit the Church to fall apart so it might be rebuilt. This is happening before our very eyes.
The sheep and the goats. Ironically, the term goat has come to mean 'greatest of all time', which is how many of these people regard themselves.
'Greatest of all time'. Just like their Father. Isaiah 14:13 12How you have fallen from heaven, O day star, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. 13You said in your heart: “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north. 14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”… Thank you, Mother Mariam! Lord have Mercy!
I love the way Mother Miriam speaks, with great honesty and simplicity the clear and unvarnished truth. She reminds me of Mother Angelica in this. When one warrior falls in the Field of Battle God raises another up. Election time has rolled around here. One local priest in our Diocese, Fr Pat Mc Cafferty, is fiercely prolife and has warned Catholics that they cannot vote for proabortion candidates. I heard through the grapevine that our Bishop is right behind him. This is great and the Bishop has gone well up in my estimation because of this. But why is the Bishop behind him instead of in front of him? Why is our Bishop coming right out and saying these things himself? Not only saying but acting, refusing these awful huckster politicians communion and fiercely condemning them from the pulpit?
"When a man takes an oath, Meg, he's holding his own self in his own hands. Like water (he cups his hands) and if he opens his fingers then, he needn't hope to find himself again. Some men aren't capable of this, but I'd be loathe to think your father one of them. Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons