I was more than a little surprised. I have followed Fulton Sheen for years and utube and listened and watched them over and over again. But today when I did a search I found several videos attacking Fulton from Traditionalist Catholic sources, calling him a , 'Sketchy' saint. How very,very,sad this makes me. Hopefully it is a one off.
I love the way he tells stories. So Irish. I heard one from him this morning by accident. It was about the time he lived in London and noticed a gentleman who seemed to spend 12 hours a day praying on his own in Church. To test him Fulton asked him a simple question, 'How did you ever get to be so holy?' To which the gentleman replied, 'Considering the great graces I get from God I am very far from holy'. The perfect answer. It turns out the guy was a reformed drunk and lived by choice with other down and outs whom he prayed for all the time. A total saint. What a marvellous story! You can hear it here:
I have to be me! No you Have to be His. What a true statement. Great video Padraig. Bishop Sheen was amazing.
Fulton Sheen had a wonderful, bright eyed, bushy tailed Catholic way of looking at things, rather like those of a small innocent child. He looked at the world around him with the eyes of his heart and so saw things most other people would totally miss. Also when he saw them , like Mary, he , 'Stored these things up in his heart' so he could bring them forth to nourish other people. I remember one story he told about visiting a Carthusian Monastery to give a Retreat. As a treat for the ten monks he bought ten oranges and gave them to the Prior to be handed out to them. None of the monks knew he had given them. When he visited each of them they handed him his orange back as a gift. At the end he was left with the same ten oranges he had secretly given. When you think about it this story had a wonderful meaning about personal penance. It reminds me of the story of the Servant of God, the Irish Jesuit Fr John O'Sullivan who had reputation for being very penitential and went to a Convent to give a Retreat. At the end of the retreat the nuns found 7 eggs which he had quietly dumped out the window, eggs which they had boiled him for breakfast. This contrasts with a tale I was told one time by a housekeeper one time. A Franciscan who had a high reputation for holiness and with whom the Blessed Virgin, supposedly, regularly appeared to, visited the monastery. The house keeper told me the Father had her tortured about a hundred things that he thought were not right. But especially his morning eggs which had to be boiled for exactly so many minutes and so many seconds or he would not eat them. When she told me this I at once did not believe in the supposed apparitions. It's the little things. Archbishop Fulton Sheen saw the little things so well. He can teach us so much in this.
But I do think ordinary Catholics who lead a good prayerful life would expect to have good Discernment , be able to tell good from evil right away. A for instance an Italian Cardinal who Pope Francis had recently promoted has allowed a priest to bless a same sex union . Ordinary good Italian Catholics will know this is evil. They simply will. They won't need anyone to tell them it is evil and the priest who did this is evil and that the Cardinal who allowed it is evil. They may even wonder about a Pope who recently appoint an evil man as Cardinal. As indeed he appoints so many evil men and homosexuals as Cardinals. So it will be with the anti Christ when he appears. Good Catholics will have eyes to see. John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/i...ing-in-diocese-of-francis-appointed-cardinal/
https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinio...bergoglian-church-to-advance-its-global-coup/ Vigano continues to remind us.
one doubt I have is whether there will still be a chance of salvation after the death of the two martyred witnesses for those who rejected their ministry.
I have been listening quite a bit lately to Fr James Blount--a very good priest. An exorcist. Very straight arrow but very charismatic. He said that the danger for souls will be after the Illumination of conscience when souls will be given full freedom to repent. He says if they don't repent after that they will have made their choice. I gather that means they will no longer wish to or have the grace to repent after that.
He really raises my spirits. He is convinced we are very close to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and when he says it I believe him. He has a really lovely way of preaching traditional Catholic morality without blasting. He said his sister was far away from the Church for 25 years and up to no good but he just loved her when they were together. No reproach. Just love--as he says Jesus would---but he prayed hard every day for 25 years and then she came back!!!!
I personally think that this is related to an extraordinary brightness of the star sigma sagittari also known as nunki (name of Babylonian origin) this star is in the constellation of Sagittarius which is associated with the image of a centaur with a bow and arrow - which reminds me of description of ninrod precursor of the antichrist as a powerful hunter - the name nunki is associated with Eridu the first city in the world according to the Sumerian tradition (ancestral civilization of Babylon) and the first city to become the abode of the gods who descended from heaven (consider this inside of the current ufological cult that says that the Sumerian gods were extraterrestrials); by an incredible coincidence, this star is associated in several ways with the sea, which is the place where the first beast, also called the antichrist, comes out.
The star’s name, Nunki is of Assyrian or Babylonian origin, but its meaning is unknown. The name was recovered by archaeologists and revealed by Richard Hinckley Allen in his Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (1899). Sigma Sagittarii was identified with Nunki, the Star of the Proclamation of the Sea – as mentioned in the Euphratean Table of the Thirty Stars. The sea in question refers to the area of the sky occupied by several constellations associated with water: Delphinus, Aquarius, Capricornus, Pisces, and Piscis Austrinus. The Greek astronomer Aratus called this area the Water around 270 BC. Formation Nunki is an exceptionally young star, having an estimated age of 31.4 million years. This is over a hundred times younger than our Sun. Nunki formed from an interstellar medium abundant in gas and dust. Gravity pulled the swirling gas and dust together and when the right temperature was reached, it resulted in the birth of Nunki, the second-brightest star in the zodiacal constellation of Sagittarius. Distance, Size, and Mass Nunki is located at around 228 light-years / 70 parsecs away from the Sun. It is visible to the naked eye if the conditions are favorable enough. Nunki has around 4.5 solar radii or 450% of the Sun’s radius. It is thus around 9 times bigger than our Sun. The star is also much more massive, having 7.8 solar masses, or 780% of our Sun’s mass. Other Characteristics Nunki / Sigma Sagittarii is a hot-blue hydrogen-fusing dwarf, on the main-sequence. Its spectral type is B2.5 V. Nunki has an apparent magnitude of 2.05 and an absolute magnitude of -2.17. Nunki is around 3,300 times brighter than our Sun, with much of its light being emitted in the ultraviolet invisible part of the spectrum. The average surface temperatures on Nunki have been recorded at around 18,890 K, is it thus 3.2 times hotter than our Sun. Nunki is also an X-ray emitting star, it has an X-ray luminosity of 1.2 x 1028 erg s-1. The star is also a fast spinner having a rotational velocity of around 165 km / 102.5 mi per second.
Location Nunki / Sigma Sagittarii is located in the zodiacal constellation of Sagittarius, the celestial archer. It is the second-brightest star in its constellation after Kaus Australis. Nunki marks the vane of the celestial Archer’s arrow. The constellation of Sagittarius can be seen in the rich star field of the Milky Way in the southern sky. Nunki is easy to identify since it is among the brightest stars and it also forms the prominent summer asterism known as the Teapot. It marks the top left corner of the asterism. Nunki is also part of the Little Milk Dipper, a pattern of five stars that outline the Teapot’s handle, along with Ascella, Kaus Borealis, Phi, and Tau Sagittarii. The other stars that form the Teapot are Alnasl, Kaus Media, and Kaus Australis. For northern observers, the Teapot asterism is prominent above the southern horizon in the summer months. Nunki is close to several globular clusters, such as the Sagittarius Cluster, Messier 28, and Messier 54. The constellation of Sagittarius hosts several bright stars and many interesting deep sky objects. These include the bright nebulae Messier 8 – the Lagoon Nebula – Messier 17 – the Omega Nebula, Messier 20 – the Trifid Nebula, the open clusters Messier 18, Messier 21, Messier 23, and the globular clusters Messier 22 and Messier 28. The best time to observe the stars and deep-sky objects in Sagittarius is during the month of August. The Future Though Nunki is a very young star, it will probably end its life within the next 50 million years. This is due to Nunki’s high mass and fast internal fusion rates. When Nunki will reach the end of its life cycle, it will turn into a white dwarf with a mass quite similar to that of our own Sun. It will then gradually fade. Did you know? The star Nunki was associated with the city of Erdu and the Akkadian Gu-shi-rab-ba – The Yoke of the Sea – the patron asterism of the city. In Sumerian mythology, it was the home of the god of water, creation, knowledge, crafts, and mischief, named Enki, or Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian myths. Gu-shi-rab-ba- was believed to be the pattern formed by Nunki, Ascella, and Albaldah. Nunki / Sigma Sagittarii is also known as Sadira – the 17th-century Egyptian astronomer Al Achsasi al Mouakket listed the star as Thanih al Sadirah – “the second returning ostrich” – in his Calendarium written in 1650. Sigma, Phi, Zeta, Chi, and Tau Sagittarii were the Arabic Al Na’am al Sadirah – the Returning Ostriches, while Kaus Borealis was known as their keeper. The English astrologer Vivian E. Robson listed Nunki as Pegalus – the sea – in Latin, in his book The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology. The Chinese know Nunki as the Fourth Star of the Dipper – Dipper is a Chinese asterism formed by Phi, Lambda, Mu, Tau, and Zeta Sagittarii. Nunki is one of the 58 stars used for navigation. The only other star used for navigation in the constellation of Sagittarius is Kaus Australis, the brightest star in the constellation. Nunki can be occulted by the Moon and rarely by planets. The last time Nunki was occulted by a planet, was in 1981 when it was occulted by Venus. https://nineplanets.org/nunki/
PSALM 147:1-5 1 Praise the LORD.How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! 2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. 3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 4 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. 5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.