Yes , but really, Harris really wasn’t legitimately elected as Biden was not either. Republicans had better fix election laws before the midterm election!
Brian, the top photo looks photoshopped to me. The focus is off. However, the bottom photos are very creepy.
I truly hope and prayer that perhaps this experience for Biden leads to conversion.
What I do not understand is why Trump wants to stand again knowing that the electoral system was fixed against him last time. Surely the elites won’t ever let him win?
isnt trump considered elite himself, since he is a multi-millionarie? I have the mindset that social class -much to our woe, but its how it is- is defined by net worth, education level, assets etc. So is trump a "non-elite" ? a friend of the middle\working class?
Biden, the World's top proabortionist comes to Ireland and the Irish cheer him to the rafters. I have never been so ashamed of being Irish in my entire life.
Same here. Such an embarrassment to watch the media, the entire establishment and the general public in absolute thrall to this criminal. The taking over of Knock shrine, the "chance" meeting with the priest who gave his son the last rites, and the priest's fawning sermon had to be the worst part though.
Thanks be to God, I saw nothing of the visit. Don't watch TV and made sure to stay well away from the city. Turned my stomach to think of him lording it over Our Lady's Shrine. I had a feeling the priest at Knock would make sure he got the royal treatment - that's based on having been to Mass in Knock just before the abortion referendum. We've squandered our birthright and deserve everything that's coming down the line. May God forgive us.
1 million percent right, Maria. God will not be mocked. Our forefathers loyalty to the king of heaven will only buy us some time to amend our ways. But the continued and absolute total rejection of Himself, borne out in the slaughter of his innocents by this wicked generation of Irish people cries out for His justice (and that's not to mention the myriad of other obscenities we Irish are collectively guilty of). God have mercy on us. As for me and my family, on this Divine Mercy Sunday, I can only buy say, "Jesus, I trust in you."
For your information, at the end of mass just now, a fella from Radio Maria Ireland got up and spoke. I've listened to it in the past. Its v good. Anyways, it can be located online if anyone fancies tuning into it. It's probably available anywhere in the world actually, with it being online.
There is no question we are all being separated out in one form or another. I have no idea how soon this correction of conscience will come but I pray it comes before its too late for loved ones who have so tragically lost their way. And I pray that I stay faithful and all of us here stay faithful. The pressures to come are going to be horrific I fear.
Same, I am embarrassed. No chance meeting. The visit to Knock was a political/religious photo op. If anyone needs our prayers it is Biden and his family who have put money and power before God.
Whether this simply be a photo-op or not, Our Lady of Knock was present. I will count on her Maternal love any day. Your Mercy, Lord, outdoes the most heinous of crimes, if there be but one heart seeking repentance. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
The same as pretty well everywhere else , Satan has grown strong and very bold. Some places are wonderful still though. EWTN is an inspiration.