There are members of the trans community and their supporters who are describing this vicious child-murderer as the victim of the event. One person, a secretary to a politician in Arizona, even tweeted that 'transphobes' (presumably anyone who disagrees with them) ought to be shot. Fortunately, this person has been fired. There are also statistics that a disproportionate number of recent mass shootings in the US have been perpetrated by transexuals and that they also form a disproportionate number of the membership of antifa. It is possible that they are being manipulated in order to provide a case for those wishing to ban gun ownership as a step to seizing power, but the whole scene is demonic, whatever the reasons and motivations. Ann Barnhardt has a theory, which might well be right, that the whole transexual issue is a battering ram in an attempt to declare that God is wrong and our new, Teilhardianly-evolved, progressive elites are right. Man has overthrown God and elected himself in His place. It's insane, but perfectly Luciferian. It seems unsurprising that the inappropriate pumping of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen into people might lead to aggressive behaviour. From my own experience, sudden hormonal change in a recently-calved cow can rapidly transform a normally placid creature into a determined killer-I've had a few narrow escapes myself and witnessed a few among others in my career! Pumping these things into already mentally unstable people is like throwing lit matches into stacks of fireworks.
What can we do but trust in God? A good prayer life leads to High Protection from our Guardian Angels. No Faith and no prayers leave us open to just about anything.
I wouldn't say my prayer life is good, but I think my Guardian Angel has helped me out from time to time. One time, I had to pirouette over a gate to escape a charging three-quarter-ton heifer. I was completely upside down (needed to get my legs clear) as I sailed over the gate, everything falling out of my pockets. I'll always remember it, as it was during the Chinese Olympics and the gymnastics were on that very day-I thought to myself when I landed safely on the other side of the gate that 'I coulda bin a contendah'! [Wouldn't like to have to try it now, all those years later].
I can just picture this! Your guardian angel was surely protecting you. When I was 16 I was canoeing with my boy friend and his brother. It was spring and the currents were rough and the canoe capsized. I really could have drowned. Easily. I was holding on to a branch from a dead tree that arched over the very fast moving river. All of a sudden I was lifted up onto the branch. I could not have done it myself. It saved me. It was my guardian angel I have no doubt. Sadly it was years before I realized it and thanked him with all the gratitude in my heart. I love that line from On the Waterfront! I coudda been a contenduh!!! Love it.
I thought Taylor Marshall was insightful when he had a segment asking the males in his audience to remember the emotional roller coaster of puberty when testosterone was coursing through our veins: flare-ups of anger. Well, the females who have been pumped full of testosterone to "shift" their identities would probably have anger and other induced emotions playing with their psyche, too.
There's something about this trans stuff that makes me suspect that it's an invented crisis to manipulate the masses. Maybe it's just because I'm an old cynic but I have a niggling suspicion that some of the more influential secularists speaking out against it are not genuine and are using it to garner the support of people of faith who find it repulsive. There's nothing Communist about people like George Soros and the other billionaires who work so hard to destroy the traditional family. If anything, what we're seeing develop is a kind of fascism whereby governments do the will of the corporate elite irrespective of the supposed political beliefs of the elected representatives. The corporates control the money and the press. I don't see how any government can survive by going against the will of these billionaires when there's effectively no free press and the elite (for example Soros and others like him) can use their money and NGO's to wreak havoc financially and socially. Sure, we have a choice on paper but in reality a handful of people control the democratic West just as a handful of people control the "totalitarian" East. A few fringe parties are tolerated but the divide between the main players is superficial. I think that we could end up with Communism. We have the bread and circuses now. The bread is consumerism and the circuses are smutty reality TV shows where the people are the entertainers. When the bread runs out and the circuses no longer entertain, that's when we'll get full blown, Soviet style Communism. For all we know, the riots in France and other countries could be controlled opposition. I'm very wary of the "rebel in search of a cause" type of group. I think there can be a touch of Trotskyism to such groups although I confess to not really understanding Trotskyism. I suspect that such groups get a lot of attention from security and intelligence services and can be infiltrated and manipulated much like the BLM and Antifa groups (and probably their far right counterparts) in the US are manipulated to foment division which ultimately serves only the manipulators. We're better to fix our eyes on God, remembering that all humans are created in His image and likeness. Most of all, we must remember that there is no Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female for the baptised because we all are one in Christ Jesus. Keeping our eyes on God is the only way we can avoid being deceived by those pushing anti-Christian ideologies of the left or right. Rev. Robinson is a breath of fresh air. I'm fairly sure that he was elbowed out of mainstream Anglicanism and is a member of a breakaway sect of that denomination. Please God, he will find his way home to Rome.
Additionally, the female physiology is not designed for large amounts of testosterone, and the same applies to the male who is pumped with estrogen. They are being experimented upon in the dark, and the results are already very ominous.