I was thinking last night about a lady I met one time who had a terrible cancer of the face. It was like a horror picture. One huge tumour. Bad in a man, horrific in a woman. Years ago I heard a story of a poor, poor farmer who died of such a Huge Cross. His entire face had collapsed in and was just one huge open wound. Worst of all was the smell , which was horrific. Anyone who tried to nurse him just fell over being sick. Anyway two simple young country nurses ended up nursing him. His own kind of people. They treated him as if his wound did not exist..as if there was no smell at all. Day after day before his death. Like nothing was happening; just like there was no smell at all. They made jokes, they were always kind, attentive always happy and kind in his awful company , right to the end. In the presence of such normalicy the poor farmer came round and laughed and joked back. For a little while he went back to happier times. I love Nurses and Doctors, most especially Nurses, they make it so easy to believe in angels. Even in very terrible situations we can find Christ still. In the simple kindness and love and courage like those shown by those two simple country nurses.
People are thinking with their heads too much.. ..and not enough with their hearts..they want to see things more with their hearts. You have only to walk through a hospital at night times..as I do.. praying for these poor people..often dying...to see this. It gives you a sobering sense of proportion.
Thank you, Padraig. What a beautiful rendition. I vaguely recognized the tune and looked it up. It’s Finlandia, by Jan Sibelius. Beautiful.
when he published a letter in 2018 asking for Francis' resignation I wondered if he was setting the stage for a schism, since resignation made under duress is invalid.
Having doubts doesn't make Dr. Mazza a schismatic but it seems to me that he is exceeding his authority by broadcasting his doubts. Wouldn't his duty as a layman extend no further than bringing his doubts to his Bishop or all the Bishops if his own Bishop doesn't care? There were peculiar shenanigans leading up to Benedict's resignation but we can't tell the College of Cardinals that the man they tell us is Pope is really an anti-Pope. We have to submit to their authority. I don't know what authority a Bishop has in such matters, so don't know whether Archbishop Vigano is exceesing his authority
I was very uneasy about that letter and I felt that he was promulgating schism, too. Edited: I am not sure of the date of the letter I was referring to, but one of his letters I felt for sure was promulgating schism.
I can't read his heart. But I had the feeling a lot of this had to do with personal issues. My understanding from his past history is that the Holy Father has not been the easiest man in the world to get along with and the expected Cardinals hat never fell Vigano's way. I have also the sneaking suspicion that he also might not be the easiest person in the world to get along with either. Like meets like.
I just find Archbishop Vigano gives me the impression of being a little too eager to jump on contemporary right-wing conspiracy narrative. Please God, the next conclave will provide a pleasant surprise. Maybe He will turn out to be a 'God of Surprises'.
Thank you Byron for posting this video. I believe something in the near future will eventuate regarding, Dr Mazza (and many other good and holy people) hypotheses. May God Protect (at this time) all the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Lay faithful who endeavour to reclaim the Catholic Faith for Our Lord Jesus Christ. The following also relates, Episode 10 of faith and reason https://www.lifesitenews.com/episod...alth-system-to-track-your-vaccination-status/
there are controversies, however the Church will define in the future, in the case of vigan with a possible resignation of Francis (made under external coercion) Francis' supporters would say that a possibly orthodox successor is an antipope because the resignation is invalid, and they would have a reason visible worldwide to do this (the bishop vigano's letter and the pressure resulting from it), and the worst thing is that we would be at an impasse of knowing who the real pope is until the authority of the church defines it.
In regard to Archbishop Vigano, I think that initially he was trying to do something positive for the Church. He spoke out about Pope Francis' errors in relation to McCarrick at a time when the pope was refusing to answer the Dubia and when there was already a lot of bad press about Pope Francis in general. So I think that Vigano thought he would take the opportunity to take matters into his own hands. But looking back I can't help consider the fact that Pope Francis inherited a lot of problems that many of his predecessors passed on to him, in so many words. The pope, of course, has created a lot of confusion in the Church that was not necessary at all but did he need to pay for something in a way that his predecessors did not. I do remember most of the details that Vigano stated in the letter especially the part in which he accused the pope of ignoring his warnings about McCarrick and how the pope was ignoring the restrictions that PEB put on McCarrick. I also remember Vigano admitting his own guilt in relation to the sexual scandals in the Church. The things that happened in the Church were horrible and I understand that various clergy were trying to limit the adverse effects of the scandal on the Church but in the end their actions made things worse. Hind sight is 20/20 and I am not suggesting that I would have handled things better if I were in their shoes, I'm simply stating it like I see it. I think I have some of my own guilt in relation to hoping that Vigano's original letter may have solved things in relation to Pope Francis but in reality I don't believe that this was the right way to deal with things either. Maybe if things turned out differently I would feel different but in the end Vigano's letter did not help. Upon further reflection of these things, it seems that this is all part of our minor chastisement.
Carol, I'm sorry but he broke a Papal Oath as a Vatican Diplomat.. That is on the same level under Canonical Law as a Priest who breaks the Seal of Confession. It's just about the gravest sin you could commit. I understand some good came of that in that , that scoundrel McCarrick got done. But it is a very basic principle of Moral Theology that you do not do evil in order to achieve good. I was taught as a child that if I could save the world by telling a lie I must not do it... For me Vigano went out the window at high speed when he broke this Oath. No one forced him to take it. If he can not keep a solemn Oath how can I , or anyone else, trust any other word that ever comes out of his mouth?